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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by nursejenjen2003

  1. I am 3 weeks post op and experiencing pretty severe left side pain. It is intermittent and worse with movement. I am a nurse and I don't think my port is infected. I don't have a fever, no redness at my port site, and no pain with palpation of the port, but the pain starts at my port site and radiates around my left side. Has anyone else experienced this? Thanks
  2. I had 3 fills and 3cc in a 4cc band before I felt any restriction. Even at 2.5cc I could eat anything I wanted and got very discouraged since it was over half filled. After the third fill, it took a week before I felt the restriction and now I am at my sweet spot. I have read several posts on here where people have gotten a fill and not felt it for a week or had to get an unfill after a week. My doc said that it can take up to two weeks to feel it. Hang in there, it does get better!
  3. nursejenjen2003

    Hello from North Alabama

    Hi Christy! I am also in Alabama. I have been where you are. I was approved for gastric bypass in 2003 and chickened out the day of surgery because of the risk of all the complications and I had a coworker that had it done and had a stroke immediately post op. I weighed all my options and decided on Lap Band surgery. I knew all surgery had complications but the Lap Band risk was lower than that of bypass. So I researched and researched and changed my mind a million times. I even lost 100 pounds on my own over a year, only to gain it back plus some in a matter of a few months. I started having health problemas and my weight was really affecting my personal life. I never even wanted to leave the house anymore except to go to work. Anyway, after getting an insurance denial because my surgeons office filed my preapproval wrong and I knew it would take months on the appeal-I just ran off to Mexico and had it done for a fraction of the cost here. It was a great experience and the care and facilities were excellent. I am so glad I finally did it. I am 40lbs lighter already and I feel great for the first time in a long time. The Lapband is only a tool and it requires serious lifestyle changes but it was well worth it to me. Good Luck on your journey!!!!
  4. nursejenjen2003

    OK-How Do I Decide What Size Band?

    I also have the Lapband AP system, but I have the smallest which is the 4cc band. My surgeon says that they decide in the OR what size band they will place based on the size of your stomach and the amount of fat around it. I was 305lbs at surgery but he said that my stomach was small and I had hardly any fat around it...LOL! So he placed the smallest band and it took 3 fills and a total of 3cc before I had good restriction. This is amazing to me because the 4cc band is only 10cm long and it is tiny, I can't believe anything passes through it since it can only hold one more cc. I guess all our bodies are different. My surgeon gave me a choice before surgery of the Allergan band(Lapband) or the Johnson & Johnson band(Realize). He encouraged me to get the Lapband instead because it came in different sizes and he said he has had more success with the Lapband vs the Realize band. Banded 11/04/2008 by Dr. Jose Rodriguez in Juarez, Mexico
  5. nursejenjen2003

    Be honest, does it hurt?

    Hey! I have been filled 3 times. The first was with Lidocaine to numb it and it really burned but i didnt feel the fill needle. At the second fill, the doc told me he had stopped using Lidocaine and the patients preferred the stick without it. It hurt for just a second (the mashing on my port area was more uncomfortable than the stick). It's really not as bad as I thought it would be, but everyone is different. I work in Labor and Delivery and some people say they felt only a prick with their epidural and others scream and cry. So, I guess it's hard to say since we all perceive pain so differently. But in my case, it wasn't that bad. Banded 11/04/2008 Start:305lbs
  6. nursejenjen2003

    ? Sweet spot with 4cc band

    I haven't posted in awhile and need some encouragement. I was banded 11/04/08 and I have had 2 fills. The first was 2 cc and no restriction and the 2nd was 0.5cc for a total of 2.5cc with still no restriction! Getting discouraged because the band only holds 4cc. I started at 305 and lost 33 pounds the first 3 weeks after surgery because I was never hungry. I am starving now and have gained back about 5 pounds. Has anyone else experienced this? Just wondering what the average sweet spot is on a 4cc band. Thanks. Preop weight:305 Current:277 Banded 11/04/2008 in Jaurez, Mexico by Dr. Rodriguez
  7. nursejenjen2003

    ? Sweet spot with 4cc band

    Thanks for the feedback. I got my band filled again Monday for a total of 3cc and finally restriction. There was supposed to be 2.5cc in it but there was only 2.25? Should I be worried about a leak? Anyway, I am losing weight again since this fill and I finally realize how this thing works! I just hope there's no leak! Banded 11/04/2008 by Dr. Jose Rodridgeuz in Juarez, Mexico Starting weight 305/Current 270
  8. Mine lasted about 10 days with a 4cc band. Now I am starving and can't wait for my first fill!
  9. Get this....I called my doc this morning because it was hurting so bad I was crying. His nurse tells me that when she had her "Boob job" that the scar tissue hurt and thats probably all it is but if it's not better next week to call and make an appointment. I don't think a breast augmentation and a lap band surgery are similar....lol! It has gotten better since the day has progressed, it feels like it did the first day post op, just sore with the pulling sensation. Hopefully it will go away soon.
  10. nursejenjen2003

    Surgery in Mexico

    I was also banded by Dr. Rodriguez in Juarez, Mexico. He was great and the staff was great. I am an RN here in the US and the care in Mexico was better than the care one would receive here in the states. The nurse to pt ratio there is 1:2. They explain everything to you and they are really there for you if you need anything or have any questions. They have a website www.belitemexico.com; I worked with the patient facilitator Jessica and she was wonderful!
  11. nursejenjen2003

    Hi from AL

    Hello Everyone!!! I'm Jenifer and I was banded last Tuesday on 11/04/2008 in Mexico. So far I have gone from 305 to 277. I feel really good except for some nagging left shoulder pain. I am not really hungry except for priodically in the evening time. I start soft foods in another week and can't wait to eat a scrambled egg!!!!
  12. Hey! This is my first post! I was banded on Tues 11/04/08 in Mexico. It has been a great experience except for the occassional left shoulder pain. I am on full liquids now and not really hungry until the evening time. I started at 305 and I am at 277 this morning. One thing I have noticed is the band feels really "tight" when I get cold, if I put a heating pad on my chest/abdomen for a few minutes it relieves the pain/pressure. I am looking forward to soft foods in about a week....I am craving a scrambled egg!!!

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