i am a full time nursing student in norther va i also work part time at a telecommunications company so i am a busy girl! i'm going to be banded on 12/26/08 :tounge_smile: im so excited!
=] the countdown has started! I started my liquid low carb diet today which isnt fun! but totally worth it! I cant wait until 1:30 on next FRIDAY!!!!! yay are there any other 26th bandsters?
Has anyone else had other weight friends that were jealous that you were getting/got banded? My two closest friends are also over weight not as much as myself but still up there. I feel like I cant talk to them about it because they just say "ah well we'll still be fat" I dont know what to do about it! HELP
its not really that they are jealous. well idk! but things have gotten better since i posted this. my 3 best friends are all really supportive. one of my best friends even made an account on lbt so she could know more about it! isnt that awesome!!! one of my friends since isnt my friend anymore. not because i wanted it that was nor did it have much or anything to do with the band. but all is well here!
<3 chels