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About britlover

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 09/22/1983
  1. Happy 29th Birthday britlover!

  2. 3 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 3rd Anniversary britlover!

  3. britlover

    Scars & port sites

    So I was banded almost six months ago, I feel good, lost 30 something pounds already but I feel like now I wont be able to ever get close to anyone again with out having to tell them. I started dating a new guy and he felt my port one day and said what the hell is that. I'm definitley not telling him, but eventually he's gonna see the scars. I feel so uncomfortable now, and it seems like I got rid of one problem and gained a whole new one. I'm so self conscious now about my scars.... what do I say? Make up some random surgery? In no way can I tell him, this isn't something I planned on telling anyone exept for my close family members.
  4. So I was banded in Dec, have had two fills, the last one on Feb 11. I was able to still eat everything, in tiny portions of course. I flew to san diego on feb 19, got sick on the 21st, threw up 3 times and it was like foamy... strange. On the morning of the 22nd, I felt really good restriction. As the day went on I got super sick. Flew home that night feeling AWFUL, like super nauseous! (and I'm not prego!) Anyways, I've had the flu since then, and I have had no restriction at all. I am not eating a lot, because I am not used to it anymore. But I'm worried something happened. I have had an ache under my left boob all day. I called my dr, and have an apt for a fill or a check NEXT thursday... I dont know if it just so happens I got really sick AND lost my restriction on the same day... or if my throwing up made it slip?? I felt that stuck feeling once since that Sunday morning, but nothing else. I'm so afraid I messed it up Anyone that had a slip have any comments???
  5. britlover

    Share ideas, What did you eat today ?

    I was banded in December, lost 13 pounds, gained 5 back, then lost another 6... so that's ok. I have had no problems with any kind of food. I haven't tried coffee, don't really need it, no soda either. I have no restriction, had a fill on 1/7, next one on 2/4. I find myself hungry, but when I eat I stop before I feel I should, to be safe. Then I feel full 15 mins later. I'm still new at this. Am I eating enough? todays meals: B: worldwide pure protein shake S: 1/4 c tuna with 1 wheat cracker L: 1/2 cup of salad, 1 grilled chicken taco, no totrilla D: will have 1 1/2 oz. grilled dover sole, with maybe 1/2 steamed veggies.
  6. britlover

    first fill today :)

    I went in today for my first fill. I was banded 12/17 and had to move my first fill appt up a week b/c I was able to eat more & was getting hungry sooner. I was so nervous, BUT the only thing I felt was a tiny pinch when he numbed me. I didn't feel the fill needle at all! seriously, I had to sit up with the needle in me & drink water. YOU CANT FEEL ANYTHING!!! I wish someone had told me this before I went in. I had nothing to worry about at all! It's so simple & pain free. I have to make another appt in a week or two for my second fill. I was nervous going in there, but leving I felt stupid realizing how dumb that was. Painless!!!! Good luck everyone! Oh & I'm down 15 pounds since 12/17. YAY!!!
  7. britlover

    December Bandsters

    Oh & they say watch for the signs of fullness, such as a single sneeze or hiccup. Well I usually sneeze A LOT several times in a row. But since surgery I have been having a lot of single sneezes, also when I'm eating I'll kinda burp/hiccup, but I can't tell which one it is!!! I have no idea if that is when I'm full, or if I'm just burping or sneezing?!?!:thumbup: Anyone else feel like this?
  8. britlover

