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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Pezo

  1. ditto....I no it's lent but it smells fishy 2 me....
  2. o.k. peeps I just got approved and i have pre-op on march 12th.....I like Narch madness cuz lets face it were gonna be mad at times its a hugemungus change and as a mother of a child w/Aitism I have become a custom to dislike of change...I'm from Louisiana and we like it hot and spicy and pretty much as unhealthy as u can get it....Hey I am wondering what are the top 5 /'s 2 ask at pre=op........
  3. O.K. hold up wait a minute...who pays the premiums?,,,,,Do you notaste names when u call these representatives..... I would ask for a supervisor because obviously there is a communications gap...the fact that I knew the same day that my doc did says something...tell them you want to know the status of your approval and if they cannnot tell you what they haave obviously determined is some BULL.....My husbands says his wife was given the runaround for awhile and come to find out they had lost her documentation.....he coautioned my husband that it was a hard thing to get info....anf=d my reply was he doesn't know me does he......I am a pittbull when it comes to making them earn their premiums.....I would call tomorrow and kick butt and TAKE NAMES.....good luck boo.........:laugh:
  4. Wow that really sucks......On the day they determined my approval I actually called my doc and the receptionist was like oh man I wanted to surprise you.....I just wish they had to wait like we wait sometimes I know that its gonna be a long week end for you good luck....hey at least their not saying that they need more info....keep in touch
  5. I also have Aetna......I have always kept in the back of my mind that I wanted to consider weight loss surgery,and knew that they definatle required documentation of wieght loss efforts over a 2 year period so in 2007 I saw a doc and did a program....well in Oct. I decided to go for it....only 2 find out that my weight was just written down in 2007 you really need to make sure it is listed on an actual Dr.s note and ask for a copy when you go for a visit....so my 3 consecutive months were no use to me but in the following months I kept seeing my Dr. and having him notate continued weight loss efforts and as of 3/2/09 I got an approval.....I have no co-morbid issues but a bmi of 45....And they did request a weigh in form 2006 with I thought I didn't have because I hardly go to a Dr. so I searched and found that I had seen my gyno....man I was never so happy that I had gone to a gyno.....I say go for it and see what they tell you then give them the documentation they need......oh and I also called every other day.......good luck
  6. :huh2: Yep I am aware of the sleeve and actually in the beginning that is what I wanted but my insurance won't touch it....they also won't pay for any complicatons down the line....My friend had it done a year ago and is so happy she lost over 100 lbs.....I actually think she was prettier before the weight loss......I am hopeful that the lap band will give me a new start on this old fight...but thanks for the info.....:tongue2:
  7. I have been on the fence between lap-band and gastric for a while now....after praying for signs the first one came in the form of my daughter saying she dreamed I died while having gastric..she didn't even know that I was looking for signs..and several others followed...my problem was that I know I really could use the big tool gastric....but I am afraid of the surgery....I have heard so many failure stories on the lap band and I actully had a nurse tell me "if I had weight loss surgery and didn't do well I would feel like such a failure" I secretly wanted to punch her in the eye.....I didn't decide which surgery until I actually talked to the doc.. Yes I finally saw the doc for my 1st appointment and am awaiting insurance stuff.....I started my diet efforts only to be halted by being put on steroids due to foot and ankle problems.......I am starting to get anxious.....I feel for all of the peeps going through the WAIT...Good luck to all...:tongue_smilie:
  8. O.K. you guess have taught me about why having a fatty liver is not good but how do they determine that because several of you have mentioned a surgery date and then you say no surgery fatty liver....do they like open you up and stuff and then say ewe can't do it...or is it determined before and how??????(if this wasn't a blog I would feel like a pest with all these questions)lol
  9. Wow I don't understand why there is a preop diet....if I could be on a liquid diet I think I could lose weight without surgery.....I have a huge dilemma I have a 1st appt. 11-26-08....I am clueless on alot of this stuff but from what I am reading it requirs weightloss.....My problem is when I diet I maintain and when I don't I gain....this being said I am trying not to diet until I see the doc...however I am gaining until then.....any sugesstions....I can take off about 10 lbs. waterweight but I am trying to save my loss so it can count....Am I making any since???
  10. O.K. I think I can live without coke....but beer is a fav of mine also....I guess I could consider wine but I hate wine....What about gin mixed with crystal light can that be do-able on occasion???????
  11. Pezo

    preop diet

    Thanks for all of the info.....I am ready to start my changes now but I know I have to weigh in at my first appt. on Nov. 24th.......And if he says lose alot of weight I am will be screwed not saying I won't try......but here lately I am moving up a lb. or 2 weekly.....And I am really freakin out because a few people said if you gain 1 pound once you weigh in the insurance will deny you...In 6 months time I don't know if its possible for me....also since my general preac. appt. where I got the referral I have put on 5 lbs....will this count against me???????
  12. Pezo

    preop diet

    I don't know how you do it or how I will do it for that matter.....I am not pleasant when I am hungry....I hope you do well.....It still sucks though....
  13. I am considering lap-band and am awaiting my first appt. But I am curious to speak with any former patients willing to share info...I am aware of a support group but it only meets at night and I am unable to attend then...????
  14. Hello I am new to this forum and have been reading alot of your post...I am from Louisiana and am considering weight-loss surgery I wanted lap-band because I am afraid of Gastric and my sister had it 3 years ago and lost and put back 80 lbs. The seminar has really discouraged me on the lap-band its like they kept on pushing the gastric..They basically tell you that if you don't have the will power now ,you won't have it then and how they have more complications with the lap band..I have struggled with my weight since my teens.....I need to lose weight but I don't want to risk my life to do it,if anyone has any info. please share it with me.... :thumbup:
  15. Thanks your info was very helpful.....I am 42 years old and a mother of 3.....2 girls and a son with Autism which is why I don't want to risk my life for weight....However I have faught my weight since age 13.....I have a bmi of 44 and that is not good I too don't have any other issues...I have lost weight but it always comes back plus...I am very active except here I am not able to move around like I used too due to a foot and ankle problems that only seem to be getting worse....I think if I just wasn't sooo hungrey all of the time I could do it....My sister was very in-active and had never really dieted and she put back all of her weight and she doesn;t absorb her medications well since the surgery....I am very hopeful that this could work...

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