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LAP-BAND Patients
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About kimsretro

  • Rank
    On my way to new me
  • Birthday 04/18/1967

About Me

  • Biography
    Married Mother of 2 teenagers.
  • Interests
    riding my motorcycle
  • Occupation
  • City
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  • Zip Code
  1. Happy 46th Birthday kimsretro!

  2. Happy 45th Birthday kimsretro!

  3. Happy Mother's Day!!!!!!

  4. kimsretro

    Any locals?

    I am so sorry for missing you Friday night. I have 2 teenagers and my son had wrecked his girlfriends car. He is fine, THE CAR NOT SO GOOD. I will try to make walking this week if you have days in mind. Not sure I will make it in the morning. Again, truly sorry. Thanks for waiting anyway.
  5. kimsretro

    Any locals?

    I would love to walk Friday night. 896/40 at the park? I work at the University and I plan on starting the gym this weekend. But walking with a great group of people would help alot as well. Now, I have to ask, are you gals marathon walkers? I am NOT. :rolleyes2: kim
  6. kimsretro

    Any locals?

    Hey gang, My name is Kim and I had surgery on 6/2/06. I have had some struggles along the way but I have managed a 75 pound loss. I would love to join the group for some walks. One of my biggest issues is exercise....quite frankly....I HATE IT...LOL But my goal is to be better about this day to day. Look forward to meeting some of you in the futures. Kim:shades_smile:
  7. kimsretro

    DISCOURAGED... anyone else?

    Don't get discouraged. The gas is to be expected after any surgery. I had it really bad for a few days. Gasx and walking will help. The diarreah is also due in part to liquids and such during surgery and only having liquids in your system...this too shall pass. Hang in there girl, it will get better.
  8. kimsretro

    Is this enough?

    Girl, I say, whatever you are doing is enough. Something is always better then nothing. With that being said, I say go to the gym. The heck with those guys and girls whom you think might be looking at you. I was the same way. I was 330 pounds when I started this journey. I work at the local University and we have a gym also. It is usually packed full of the hot buff college kids. But let me tell you how suprised I was when those same kids after being there a week, started offering great advise. You may THINK you are being watch, I DID, but in all reality, your not. Give it shot and go for it.
  9. kimsretro

    Lump Crab Meat

    Oh yummy, this sounds great. I will have to give it a try.
  10. You go girl!!!! You deserve to be happy and you deserve to be treated like the princess that you are. I feel no matter what your size, your true love will find you and love you for who you are. My husband and I met and married when I was at my highest 330. Best of luck to you and let us know your progress.
  11. kimsretro

    Am I Alone Here

    Nice to meet you both. I was banded back in June 06. What a journey. SLOW of course but thats ok by me. Hope to chat with you all more.
  12. kimsretro

    motorcycle ride?

    I had surgery on Friday and went riding my 1300 on Sunday. It really all depends on you and how well you feel. Rubber Side down and blue skies to all.
  13. kimsretro

    A Wonderful Nsv

    Thank you everyone. I think she is a pretty awesome kid too. :clap2: :clap2:
  14. kimsretro

    A Wonderful Nsv

    :angel: I had to share a great story about my 16 year old daughter. Let me start by saying that she was very nervous and against the surgery from the start. We have a few friends who had gastric bypass and have had major issues ever since. So she was afraid that lapband would cause some of the same issues. Even after all the information and talking it didn't ease her mind. But I did what I thought was best for ME. I was banded in June 06. To date I have lost 54 pounds. Slow but I am ok with that. This morning I took her to school and she gets out of the car and hands me this note and said dont read it til you leave. I waited til she walked away and pulled into a spot to read the letter.:kiss OMG, I sat in the parking lot of her high school with tears in my eyes. This is the letter: :angel: Mom, I want to let you know that I am really proud of you. You've done so much for everyone else, it's nice to see you doing something for yourself. I've noticed a big difference in you since June. You are more confident and you've lost alot of weight. Even when times got hard with this & after everything everyone has said you kept going and you have succeeded greatly. I also want to say I love you and no matter what I believe in you!!! You look great and I am proud of you!! Let me just tell you even though others have told me the same things Nothing means more than hearing it come from her. Thanks for letting me share.
  15. kimsretro

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Hope everyone is having a great Monday. We are expecting some snow here over the next few days, weather man says alot then nothing, I dont think they really know what to say....LOL I officially hit the -50 pound mark today. I was :clap2: so excited. Its been a journey thats for sure. This band can be so fickle. My husband says now I know what its like to have a wife....LOL of course he isnt getting a nice valentines now....LOL Actually he has been very supportive. A friends husband made a comment about my butt this weekend. It was weird and nice at the same time. I guess others are noticing the wieght loss too.

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