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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by cammafacation

  1. Oh gosh! Sorry this took so long but I got soooo sick for a few days after getting the ban. I couldn't move I was throwing up all the time. It was crazy. Tomorrow it's a week after and I finally get eat something. We will see how well it goes down.


    How are you?

  2. Hi everyone! So it's Day 2 of MediTrim and I've got some wicked headaches... Like crazy. Last night I had to wake up 3 times to get Tylanol. I normally get wicked headaches instead of getting sick and stuff, but these headaches were so bad that they actually woke me up. In the past I've had headaches wake me up, maybe once a night, but never three times. I'm going to call the office and ask her if there is anything I can do. But did anyone else ever experience this?
  3. I don't drink coffee, but I do like my pop and chocolate.
  4. So I talked to my clinic and she said that what I'm going through is perfectly normal. So I'm really happy about that! However my head still hurts. Thanks for all your help! Sincerely, Cammy Pilon
  5. Hey guys! So I started MediTrim Today and so far not so bad. (But I only had one so far.) My patient coordinator told me I could add sugar free Starbucks Flavours in it and it makes it taste pretty good. I added Hazelnut and ice and it tasted like an Ice cap for Tim's (Canadian coffee place). :thumbup: As for the hunger pains... ahhh it's my first day and I had a shake at 7:30am and it's 9:30am and I'm hungry. :wub: And I can't have another shake until noon for lunch. But again it's the first day. I'll try to survive. :thumbup: A little off topic, but I had horrific nightmares last night. Like crazy ones that didn't make any sense what so ever. I think I just freaked myself out. I couldn't sleep at all! Did anyone else have this? :eek: Anyways wish me luck guys!!!!! Only 14 days to go until surgery! :mad:
  6. Hi momwifelove!


    We are having our surgery on the same date! Isn't that cool? Maybe we could support each other and help out each other. What is your start weight? I'm 245. Where are you getting your surger? I'm getting it at the SWLC in Mississauga, Ontario, Canada. Are you worried about the surgery at all? I'm more worried about the pre-diet and stuff.


    I wish you lots of luck!!!!

    Your Pal,


  7. Hey guys! I'm starting th MediTrim this Wednesday and I'm nervous of course because I don't want to cheat. I'm very lucky because my doctor (DR. CHRISTOPHER S. COBOURN ) recommended MediTrim beause after 2 days it stops the hunger pains. I hope for dear life that's true! Has anyone else had MediTrim and found it to be okay for hunger pains?
  8. Hey guys! So yeah it's my last weekend before 2 weeks of MediTrim. I'm a little nervous. I almost feel this is my last chance to eat... but don't worry I know that's the WRONG thinking. All the way wrong. But I'm sure people here have had "the last super" feeling. You know? So how are you doing on your MediTrim? Do you feel Hungry? If anyone is having surgery on July 29 tell me are you as nervous as I am?
  9. We are getting banded on the same day!!! So cool!!! I wish you so much luck! I would love to talk to you about how you are doing and stuff.



    Your Pal


  10. cammafacation

    Are you kidding me?

    Ohhhhhhhhhhhh! It will work!!!! Don't worry! I haven't gotten banded yet but I know it will work for you!!!! Remember what they say don't weight yourself everyday (but if you are going to do it in the morning because it's always less when you wake up). We are here for you!!!! :thumbup:
  11. That's awesome that you can touch your toes!!! I wish I'll be able to do that soon enough. :o) So your cousin has the same date for surgery as me. That sooooo cool! I wish you both soooo much luck!

  12. Hi Paigel!


    I love the wedding picture! And your husband looks almost the same as mine! ha ha! I want to thank you for all the kind words you wrote to me. When and where are you having your surgery? I'm July 29th in Mississauga Ontario. Hopefully we can suport each other each step of the way.



