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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by britlover

  1. britlover

    Scars & port sites

    So I was banded almost six months ago, I feel good, lost 30 something pounds already but I feel like now I wont be able to ever get close to anyone again with out having to tell them. I started dating a new guy and he felt my port one day and said what the hell is that. I'm definitley not telling him, but eventually he's gonna see the scars. I feel so uncomfortable now, and it seems like I got rid of one problem and gained a whole new one. I'm so self conscious now about my scars.... what do I say? Make up some random surgery? In no way can I tell him, this isn't something I planned on telling anyone exept for my close family members.
  2. So I was banded in Dec, have had two fills, the last one on Feb 11. I was able to still eat everything, in tiny portions of course. I flew to san diego on feb 19, got sick on the 21st, threw up 3 times and it was like foamy... strange. On the morning of the 22nd, I felt really good restriction. As the day went on I got super sick. Flew home that night feeling AWFUL, like super nauseous! (and I'm not prego!) Anyways, I've had the flu since then, and I have had no restriction at all. I am not eating a lot, because I am not used to it anymore. But I'm worried something happened. I have had an ache under my left boob all day. I called my dr, and have an apt for a fill or a check NEXT thursday... I dont know if it just so happens I got really sick AND lost my restriction on the same day... or if my throwing up made it slip?? I felt that stuck feeling once since that Sunday morning, but nothing else. I'm so afraid I messed it up Anyone that had a slip have any comments???
  3. britlover

    Share ideas, What did you eat today ?

    I was banded in December, lost 13 pounds, gained 5 back, then lost another 6... so that's ok. I have had no problems with any kind of food. I haven't tried coffee, don't really need it, no soda either. I have no restriction, had a fill on 1/7, next one on 2/4. I find myself hungry, but when I eat I stop before I feel I should, to be safe. Then I feel full 15 mins later. I'm still new at this. Am I eating enough? todays meals: B: worldwide pure protein shake S: 1/4 c tuna with 1 wheat cracker L: 1/2 cup of salad, 1 grilled chicken taco, no totrilla D: will have 1 1/2 oz. grilled dover sole, with maybe 1/2 steamed veggies.
  4. britlover

    first fill today :)

    I went in today for my first fill. I was banded 12/17 and had to move my first fill appt up a week b/c I was able to eat more & was getting hungry sooner. I was so nervous, BUT the only thing I felt was a tiny pinch when he numbed me. I didn't feel the fill needle at all! seriously, I had to sit up with the needle in me & drink water. YOU CANT FEEL ANYTHING!!! I wish someone had told me this before I went in. I had nothing to worry about at all! It's so simple & pain free. I have to make another appt in a week or two for my second fill. I was nervous going in there, but leving I felt stupid realizing how dumb that was. Painless!!!! Good luck everyone! Oh & I'm down 15 pounds since 12/17. YAY!!!
  5. britlover

    December Bandsters

    Oh & they say watch for the signs of fullness, such as a single sneeze or hiccup. Well I usually sneeze A LOT several times in a row. But since surgery I have been having a lot of single sneezes, also when I'm eating I'll kinda burp/hiccup, but I can't tell which one it is!!! I have no idea if that is when I'm full, or if I'm just burping or sneezing?!?!:thumbup: Anyone else feel like this?
  6. britlover

    December Bandsters

    Hi Bandsters! I was banded 12/17 and have lost 13 pounds total. I'm pretty slow compared to some of you. But I'm 13 pounds lighter than I was before!! 17 pounds is GREAT! Don't be hard on yourself, we're all in this together. I had no pre op diet, thankfully! After surgery I was on 2 weeks liquids. My Dr. said "anything you can pour", so it wasn't that bad at first. I said at first, haha. I started out the first few days with NO hunger, I didn't want to touch anything. I was able to drink broths by maybe day 3. My pain was all gone by the 5th day MINUS the damn shoulder pain. :thumbup: A few days before week 2 I wanted something else so bad!! I mostly had chicken broth, which gets so boring. Then I started to throw soups like black bean, or split pea in the blender until they were complete liquids & then strain them. So much better!! I am now on mushies & I am a happy camper. I am still not eating nearly as much as I should be. The only things I have been eating are Protein shakes, only ONE a day, maybe 2 tbsp of ricotta cheese mixed with a bit of (marinara) sauce, or about 1/4 cup mased potatos. My calorie intake is LOW, but I feel good. I'm not hungry. I noticed my stomach growls before I go to bed & I feel a little hungry, but in the morning, I'm not hungry at all. I have my post-op appt tomorrow, not sure if I'm getting a fill. I don't think so. My flinestone Vitamins are disgusting! Did I really enjoy those as a kid? YUCK! Good luck to everyone!!:thumbup:
  7. britlover

    First sneeze

    haha... I had to sneeze the other day & when I went to sneeze I had a pain in my stomach & it killed my urge to sneeze. Coughing is getting better, yawning hurts though. But every day is a little easier.:thumbup:
  8. britlover

    Any December '08 Bandsters?

