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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Jeansthings

  1. Jeansthings

    April Bandsters?

    Hi! Got my insurance approval this week. Long journey to get here. Psych approval held up by Docs office staff. 9 weeks before it was sent. Then insurance waited 5 weeks before it decided it needed more info. Then info was faxed to tri care on this past friday. Tri care called me on monday with approval. Surgeons office called wednesday to set up all appointments, and surgery date. Yeah!!! Pre op next week, then surgery on April 13th. From first surgeon visit to surgery 5 months. Scared, and excited! Have tri care standard. They have been great to work with. They even had a registered nurse call me this week to see if I have any questions, do I have a support group, can they call me post opp for a follow up, etc. Can't wait.
  2. Jeansthings

    Hi from Utah

    Hi, I am just getting started. Haven't had my Dr. consult yet. Will have that this week. haven't even figured out how to navigate this site. Jeansthings

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