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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by nvr2late

  1. I was banded Jan 27th. Seem to be doing good for the most part. That first night was the worst, they were having trouble managing my pain. I was on Clear liquids the first 2 days, and then switched to full liquids for 2 weeks. I am on full liquids now, just having trouble getting all 64 oz in as well as Protein, hardly have any appetite. Soup seems to be my favorite by far as it is warm and comforting, feels good going down.

    The thing that bothers me most is the pain in my left shoulder. Does anyone know the cause of this? I have been using a heat pack and liquid Tylenol for it, but it doesn't seem to want to go away.

    Overall I feel like I've made a wonderful choice, am able to get up and walk around quite a bit, which definitely helps with the gas. My tummy is very bubble/gassy, but that is getting better the more I move about.

    Am anxious to get back to work, have to wait 4 weeks, since I can't lift more than 10 lbs for 4 weeks and the infant I care for is 25-30ish lbs. I know I need the recovery time so I am taking full advantage of it.


    Woohoo Jan 27th Bandsters! :thumbup:

    Yes, the pain you are feeling in your shoulder is from the gas. I was banded on the 20th and I swore the pain in my shoulder hurt more than anything else!! The gas is sooo annoying. Keep walking around. That seems to help alot. You will definitely know when you have gotten it all out. YOu will feel what a difference and not feel so bloated all the time.

    I spoke to soon and pulled a muscle around my port area. Imagine getting a Charlie horse but in your belly!! :thumbup:

    Worst pain I ever felt in my life! I wasnt sure if I messed something up til I called my doc and he said it was normal.

    Got a huge purple bruise and it took about 2 days for the swelling to go down. So whatever you do pls. take it easy. I wouldnt wish that pain on no one!

    Btw, I see you are from Lynnwood...we used to live in Mt Lake Terrace. :thumbup: Remember going to Alderwood Mall all the time! I miss Wa.

    Take Care All!

  2. Glad to hear you are up and about! How are you feeling now? Yes, I had a hiatal hernia. The first two nights I woke up in the middle of the night with this horrible pain. I thought someone was squeezing the life outta me. I ended up mentioning to the nurse when she called me and she said it was pain from the hernia. I dont feel it anymore. thank God. It was very painful and scary. I wish you a speedy recovery!

    Keep walking!

  3. Hey Everyone!

    I too was banded on Jan 20th. Feeling good up until two days ago when I pulled a muscle near my port. OUCH!! It felt like someone was ripping my insides out. My hubby had to call my dr cuz he was a nervous wreck that I messed something up. Doctor said it was normal to go thru this and to take some ibuprofen. Feeling a little better, still sore though. Also, now have a nasty purple bruise near port area.

    Hopefully I will feel better soon. First fill is on Feb 23.

    Good luck to you ladies and Take Care!

  4. I was banded on Jan 20th and two nights ago think I pulled a muscle near my port. I was in soooo much pain. I thought I had damaged something. The pain felt like someone was ripping me from the inside. My husband ended up calling my doctor @ midnight. My doc said that this was normal and just to take some Ibuprofen. I had been feeling really good before this incident. Now, for the past 2 days I have been sore near my port and have a huge purple bruise near it.

    Im hoping that it will feel better in a few days.

    What a scary thing!

    Relieved to know that I am not the only one to be going thru this.

    Good luck to all!

  5. Hang in there! I was banded on Jan 20th and also had the hernia repair. I had sooo much pain in my shoulder for the first couple of days!! The gas was so horrible too. I thought it would never end. I took everyones advice and got some liquid Tylenol and that seemed to help. And also just getting up and walking it out. I know your first inclination is to just lay in bed and rest but the walking is really the best for getting all that gas out and you will feel so much better. Publix is right by my house so when jumped in the car with my hubby and walked around just enough to grab a few things and get back home. I did notice that it helped speed the recovery process up. You will feel so much better when you get past the first week.

    Good luck to you all!

  6. I was banded 1/19 and I too feel like walking and just sitting upright makes a difference.

    Also, I am COLD. Cold in my fingers and toes.

    So far the best I can do is get down 1 protien shake / day for a total of 17g of protien/day. (not where I want to be, but the best I can do for now.)

    On a bright note, I am getting my Fluid goal of over 32oz.

    Each day I feel better, and I know the weight is falling off me.

    I also did the milk of m and it was painful to get the first one out but it felt sooo good once I did. Right now I'm about 50% gas out one end and 50% out the other.

    Good job on your fluid intake! I myself have been slacking in that area. I need to push that a little harder.

    All we can do is take it one day at a time, right?

    I so far have ony lost 6-7 lbs. My doc says not to worry too much about losing right now just healing.

    Best of luck to you & stay warm! :scared2:

  7. NVR2late,

    I commend you from walking at Walmart, I can't imagine walking outside the hospital and home because I have made the loudest burps I would think the whole store would wonder where my manners were ;-) The heating pad behind my shoulder blades at night has helped me sleep, and feels good in the cold north!

    Thanks, I think it did me some good. Everyone was right it does help with the pain. I think it helped push everything out! lol. Havent had too many probs with the burping, just the other end!

  8. SlimCola & Nfl,

    Thanks for the advice as well! I am definitely gonna try the milk of magnesia. And you know, I was wondering if I was able to take any other meds not sooo strong! All I wanna do is get back in the bed! Tylenol sounds great if it will do the job and not make me so drowsy!

    Hubby and I went walking around Walmart and it did help some. What a difference a fart could make, huh? Too Funny!!!! :scared2:

    Just got home and had a bout of the b.g's(bubble gutts!)

    Awww, the things we must go thru to be thin...lol

    Keep those encouraging words coming! Best of luck to you all! and also a speedy recovery!

  9. Hey Everyone,

    Just 3 days post op and feeling like crap! I have so much gas and the pain is unbearable!! I have been taking the pain meds right on cue at 4 hrs and then I am fine but wondering how long I am gonna feel this?! The gas is also a big problem! Just alot of air pressure(no smell!) but very uncomfortable until it releases. Also had a hernia repair so I am afraid to push anything out.

    Last night woke up in the middle of the night with this incredible pain in my chest like someone was squeezing the life outta me!! help!! Was wondering how long I have to endure this?

  10. Hello Everyone!

    I too have surgery tomorrow. I need to be there by 7am for surgery at 9am. I have been on liquids for the past two days. I have been lurking these boards for weeks but this is my first post. These boards have been so helpful in answering any kinda question I could've imagined.

    I wish you all well tomorrow and a speedy recovery!

    Look forward to hopefully keeping in touch with some of you. I am sure we will need all the support we can get.

    Take Care!

    We can do this!! :scared2:

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