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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ~Mauriah~

  1. Hey. I'm so sorry, this is the first time I've been on here in over a month. Do you still have these questions? If so, I'll be glad to answer them.

  2. Have any of you ever experienced any bloating after surgery? I'm 16 days post-op and I am visibly swollen and it feels like fluid. My fingers, abdomen, and face is swollen. Now, I did start my peroid a few days ago but this seems like much more than that. What chu think?
  3. Okay, I'm two weeks out today. I've been on liquids but I think it's time to go to softer foods. My Nutritionist had to cancel my appointment for tomorrow and my next appointment isn't unitl the 7th of January. I need to know what I can eat now. I've done well on the liquids but I need something else. Help me please.:smile:
  4. ~Mauriah~

    Am I just being impatient?

    I think psych counseling has a lot to do with the band. If you don't fix your head about food, I think you will have a much harder time having long term success. My doctors have put me through the ringer because I have a food addiction. How else did I get to 332 pounds? I can tell myself all day long that I got here because I like the taste of food but that's not true. I love food because it comforts me, it makes me happy when I'm mad, it calms me when I'm having a stressful day, food does a lot for me. I was wondering if Mike had counseling because even before my band I no longer looked at food the same and I couldn't hold as much. He has done a good job and should be proud of what he has been through and accomplished. Don't get me wrong, I wasn't knocking his success. I'm just wondering if he had thought about counseling. Different things help different people and I'm not ashamed to say my counselor had helped me more than anyone in my life deal with my food issues.
  5. ~Mauriah~

    Friday, 12/12/08

    Today has been great. Me and Jerry got up early, went to the mall, Toys R Us, Ollie's, and I can't remember where else. We had a great day. Got home just in time to unload the car so Jerry could go out and get W. The evening consisted of me taking a nap, and shopping some more online. A great day, I'm really tired. Good night~:rolleyes2:
  6. ~Mauriah~

    Friday, 12/12/08

    Today has been great. Me and Jerry got up early, went to the mall, Toys R Us, Ollie's, and I can't remember where else. We had a great day. Got home just in time to unload the car so Jerry could go out and get W. The evening consisted of me taking a nap, and shopping some more online. A great day, I'm really tired. Good night~:biggrin:
  7. ~Mauriah~

    Thursday, 12/11/08

    I officially want to die today. My body hurts, my stomach especially. I'm nauseas, irritable, and plain out miserable. I'm sure this is normal. I called my doctor because mama came over yesterday and as soon as she got home, she started throwing up/diarrhea, I called them because I'm afraid I have the virus. They called me in some medicine because they said I can't get sick or that may mess up my band. Jerry has gone to get my meds. Robert is here and spent a few hours with me. We had a nice visit. Will told me tonight that he can tell I'm losing weight already. Thank you Will, u make my day and my life. :biggrin:
  8. ~Mauriah~

    Thursday, 12/11/08

    I officially want to die today. My body hurts, my stomach especially. I'm nauseas, irritable, and plain out miserable. I'm sure this is normal. I called my doctor because mama came over yesterday and as soon as she got home, she started throwing up/diarrhea, I called them because I'm afraid I have the virus. They called me in some medicine because they said I can't get sick or that may mess up my band. Jerry has gone to get my meds. Robert is here and spent a few hours with me. We had a nice visit. Will told me tonight that he can tell I'm losing weight already. Thank you Will, u make my day and my life. :rolleyes2:
  9. ~Mauriah~

    Wednesday, 12/10/08

    I have slept a lot today. Poor Jerry is being so patient with me. I'm a handful at times and when I want something I want it NOW, no waiting. I need to be more patient. Jerry is an angel, he has been to the grocery store, washed all the clothes, taken care of all of Will's needs, fixed my meds, water, jello, you name it he has done it. Thank you Jerry.:rolleyes2:
  10. ~Mauriah~

    Wednesday, 12/10/08

    I have slept a lot today. Poor Jerry is being so patient with me. I'm a handful at times and when I want something I want it NOW, no waiting. I need to be more patient. Jerry is an angel, he has been to the grocery store, washed all the clothes, taken care of all of Will's needs, fixed my meds, water, jello, you name it he has done it. Thank you Jerry.:biggrin:
  11. ~Mauriah~

    Tuesday, 12/9/08

    8:05 a.m. - Well, it's done. I' banded and I'm happy. My nurses have been wonderful all night and the care I have received has been top notch. It seems like every few minutes they were in here last night checking me. My blood pressure was somewhat of a problem, it stayed between 84/40 all night. Luckily, I was in ICU and was watched constantly. My doctor has been in o see me and he said all went well with my surgery. He fixed my Hiatal Hernia while he was in there and that I can go home soon, probably by lunch. 10:00 a.m. - The bariatric nurse has been in here already and has discussed everything I need to go home. Jerry isn't here yet, so she called him and he was in the lobby. He had to go home last night because he snores and he was afraid of keeping me awake. I'm so glad I have done this. I have to drink an ounce of fluid before I can go home so they can make sure I don't get sick. 11:40 - I'm fixing to roll outta here. Jerry is helping me change, we are going home. Yeah! 2:00 - I'm home, home sweet home. Couch here I come! On the way out to the car I stopped and waited for Jerry to get the car. Me and one of nurses were sitting in the lobby and I heard my name, I looked over at the visitors station and there were a couple of ladies trying to find me in the system. I had flowers from Tony Seifred. How sweet he remembered. Luckily, I heard my name and got them. Anyway~ it's nap time.
  12. ~Mauriah~