    Your Pal


  13. Hey everyone! My name is Cammy, and here is some of the stuff I hate about being the big girl. Maybe you've experience the same things or maybe not. (I really hope not because people can be so mean) I just hate the disrespect sooooo much!!!! And when I talk to people they don't seem to understand. I'm hoping you guys will. Stuff that happens to me: -People moo at me or the old "oink, oink." -I've been called the DUFF (Designated Ugly Fat Friend). -People laugh and point at me. -I get told at stores that "we don't have anything for big people like you here! Please leave!" even when I'm just looking a jewlery. -I get looked at differently -I feel like I don't get respect from my bosses because they think I'm lazy. -My family is embarressed by me (and aren't affraid to tell me) Especially if I'm in a bathing suit -No one sits beside me on the bus/train/any public place -Perfect Strangers approach me asking what I'm doing about my weight! (HELLO!!! NONE of your business) -Where I buy cloth, at the cash, there is flyers to lose weight and I tell the cashier all the time that it's so insulting! -I have friends asking me what diet I am on now as a joke. Not funny! -I always get told to stop eating cake or stop eating all the time. Actual quote: "If you actually put the fork down and stop eating cake you would lose weight" I hardly ever eat cake or any sweets. I HATE IT!!!! I GET MAD AND SAD ALL THE TIME BECAUSE IT's INSANE HOW PEOPLE TREAT ME. :smile2: I JUST WANT THE SAME RESPECT AS ANYONE ELSE!!! IS THAT REALLY TO MUCH TO ASK??? I'm sorry guys! I hope I didn't freak you out. I'm not a mental case or anything... really! And don't worry I don't think that all my problems will go away because of my weight, but I do know it will help a lot of them. I'm really hoping that the lap band helps me. I wish everyone here lots of luck and happiness! Sincerely, Cammy
  14. Hi Everyone! My name is Cammy and I'm getting banded on July 29 the Surgical Weight Loss Centre (or SWCL), in Mississauga Ontario by Dr. Cobourn. For the two weeks before the surgery I have to be on a liquid diet (along with a few minor vegtables) with MediTrim. I'm so worried that I won't be able to do it. :tongue_smilie: I'm the type of person that is never full. Especially if I don't have carbs. So a diet drink along with a few celery sticks scares me... I feel like I'm doomed to fail... you know? Dr. Cobourn is so nice and tells me that after a day or two the MediTrim will make me feel full but still... he's a thin guy I'm a big woman... so I was wondering if anyone in my shoes tried the MediTrim? How it is? Did it make you feel full? Please help! I'm worried I'm going to fail and I haven't even started. :thumbdown: Sincerely, Cammy
  15. I'm going July 29. I'm at the SWLC in Mississauga, Ontario. I didn't have to go for a physical first. I just went to the clinic.

  16. Thanks so much for the kind words Mamabutercup! I'm hoping that this will work for me. How have you found it so far?

  17. Wow that's pretty harsh too! When it comes from someone you love, it always hurts soooo much more.


    When are you going under the knife?

  18. cammafacation

    Stuff I hate about being the big girl.

    Thanks so much Freedoom! Hopefully everything will work out for both of us very soon. :smile2:
  19. cammafacation

    So Pissed!!!!!

    Wow! I would be soooo pissed too! It's a lot of money so I can understand why you would be mad. Hopefully they will give you something! Call your MP they might be able to help you.
  20. I'm starting that this coming Wed! I'm so freaked out about it. How is it? Are you starving??? When is your surgery date? Where are you going? Who is your doctor? For me, I'm only allowed the shake, Water, crystal light and a few veggies... but not a lot. And I've got 2 weeks of it... I'm really nervous! But don't worry! Your going to do great! Good luck!!!! You can do it!!!! Just think it hard now but it will be a lot easier later! :smile2: Lots of luck! Your pal! Cammy
  21. cammafacation

    Me at 245 pounds 2 weeks and five days before surgery

    This picture makes me cry. I was taken 2 days ago July 6 2009, and I was having such a great time and then I saw this picture... and it ruins everything... you know? My mood suddenly changes and I'm reminded that I'm huge. Not like I'm not remind every day of that. Stuff that happens to me: I get badly treated all the time. I don't get any respect anywhere. People moo at me. I've been called the DUFF (Designated Ugly Fat Friend). People laugh and point at me. I get told at stores that "we don't have anything for big people like you here! Please leave" even when I'm just looking a jewlery. I HATE IT!!!! I CRY ALL THE TIME BECAUSE IT's INSANE HOW PEOPLE TREAT ME. I really hope lap band helps me. I just want to be normal. You know??? Is that to much to ask??? I wish everyone luck! Wish me luck too! I'm getting banded on July 29 and hopefully it will help me look like the person I feel I am. :o) Cammy
  22. Hi Amy!


    I'm in the Toronto area, Brampton to be exact. You told your parents? I haven't told anyone other then my husband... they would look at me as a failure if I told them. But my parents are pretty harsh about weight.




  23. Hi Amy!


    I was thinking we could support each other. Email me: cammy_pilon@yahoo.ca




  24. Pre-op is a hard diet but I hope I can do it. After surgery it's liquids again for a week. There are pains but the good thing about the SWLC is that they are always there so if you have a problem you can always call.


    I asked if anyone of his patients had died, (no). Would you be able to see the band or anything after the weight loss, (no). Does the $16000 include fills, (yes). Do you need lots of fills, (depends on the person). Do I have to take a week off work, (depends on what you do, in my case 3 days is good). Do I need someone to take me home, (yes and be there with you the full day). Can my husband be in the surgery room (no). Is there lots of scaring (no). Is a balloon optional (no). If I want to remove it is it extra, (yes if you want it removed just because, no if it needs to be replaced or in an emergency).



    Hope that helps!




    email me sometime: cammy_pilon@yahoo.ca

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
