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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Lively

  1. Hi ladies hope everyones weekend was ok and for those who are sick or have kids that are not feeling well. I completely understnad since this weekend I was really sick and on top of that my 7 yr old was too. So it was difficult but learned some cool information from a friend and think I might try and Well let me share the secret. She got the Lap band 4 mths ago and she told me she is taking these pills from herbal life that are helping tighten her skin. she does excercise but definately not as much as anyone here. I saw her in a dress a few weeks back and she looks great. She is going to call me today with the name I figured I would try it. I will let everyone know. Also she said that do to the lack of calorie intake she noticed her hair and nails were getting brittle and was told by another person whom too got the lapband to take aloe vera pills. Well those are the little tips I learned this weekend. I figure this is helpful since this to will be something we will encounter soon.
  2. Also forgot to say not only do I feel horrible I started coughing this am so I feel like my band wants to pop out my belly Jesus not a good day for me
  3. Today I ate 4 spoons of rice and 3 bites of chicken but I also went ahead and took a swig of soda. Well girls that full feeling we all is miss is there right after that swig of soda and then came the feeling of wanting to pb badly. So far its messed up my last hour. Lesson dont drink soda! Ever! Should have listened. I feel horrible.
  4. Cherbear 75 i hope all goes well on ur appt. I am sure medicine will make it better and u will be fine. Its good that u r on top of it. Good luck tomorrow and stay out of the snow
  5. Oh yeah i forgot i am going to my doc office on 2/5 he says if i am not swollen anymore since my first visit he will give me my first fill. I will keep everyone updated on that one. I really need the fill so i can control the eating. I feel like compraed to everyone else my weight lose is pretty slow.
  6. I havent weighed myself since i got the big p and i feel like i am bloated figure i should wait til after and see whats going on. I feel that wearing sports bras makes it easier since it wont bother the port area. But then again i am only a c cup so compared to the rest of me im pretty small. I purchased the vitamin e oil and that seems to really be helping my scars heal better. I am glad that everyone is really losing those pounds and i hope to see you girls put up pics soon.
  7. I can eat anything sinc like day 5. Which kinda sucks. I can eat a burger if I want but I just dont feel the need to. I just eat until I dont feel hungry anymore. Does anyone get the full feeling anymore. I just feel satisfied not full. does anyone know what I mean? And is anyone seeing the bump around the port area like I am? I already saw my doc and he claims it is normal but i never read about it on anyone blogs. well let me know
  8. I started my monthly cycle as well and have been feeling that pull and kind of weird lets say burn type feeling. I took tynenol and hope its nothing else. But something else I notices is that the inicision where my port is in isnt even. almost like its swollen on either side of the incision. I feel like i have to hold that area when I cough since I also have acold. but other than that all is well and I can eat anything and any amount of it ( getting my first fill 2/5. I also had surgery on 1/13. So far 17 lbs down.
  9. Lively

    Finally 2nd Approval

    That right ladies n gents my surgery date will be Jan 13 2008. I am as happy as happy can be plus to add to my happiness I just got a 5 mth beagle named Rosie she is perfection. Toooooooo happy:smile::thumbup:
  10. Lively

    Finally 2nd Approval

    That right ladies n gents my surgery date will be Jan 13 2008. I am as happy as happy can be plus to add to my happiness I just got a 5 mth beagle named Rosie she is perfection. Toooooooo happy:smile::confused:
  11. Lively

    acid reflux

    God I hope you could fins someone to help you with this maybe look online for more info or talk to your doctor again
  12. Lively

    Negative battles Positive.

    I want to ask you how much you way now and how will way 210 make you so much better. Trust me the people in ur husbands x-mas party will not notices the extra feww lbs you lose but they will definately notice the 50 lbs you already lost. You are doing great n i hope to be a successful as you in my journey. Feel better n by the way u look great
  13. Lively

    I'm getting really depressed

    oh honey, you can do this. U are just having a feww bad days u will be ok soon. U will get this surgery and look better than ever injust a few. But trust me I know how u feel. I had to where a dress the other day for my sons baptism and I feel like I was going to hurt someones eyes by just looking at me. I love dancing and I wont go to clubs anymore cause a booger on the wall will get more attention than me, but soon this phase will be over n the best will come.
  14. Lively

    God im a PIG!!!!