    n2u1977 you will be fine! I am one week post op tomorrow and I feel good. You will have a super dry mouth with a nasty taste in it but that will go away. I suggest a heating pad for you shoulders (if u get the gas) and for your tummy. It's my life saver!!! Remember lots of water, eventhough you may not want it. Just get sleep, take your meds! I felt like I was in heaven in recovery. The next morning was real BUT 2 days post op it all started to get better. you will be okay!!!! And then you will realize why you made this GREAT decesion :eek: GOOD LUCK!:thumbup:
  9. Right when I woke from surgery I felt an ache in my left leg. I forgot all about it because of the pain meds, but the next moring it was like I just ran 10 miles. :tongue_smilie: It's still just as bad 4 days later? I don't know why this would happen? Anyone have this problem?
  10. just got home from the hospital... drinking some broth, took my liquid tylenol, few sips of water... but am I supposed to feel full when drinking? Because I don't at all. I was told that i wouldn't be hungry for a few days on the liquids. Now does that mean that I wont get full off liquids, and I just need to keep sipping to stay hydrated, and that's not the hunger? I'm not hungry for food, but I would like some broth.... do i keep sipping? Can I be sipping too much? Is that confusing? Sorry. Someone help!!! :ohmy:
  11. britlover

    Any December '08 Bandsters?

    hi everyone. Just got home from surgery about an hour ago. Went in around 1:30, they changed my time 3 times, got all set up in a bed answered a lot of questions.... finally at 5:15 I was rolled into the ER. I told my anesthesiologist I had been waiting all day to see him. They were having a hardcore conversation in the ER about their cool watches. I was just lol. Pretty soon my eyes started drooping and I was out. Woke up in the recovery room, sooo thirsty, a little pain in my tummy mostly soreness, a lil gas in my shoulder and then they filled me up with some dilaudid and I was on my way. Everything went FINE!!! I was so nervous & I knew I was gonna be ok, but it IS surgery so you do worry. They said I was their star patient of the day. Very little pain, no complaining just a realllllly dry mouth. The nurse came back to help me dres and I was already dressed sitting there. All in All, I'm at home, online, watching a movie. I already took the dogs out & hopefully I wont feel like I got hit by a mac truck in the morning. Thanks for all the support & I am looking forward to hearing everyone else's stories about today. Good luck to everyone on their way to banded life. My journey is just beginning!!!! :w00t: YEAHHHHHH!!!!!!:ohmy:
  12. britlover

    Any December '08 Bandsters?

    I wish you lots of luck! We are both scheduled for tomorrow. They keep changing my time & but I'm pretty sure I'm set for 3pm sharp!! I will be online hopefully Wednesday night or Thurs to let everyone know how it went. Good luck BillOh & everyone else set for Dec 17th surgery. Please keep everyone in your prayers!!!:thumbup:
  13. britlover

    Any December '08 Bandsters?

    My day is tomorrow. It is here!!!! Time really does fly! I'm nervous but I know everything will be okay and this will be the best Christmas present I can give to myself. I will make 2009 the best year yet! Keep me in your thoughts, and I will keep all you in mine. Thanks so much for all the support. Good luck to everyone going in tomorrow!:blushing:
  14. britlover

    Now I'm confused!

    So I understand that you can not drink while eating. Ok, that's fine. I may be dumb for asking this but what about when I wanna throw a can of vegtable Soup in the blender? Just to make the pieces smaller & easier to chew. Is that now ok?? Or is it still considered eating/drininking together. Can I only eat Soups that are strained?? Can I even order minestrone from a restaraunt?:wink: I'm confused!
  15. britlover

    Any December '08 Bandsters?

    Candy3223- We have the same date!! Best of luck to you. I am NERVOUS!!!! Uggghhh. I just want it to be the 17th already!!! I'm going to have mine done in San Jose. Let me know how it goes! :tt1:
  16. britlover

    DEC 17th!! Anyone???

    Anyone have Dec 17th as their surgery date? I DOOOOO!!!! I'm still thinking there is something that's gonna happen from now till then & I wont be able to do it. I need good vibes & lots of luck!!! NERVOUS! :thumbup:
  17. britlover

    DEC 17th!! Anyone???

    THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!! I meet with my dr tomorrow for the pre op paperwork and all that good stuff. The day is gonna be here before we know it!!!! I think it hasn't really hit me yet. As strange as that may sound. I just wish it was the 17th already!!! Good luck plh2u!! I can't wait to share our stories!
  18. britlover

    to lie or not to lie. . .

    BillOh noticed we have the same date.. good luck to you!!!!
  19. My surgery date is 12/17/08!! :wub: When I found out I was approved (only for $4,000.00 though) I thought I was dreaming. lol. So I decided, hey that's $4,000 less than normal price so I'll figure it out, and go for it. I said I'd rather be skinny & broke than rich & fat. HAHA!! Trying to make the best out of it Soooo... what should I stock up on? I have a good supply of chicken & beef broth, Water & Protein so far. What else should I get? Also, am I gonna be starving the first week on liquids only? Do you feel full, or do you wanna eat food? I have my pre-op on Monday for all the info but it's driving me nuts thinking of how to prepare!!:whatchutalkingabout I'm sure you all know how I'm feeling :cool2:
  20. I have my first appointment on Thursday with Dr. McKeen in San Jose. I hear that Blue Cross covers this procedure no problem. The only thing is this Dr. is "out of network". What does this mean in regards to coverage? Do I have to pay a huge chunk? My BMI is 35.4, I'm 5'3'', 200 pounds. I have been told I will be approved by the Dr. no problem. I also have mild sleep apnea, back pain, a dieting does NOT work. I've done all my homework, and am ready. Anybody have any thoughts? Insurance is pretty much a foreign language to me.
  21. britlover

    Anthem Blue Cross PPO California?

    Do you guys think having sleep apnea (even if it's mild) will help any? I've also had pretty bad migraines for years now, and back pain. A friend of mine went to this doctor and her BMI was only 28, and blue cross approved her. It's so frustrating!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
