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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by aloudwhisper

  1. Sounds like you are really doing well.
  2. I went back 5 days after. I am a outpatient therapist. So I don't do much. I feel real good. I am sure to get all my protein. My energy is not bad. I found this to be a good thing. I want to keep my mind stimulated. Because you have to find fillers for the time you were eating. I'm not cleared to work out yet, and I want to wait til I am completely healed. I started doing some laundry last night. It was a bit challenging. I don't want to bend a lot, so I have my husband helping and carrying.
  3. aloudwhisper

    Surgery Tomorrow

    I like premier protein and muscle mill ready made. I also have some nectar to mix things up.
  4. aloudwhisper

    Sept 18..Band to Sleeve

    Oh that's wonderful! I have also lost 10 pounds. I know that things will continue to look up for us. I hope your stomach gets some relief. That constipation is no joke. See if you can drink some citrus magnesium. You know that will work. Just just need some help with the unclog and you can go from there.
  5. aloudwhisper

    Halloween challenge

    287.0. 3 pounds it's not bad, but the work still needs to continue.
  6. Hey everyone! I was sleeved on the 19th, and I am truly having an awesome experience. I am pureed foods, and I haven't had any problems. I can only eat 3 ozs, and I am ok with it. I'm really not feeling the shakes, but I don't want the option of loosing my hair. So I am sticking with door number one. The only real issue I had was sever constipation, and I had to end up with a half a bottle of citrus magnesium. All has been wonderful in my new world. I haven't gotten on the scale yet. But I will today. I pray that it looks good. But honestly, I am more impress with my mindset since having been sleeved. I'm becoming easy like Sunday morning.
  7. aloudwhisper

    Pureed Stage One Week Early

    Well I am one week, as of today. I am hungry, but it doesn't take much to fill me up. I have been pleasantly surprised by just what I enjoy. I haven't had a lot of soups as I thought I would. I pureed a few items, and I have been eating off them with contentment
  8. aloudwhisper

    Pureed Stage One Week Early

    Thanks. I am truly enjoying pureed foods. I got some food ideas. So I hope to have a chance to get started this weekend on something new. I am looking for new options for proteins I know all is going to be awesome in the world of becoming a skinny me.
  9. aloudwhisper

    Sept 18..Band to Sleeve

    I have also been able to eat pureed. I can only eat 2 to 3 ozs but at lease that's better than a shake all day. That's why I am all clogged up. Not the move. I don't have time to be sitting on the toilet like that all day.
  10. aloudwhisper

    Sept 18..Band to Sleeve

    Things are much better than yesterday. I was so constipated. Not to be graphic, but it felt like someone had their whole fist up my butt. I called the nurse and begged to drink some citrus magnesium. The nurse encouraged me to try milk of magnesium first. I tried, and the suffering continued the whole day. I girlllll when I drank half that bottle, life began in about 40 mins. Lol! Today I had some minor stomach pain in the morning, and I took some Ibuprofen. I was good all day. I think I am completely off the sizzuyrup. That stuff was just too much for me. Every time I poured my shot I would think about Little Wayne. Lol! How are you feeling?
  11. Sounds like you are learning what works for you. I am doing the same. I am preparing some pureed meals and I am enjoying it. It's crazy because I have already started going back to work. My pureed food is really good, but I only warm it up when no one is around. I think I would die if someone looked over my shoulder thinking they would see some food and see something that looks like it was prepared for a baby. Lol! Yeah I am keeping my journey on the low. I am looking for a new job anyways, so I would rather keep my business to myself.
  12. aloudwhisper

    Introducing myself!

    I found chewable, and liquid supplements
  13. aloudwhisper

    African American Sleevers

    Thanks @@itsreallyK I try not to focus on statistics. I have a God that sits high and looks down on me. He knows how much I have prayed for this. He knows that I trust Him and Him only. I can do this. You can do this. No matter what they say. We don't have to be slow looser if we don't want to be. My plan is to keep the carbs low. I won't say that I'm keeping them out of my life, but I want fruits, veggies and protein first. I will do all I can to focus on myself. Get counseling if I need to. Emotional eating was one of my struggle, and if I don't watch it, it will come back. As for protective styles I am trying crotchet, phone tails and other hair additional ideas. I wanted braids, but I don't want a lot of pressure on my hair. Get on YouTube and come up with some ideas. I am also including biotin. So I hope this helps a lot.
  14. I was told that I can begin on Saturday. So I just went on, cause I need more energy and I was hungry. My stomach was beginning to hurt even while drinking the protein shake. So I believe it was more going on within. I am being very mindful. I am not eating anything heavy. I seriously was to make sure that I don't harm myself. But so far so good.
  15. No I didn't. Only something for nausea. I never thought about that.
  16. aloudwhisper

    Pureed Stage One Week Early

    My focus is on healthy eating, and not on weight loss. I want to focus on this being healthy and doing all i can to keep the calories low. The weight is going to melt off.
  17. aloudwhisper

    Wanted: September Sleevers!

    But I honestly don't see the difference between jello and pudding. I think pudding is smoother than jello, but you can have all kinds of jello after surgery.
  18. aloudwhisper

    Wanted: September Sleevers!

    Some say you can, while others define that as puree.
  19. aloudwhisper

    Sept 18..Band to Sleeve

    Oh that's good. I have stayed in, cause I know I will be in movement tomorrow. Sounds like you have a really nice and relaxed day.
  20. aloudwhisper

    Pureed Stage One Week Early

    Well on puree you can have beans, yogurt and other overly processed foods. You can even have eggs. Well I made mines extra runny and I only had one.
  21. aloudwhisper

    Sept 18..Band to Sleeve

    Well that's good. Less pain is always best. I didn't really take much ibuprofen today, but I will give myself more tomorrow. Cause I will be moving and shaking. I am excited to be out though. I am encouraged to walk and do things, and not just sit around. So me going back to work says movement better than anything else.
  22. Well my struggle is serious over here. I'm drinking shakes, I'm nauseous and I got hunger pains. I don't want food, food. But my stomach is hurting and I have to have beans or something. It can be super soft, but I need protein for energy. I going to work 5 days after my surgery and I need the energy to walk around and do my work. I do light duty work, but I can't do that sick.
  23. aloudwhisper

    Pureed Stage One Week Early

    I feel like I will need to go to pureed, at least to have eggs. Cause these shakes are making me nauseous. I have tried to stick to plan, but something has got to give. I am open to any feedback.
  24. I am 4 days post op, and I have had some serious hunger pains. I have been getting in all my protein, but the more I drink these shakes the more nauseous I'm becoming. I thought I could maybe go on to the pureed stage. Even if it was for one meal, but she said he'll naw.
  25. aloudwhisper

    Sept 18..Band to Sleeve

    The same, but I was also told that I can take ibuprofen, up to 800. So I am transitioning to the ibuprofen only in the day time. I will take the hydrocod at bedtime. I honestly don't like all those drugs in my system.

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