    December Bandsters

    Hi Bandsters! I was banded 12/17 and have lost 13 pounds total. I'm pretty slow compared to some of you. But I'm 13 pounds lighter than I was before!! 17 pounds is GREAT! Don't be hard on yourself, we're all in this together. I had no pre op diet, thankfully! After surgery I was on 2 weeks liquids. My Dr. said "anything you can pour", so it wasn't that bad at first. I said at first, haha. I started out the first few days with NO hunger, I didn't want to touch anything. I was able to drink broths by maybe day 3. My pain was all gone by the 5th day MINUS the damn shoulder pain. :thumbup: A few days before week 2 I wanted something else so bad!! I mostly had chicken broth, which gets so boring. Then I started to throw soups like black bean, or split pea in the blender until they were complete liquids & then strain them. So much better!! I am now on mushies & I am a happy camper. I am still not eating nearly as much as I should be. The only things I have been eating are Protein shakes, only ONE a day, maybe 2 tbsp of ricotta cheese mixed with a bit of (marinara) sauce, or about 1/4 cup mased potatos. My calorie intake is LOW, but I feel good. I'm not hungry. I noticed my stomach growls before I go to bed & I feel a little hungry, but in the morning, I'm not hungry at all. I have my post-op appt tomorrow, not sure if I'm getting a fill. I don't think so. My flinestone Vitamins are disgusting! Did I really enjoy those as a kid? YUCK! Good luck to everyone!!:thumbup:
  9. britlover

    First sneeze

    haha... I had to sneeze the other day & when I went to sneeze I had a pain in my stomach & it killed my urge to sneeze. Coughing is getting better, yawning hurts though. But every day is a little easier.:thumbup:
  10. britlover

    Any December '08 Bandsters?

    n2u1977 you will be fine! I am one week post op tomorrow and I feel good. You will have a super dry mouth with a nasty taste in it but that will go away. I suggest a heating pad for you shoulders (if u get the gas) and for your tummy. It's my life saver!!! Remember lots of water, eventhough you may not want it. Just get sleep, take your meds! I felt like I was in heaven in recovery. The next morning was real BUT 2 days post op it all started to get better. you will be okay!!!! And then you will realize why you made this GREAT decesion :eek: GOOD LUCK!:thumbup:
  11. Right when I woke from surgery I felt an ache in my left leg. I forgot all about it because of the pain meds, but the next moring it was like I just ran 10 miles. :tongue_smilie: It's still just as bad 4 days later? I don't know why this would happen? Anyone have this problem?
  12. just got home from the hospital... drinking some broth, took my liquid tylenol, few sips of water... but am I supposed to feel full when drinking? Because I don't at all. I was told that i wouldn't be hungry for a few days on the liquids. Now does that mean that I wont get full off liquids, and I just need to keep sipping to stay hydrated, and that's not the hunger? I'm not hungry for food, but I would like some broth.... do i keep sipping? Can I be sipping too much? Is that confusing? Sorry. Someone help!!! :ohmy:
  13. britlover

    Any December '08 Bandsters?

    hi everyone. Just got home from surgery about an hour ago. Went in around 1:30, they changed my time 3 times, got all set up in a bed answered a lot of questions.... finally at 5:15 I was rolled into the ER. I told my anesthesiologist I had been waiting all day to see him. They were having a hardcore conversation in the ER about their cool watches. I was just lol. Pretty soon my eyes started drooping and I was out. Woke up in the recovery room, sooo thirsty, a little pain in my tummy mostly soreness, a lil gas in my shoulder and then they filled me up with some dilaudid and I was on my way. Everything went FINE!!! I was so nervous & I knew I was gonna be ok, but it IS surgery so you do worry. They said I was their star patient of the day. Very little pain, no complaining just a realllllly dry mouth. The nurse came back to help me dres and I was already dressed sitting there. All in All, I'm at home, online, watching a movie. I already took the dogs out & hopefully I wont feel like I got hit by a mac truck in the morning. Thanks for all the support & I am looking forward to hearing everyone else's stories about today. Good luck to everyone on their way to banded life. My journey is just beginning!!!! :w00t: YEAHHHHHH!!!!!!:ohmy:
  14. britlover

    Any December '08 Bandsters?

    I wish you lots of luck! We are both scheduled for tomorrow. They keep changing my time & but I'm pretty sure I'm set for 3pm sharp!! I will be online hopefully Wednesday night or Thurs to let everyone know how it went. Good luck BillOh & everyone else set for Dec 17th surgery. Please keep everyone in your prayers!!!:thumbup:

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