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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ddgalarza

  1. ddgalarza

    Wooooooo-hooooooo onederland!

    Hey Wendy Congrats!!!!! You are doing an AMAZING job!
  2. Thanks! I'm going to stay FOCUSED!!!!:thumbup:
  3. ok so i'm in this boring ass meeting all afternoon but thank god ive got my lap top. so here i am playing catch up on lapbandtalk. i swear i must have lol'd 1/2 a dozen times reading your blogs. you are hilarious and i appreciate you sharing all of theses wonderful stories with us. they make me laugh, keep me encouraged and make me so proud that fellow banders are succeeding!

  4. hey wendy just stopping byt to see how things are going with you. im doing well just trugging along tryin to eat right, get to the gyma nd all that great stuff. well i hope that you are doing well (igot the alert from the media about finding your toes lmbo) and ihope to chat with you sson.

  5. hey cheryl just stopping byt to say hello and see how you are doing. things with me are well, just trugging along trying to get to my goal by the end off the year of 140lbs off,i'm 8 lbs away from being dowm 100 so i can see the forrest through the trees more than 1/2 way down. hope to chat with you soon.

  6. AAAARRRGGGHH!!!!! So I was having intermittent heartburn and of course I shared this with my surgeon, who immediately thought that I must be to tight, even though my portions are pretty good and I hadn't had any issues with food going down (until the dreaded leftover chicken episode). So she orders a same day esophogiogram(spell check) and that confirms her intitial diagnosis. So you know what that meant and unfill:eek:. I was completley freaked out:scared2:, thinking that she was going to remove all 6cc from my 10cc band, but thank the Gods that she only took out 3cc's (which still had me pretty stressed). Good news = no more heartburn, and my portions are still down to about 1/2 to no more than 3/4 of a cup per meal. Wish me luck because I'm gonna need it!
  7. Your journey through this process is an inspiration to us all. Its so good to see when people are successful, it gives us all encouragement to keep eating right, working out and doing all the things we need to do to get where you are.

  8. Hopeully someone can offer some insight, as I am not looking forward to going to emergency room if I dont have to. So I'm 8 months out, and have been doing failry well. So on Monday I have some left over chicken that apparently is too dry and it stays stuck for HOURS, very uncomfortable, to the point where it finally came up. So the very next day at lunch i have another episode with something getting stuck and this time when it came up it triggered a 5 minute session of PBing. After which my throat started to swell (or so it felt like it)to the point that when i was drinking water it was feeling like it was stuck in the back of my throat. Whats that all about? Can excessvie PBing/Vomiting cause your throat to feel like is swollen?
  9. The Weekend from Hell!!! Ok so I had that issue with the "EvilChicken" and thought that everything was going to be Aok . But then I go and hurt my bag at the gym and when i tell you that I was in so much pain that i made me very very nauseous! and for me Nausea=Vomiting(PBin). Tylenol was doing nothing and since mortrin is off the Lapband list:cursing:. so it was a vicious cycle all weekend back pain, nausea, vomit (and no I'm not pregnant). So then it gets worse, Food came up/out so much taht it irratated/aggrivated my band and my throat so that by Sunday night I wasnt able to get anything down but a proteein shake in the morning and barley water by the end of the day. So here's the good news, its Monday and I can eat again, The bad news is that my back is still kiling me and it looks like I am going to be out of the gym for at least a WEEK!
  10. ddgalarza

    To Much PBing ='s throat swelling?

    thanks for the advice. here it is monday and i was able to get down a little cottage chees and peaches with no problems...taking it slow!
  11. I hope thats going to dot he trick, I have NEVER felt like this before not even after a fill.
  12. Im new to this tread, but looking for some advice. I am 8 months out and have been doing very well, only one PBing episode about 2 monthspost op, + UNTIL 2 days ago. I ate some left over chicken that didnt want to go or stay down...so it didnt. the following day i had another episode with something getting stuck. It was very uncomfortable for almost 2hours and then I made the dreaded mistake, I drank some water" and that litteraly pushed me over the edge. I pb'ed for what seemed like forever it just kept coming and coming, first the water and then the food. After that it felt like my throat was swollen and it seemed as if every sip of water I took for the rest of the day just stayed at the back of my throat. Has anyone every experienced this? I'm thinkg that all the PBing irratated my throat? Do you think maybe my throat is swollen and irratated> my last fill was more than 6 weeks ago, so I'm thinkg I'm not to tight. I dont know know whats going on here. HELP!
  13. ddgalarza

    Starbucks Coffee Anyone?

    I LOVE MY Strarbucks, Tall Skinny Carmel or Vanilla Lattes and Tall Lite Carmel Frappacinos with no whip are all 130 calories.
  14. ddgalarza

    Alert the media!

    WENDY!!! I am so happy for you!!!! Its sounds like you are in the same boat and LOVING our bands!
  15. SLAP ME NOW!!!! I did it again. I figured maybe yesterday was just and unusually "tight" day. So what do I do? You guessed it, CHICKEN AGAIN:eek:!!! That's it, I am officially divorcing chicken as of this moment!
  16. When will I learn...OOOOO When will I learn? 8 months post op and chicken breast is still my enemy :thumbdown:
  17. Hey Glammaw, Fluff and Delivered~ thanks to you all for the thumbs up. It really means alot to me to have a forum like this to share major things about my weight loss journey. Smooches to all:wub:
  18. ok, so i just had to share because i am very excited. now first of all, i'm not sure about everyone else but when i post my weight loss on my ticker i count EVERY single pound starting from the day i walked my 280lb bodacious body into my 1st lapband appointment. so this morning i get on the scale and it says 189, and i swear i get off and get back on again like 3 times, 189, 189, 189. i almost had a heart attack! i mean i am no where near being done with my weight loss but to be 9lbs away from losing 100lbs was and still is a total mindf* (excuse my language, but no other excalmitory phrase would do). it's like i can see the forrest through the trees. i am just so excited. i just had to share!!!
  19. COUNT ME IN!!!!!!! My 3 things are: 1. Drink ALL of my water. 2. Ramp up my workouts. 3. Make no excuses for not getting in my 10,000steps a day.
  20. Ebony ~ If you didnt hear me before hear me now when I saw you ROCK! Keep up the good work!
  21. Ebony girl you ROCK! That is so awesome, 50lbs gone and never to be seen again.
  22. My success is due to many thing all combined together. The Band, the gym 5 days a week, my BodyBugg. I think that everything together has really been the key for me. The band alone needs some assistance, at least for me it does. When i skip the gym for a week I can almost guarantee myself that the scale wont move. i have to put in alot if effort on my part as well. It hasn't been as easy asI thought but it has all been worth the effort.
  23. :party::party::thumbup: HOT-DIGGIDY-DOG-BISCUITS-BATMAN I HIT 198LBS THIS MORNING!!! THIS IS UNREAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  24. To Everyone who acccepted the Memorial Day Challenge...whether or not we make are goal, we all ROCK!!!! We are working hard and doing the best we can!
  25. I might just make my Memorial Day Weekend goal. The scale dropped to 202 over the weekend which thought may have been a fluke, but its been steady at 202. So 199 might happend after all. Wish me luck.

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