    Thank God I am not alone. I do this on a daily bases. I work at a supermarket n all the food is free for me. I go downstairs n get cookies, bagel (my favorite) sandwiches n now people are extra nice to me for my position so they come n bring me all types of samples n I inhale it without one second of thought. I know when I get banded it will be extra hard cause of where I work but I have to do this. So honey ur not alone we can make a million person club as a matter of fact lol
  15. Good question n thanks for the calming answer Stitchy
  16. Great question girl cause I am doing the same. i would rather keep it to myself n well the Lapbandtalk audience until I can fully be willing to talk about it. I just cant deal with the negativty I would receive. I will definately use the gallbladder story
  17. Lively

    Still no 2nd approval ....:(

    still no 2nd approval but soon I hope. I already gave up on the Dec 2008 idea and working on getting my high hopes on Jan 2009
  18. Lively

    Still no 2nd approval ....:(

    For those of you that know the story.:willy_nilly: I was approved a month ago :thumbup:n was scheduled for surgery on 11/10 :teeth_smile:but when the time came they noticed I was approved for Gastric By-pass :thumbs_down:n not Lap band:thumbs_up: so my paper work was resubmitted about a week n a half ago n still no re-approval:sad_smile:. I went from going almost there:smile: to not knowing when:cry_smile:. My surgeon's nurse said more than likely we are looking at the 2nd week of January:unsure: (which is right after my 27th B-day:thumbup:) I guess New Year n New life in 2009:confused:. God I just want to hear that I am approved again:bored: n I will feel alot better. After that I could wait till Jan without a problem. At least I will be able to enjoy the holidays comfortably:blush:.
  19. I am a big baby :crying:when it comes to pain. I just got a toothache that I thought I was going to die. They gave me the worst pain medicine:thumbs_down: in the world, which lead to 8 hours of insanity. After feeling better.. (I took without even thinking about my life- 4 mortin 500, 4-tynenol 500, 4-naproxen 400 and the pain continue, until I took an oxy-codine :thumbup:that a friend gave me.:bored:I know I know this was bad but I waited n waited n the pain was still there.:cool:) Well This got me thinking I cant deal with pain well n I need to know whats the best pain medicine for after surgery. I dont want to be given something not strong enough for me. Please let know your opinion. PLEASE!
  20. I am a big baby :crying:when it comes to pain. I just got a toothache that I thought I was going to die. They gave me the worst pain medicine:thumbs_down: in the world, which lead to 8 hours of insanity. After feeling better.. (I took without even thinking about my life- 4 mortin 500, 4-tynenol 500, 4-naproxen 400 and the pain continue, until I took an oxy-codine :thumbup:that a friend gave me.:bored:I know I know this was bad but I waited n waited n the pain was still there.:willy_nilly:) Well This got me thinking I cant deal with pain well n I need to know whats the best pain medicine for after surgery. I dont want to be given something not strong enough for me. Please let know your opinion. PLEASE!
  21. Lively


    ha! I am sorry but that had me spit out my lunch. lol but i could imagine you poor thing. But keep doing your thing you look great pretty soon n you will laugh at this story as well.
  22. Lively

    Wow- one year

    Wow I know what you mean about buying in the regualar section, I am looking forward to that. N girl if you have made this far you will make the 100 by your bandiversity
  23. Lively

    First Fill

    Wow girl 28 lbs I am so proud of you I cant wait to get there wish u the best of luck in your journey to a better you
  24. Lively

    The help I need, to succeed

    Wow girl you let us know it all lol But dont go by anything negative that people around you tell you. Only go by what ur doc says. Some people have had difficulties but there are reasonable explanation behind them all. Just pass that class n go head with ur surgery. It is not easy to lose weight with out help n if u can get the helping hand (lapband) them why not take it. If you really didnt need it n noone else did it wouldnt be in the market so go head n change ur life for the better. as for the boobs n butt i completely understand where he is coming from by boyfriend feel the same
  25. Lively

    the desire to be comforted

    I coempletely understand how oyu feel n i hope that ur dad feel better really soon. I know it is hard to concentrate on ur self in a time like this but try alittle at least to be atleast eating the right foods. good luck honey i wish u the best

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