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LAP-BAND Patients
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About echokitty32

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    Trudging along....
  • Birthday 10/28/1972

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  1. Hello folks, I had my sleeve done at KAISER Harbor City on Jan 9th. I've lost 20 lbs so far. I can't believe it! I'm onto the puréed stage but I'm really sick of them already. I'm also finding that my sleeve does not like a lot of foods in this stage. I take a few cautious bites and start to feel nauseated. But when I switch back to liquids I'm fine. Has anyone else experienced this? Sent from my iPad using the BariatricPal App
  2. echokitty32

    Leg lymphedema?

    I wish the very best for you! Sent from my iPad using the BariatricPal App
  3. echokitty32

    Leg lymphedema?

    I do not believe that what you have is lymph edema. Rather it's probably a condition called LIPOEDEMA. It's an abnormality of the lymph system that causes abnormal fat depositing and fibrosis. This fat does not respond to any dieting, not even WLS. I suggest you look up the condition online, there are many videos about it on You Tube, and even a documentary called "The Disease They Call Fat " I suffer from this disease, having a fat legs and hips since my early teen years, I was recently diagnosed with this and began treatment for it this January. Just check it out before you are prescribed medicines you don't need. Sent from my iPad using the BariatricPal App
  4. I'm having my sleeve done tomorrow morning in Harbor City, not far from LA! Sent from my iPad using the BariatricPal App
  5. echokitty32

    January 2017 Sleevers!

    please add me for the Facebook group echokitty32@yahoo.com Sent from my iPad using the BariatricPal App
  6. echokitty32

    January 2017 Sleevers!

    January 9th! Sent from my iPad using the BariatricPal App
  7. Happy 40th Birthday echokitty32!

  8. 3 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 3rd Anniversary echokitty32!

  9. echokitty32

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    It's me again, this is something I forgot to add....does anyone have any advice on how to make my weight loss ticker work. Ive pasted it many times in my profile, but it doesnt appear when I post messages. Has anyone had trouble with this?
  10. echokitty32

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    Hello everyone, I waving from over here in Southern California ). Penny, this is a great idea! I'm 37, I was banded in July '08. At that time I weighed in at 198 lbs just pre-op.It might not seem alot, but I'm only 5' tall ( or short ) LOL. I work as a diagnostic medical sonographer, I have been doing that for 11 years now. I am divorced, no kids, with a wonderful boyfriend who loved me before I had my Lap-band . Now he makes me feel like a woman in a Benny Hill Show episode. Ive lost 35 lbs so far. This past year I have been on a plateau. I think I just became bored with the limited choices I was giving myself, so I started on the slippery road to slider food. But Im getting back on track, I want to start my own family and getting to my goal weight will make that much easier.
  11. echokitty32

    Does the weight loss increase your sex drive?

    Nessa38, you sound as though you are telling my story. I had my band put in July '08 and have had a decreasing drive since then. Not even fantasy works for me anymore. My hubby is unhappy, he used to worry that he would need Viagra to keep up with me! I don't know what is woing, my hormone levels are actually improving, my menstrual cycles are becoming more regular I feel alot more attractive, and based upon the reactions from strange men I guess that I look it, too. I wish it would come back. I wonder if they make a female version on Cialis or Viagra......
  12. I found the article..here it is: John B Dixon1, Maureen E Dixon and Paul E O'Brien (1) Monash University Department of Surgery, Alfred Hospital, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia Published online: 01 February 2001 Background: Severely obese women have higher obstetric risks and poorer neonatal outcomes. Weight loss reduces obstetric risk. The introduction of a laparoscopically-placed adjustable gastric band, a safe and effective method of weight loss, has given us the ability and responsibility to adjust the band in relation to pregnancy. Objective: Our aim was to devise a safe management plan to achieve healthy maternal weight gain (Institute of Medicine 1990) during pregnancy. Methods: In a cohort group of 650 patients to have a Lap-Band® placement for severe obesity, we have reviewed the management of the band and pregnancy outcomes of all women (n=20) to complete a pregnancy (n=22) with a band in-situ. Results: All 22 pregnancies were singleton, with no primary caesarean sections (3 for recurring indications). The mean maternal weight gain was 8.3 kg compared with 15.2 kg for the 15 previous pregnancies of women in this group (p<0.05). There was no difference in birth weights. Obstetric complications were minimal, and there were no premature or low birth weight infants. 11 of 15 subjects with active management of the band achieved a maternal weight gain within the advised range compared with only 2 of 7 prior to this. Conclusion:The ability to adjust gastric restriction allows optimal control of maternal weight change in pregnancy and should help avoid the risks of excessive weight change. ( I also found an online conversion calculator that sowes the 8.3 kg meantioned in the article equals about 18 pounds. )
  13. echokitty32

    I've lost my focus

    Thank you for the advice/pep talk Andrew. I appreciate it. Since I posted that I have gotten back on track...saw my doctor, had a fill of .2cc's and lost 4 lbs. YAY for me! I now enjoy trying to take my favorite foods and make them band friendly, even calorie friendly...I avoid real sugar foods ( though I know what you mean about that salted caramel hot chocolate from SB ). Last night I did try the naked eating thing..it did work, but thank goodness I was snacking on a sugar free jello pudding. I looked down only once. But I will continue to keep that in mind for any real emergency craving's...:juggle:
  14. echokitty32

    It took me a year to figure this out...

    That sounds great to me Laura, you seem to be the one I was looking for to be my lap-band buddy! I kept wondering if there were any other shorties like me in the forum's....
  15. That there was such a thing as monthly bandsters. I had my surgery July 3, '08 and have lost only 30 lbs. Alot of it was due to me not excercising and eating some of the wrong foods, but I can say that I didnt gain anything! Im back on track now and just found my fellow 7/08 bandsters. I look forward to sharing with everyone. My startine weight was 201lbs, I lost 12 lbs the first month. Now Im at 170 and think Ive hit a set point that my body doesnt wasnt to stray from...but I will overcome it, I did the other 2 set point's! I just think its harder to lose weight when you have less to lose. Im only 5'0" tall. I should weigh in the range of 100 to 115 lbs. Im shooting for 110, but I think Ill see how I feel and look the closer I get to my goal, it might be too little. SO if anyone has any advice I would greatly appreciate and welcome it.

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