    Tuesday, 12/9/08

    8:05 a.m. - Well, it's done. I' banded and I'm happy. My nurses have been wonderful all night and the care I have received has been top notch. It seems like every few minutes they were in here last night checking me. My blood pressure was somewhat of a problem, it stayed between 84/40 all night. Luckily, I was in ICU and was watched constantly. My doctor has been in o see me and he said all went well with my surgery. He fixed my Hiatal Hernia while he was in there and that I can go home soon, probably by lunch. 10:00 a.m. - The bariatric nurse has been in here already and has discussed everything I need to go home. Jerry isn't here yet, so she called him and he was in the lobby. He had to go home last night because he snores and he was afraid of keeping me awake. I'm so glad I have done this. I have to drink an ounce of fluid before I can go home so they can make sure I don't get sick. 11:40 - I'm fixing to roll outta here. Jerry is helping me change, we are going home. Yeah! 2:00 - I'm home, home sweet home. Couch here I come! On the way out to the car I stopped and waited for Jerry to get the car. Me and one of nurses were sitting in the lobby and I heard my name, I looked over at the visitors station and there were a couple of ladies trying to find me in the system. I had flowers from Tony Seifred. How sweet he remembered. Luckily, I heard my name and got them. Anyway~ it's nap time.
  13. ~Mauriah~

    Day of Surgery, 12/8/08

    I have made it, I'm there. A few more hours and I will be a December Bandit. Please don't let anything stop this. I am desperate for this life change...
  14. ~Mauriah~

    Day of Surgery, 12/8/08

    I have made it, I'm there. A few more hours and I will be a December Bandit. Please don't let anything stop this. I am desperate for this life change...
  15. Hey, I would call the doctor ASAP. I was banded on Monday and my hospital release papers say that if you vomit you should call your doctor immediately. The symptoms you are describing sound horrible. Don't take a chance, call.:rolleyes2:
  16. ~Mauriah~

    Am I just being impatient?

    Hey Mike. My psychologist told me this is a problem for some people. May I ask, did you go through any psych counseling?
  17. ~Mauriah~

    First weigh in!!!

    Omg! You should be so proud of yourself. I was banded on the 8th but so far I haven't lost any weight. I heard that was normal. Anyway~ keep up the good work and keep pushing yourself and changing your life!:rolleyes2:
  18. Hello all. I was banded on Monday, Dec 8 and I'm having some concerns. When I get on the scale every morning, I go up a pound or two? Is this normal?
  19. ~Mauriah~

    Is this normal?

    thank u for the reply. i guess i didn't take into account that i'm healing, thank u for pointing that out. good luck!
  20. ~Mauriah~

    Is this normal?

    thank u for the encouragement. i'm going to get my husband to hide the scales.
  21. ~Mauriah~

    December 8-12???

    Hey. I'm getting banded Monday the 8th. Good luck to you. I'm so excited.
  22. ~Mauriah~

    My Beautiful Face (( Despite My Ugly Body))

    u r a beautiful girl!
  23. ~Mauriah~

    Woo hoo!!! size 14 jeans!11/30/08

    wow! u look great, keep up the good work!
  24. Well, my visit was only an hour but the psych sent paperwork home with me that took at least another hour or two and then I had to send it back. My next visit consisted of the psych telling my why he was putting my surgery off for a while. He told me I had an eating disorder and that he had to fix my brain before I could have surgery. I thought dear Jesus this could take years but actually I went to him every 1-2 weeks for about 3 months and then he released me. My surgery date is in 9 days and I can't wait! The funny thing is, I'm still going to my therapist, my choice because he actually helped me. He taught me that holding grudges against people would actually make me unable to lose weight because when I thought of these people I would eat. Weird huh? Good luck, keep your head up and just be honest with your therapist. It will go much faster if you tell the truth and let him "figure" you out.
  25. Okay, I have a question. My surgery is the 8th of December and I'm on my pre-diet. I'm doing great but I have a question about eating on T-giving. My diet now consists of : Per day 3 Protein shakes 1 lean cuisine with <300 calories,<45 carbs, >14 Protein 5 ounces of lean protein 2 cups of salad 2 tbsp. dressing 1/2 cup green veggies Okay, my question is do you think instead of the lean cuisine, I could just substitute turkey and a salad? I would think it would be okay but I don't want to do anything that could jeopardize my surgery and my Nutritionist is off today. Help please.

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