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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Hazeleyes

  1. Hazeleyes

    Tomorrow is the big day!

    Good luck to both laughnleo and btabak76 on your new journey tomorrow it will be fine.
  2. Hazeleyes

    How did you pick your goal weight?

    I picked my goal weight and discussed it with my doctor. I chose a weight I felt I could maintain and one that was right for my height.
  3. I can totally relate to you I also started at 5'2 225 and many people told me the same thing " I would have never guessed you were that heavy you don't look it" but as we all know being morbidly obese isn't healthy and many complications can occur. So now that I am 1 1/2 into my surgery it was the best decision I made for myself it was never about those who couldn't see it because I knew how I was feeling and looked like not to mention the diabetes and high blood pressure. So I am proud of you to know what is best for you and ignore those who don't. You will love your band.
  4. Hazeleyes

    Newbie question

    As you go through this journey you will begin to learn your new body it will tell you when it is time for a fill. Myself I know when I start snacking and can eat more than I cup of food.
  5. Hazeleyes

    A little down

    Please don't feel that you are a failure for getting this surgery it's a journey you have chosen to open you to a new healthy lifestyle. As for your brother ask him to respect your decision to better yourself no matter how you go about it. Don't be sad because it's the best thing you could do for yourself. Losing weight the normal way doesn't always work it didn't for me and it's ok to have help along the way. Be healthy and strong in your decision and find positive support. Good Luck
  6. Hazeleyes

    new to site

    Try to relax and enjoy the ride. The first few weeks might be a challenge but it does get easier follow your docs recommendations and all will be fine. Good luck
  7. Give your body a chance to adjust and heal. Things will get better in time but it is also important that you stay in a positive mind state for your healing. We have all been through it remember it's a new day for you and you want to reach the goal you have set for yourself.
  8. Sometimes it takes longer to get back to your normal diet. I know from my own experience my last fill I wasn't able to really eat for about 7 days. If things don't get better for you please check back with your doc take things slow our bands can be tricky at times.
  9. Hazeleyes

    Is Hair Loss Normal

    Hey Trish, I had the same problem after surgery my hair thinned out so much I looked like I was balding...lol my doctor told me that hair loss is common within the first six months after surgery. He suggested I use Biotin and thankfully it help. The hair loss is a short term shock my hair is back to normal now check in your health food stores and vitamin stores and make sure your diet is meeting the protein dosage. good luck
  10. Hazeleyes

    Public Service Message

    I am waiting for the next annoucement. You are so right sometimes people just don't think....lol
  11. Hazeleyes

    Tricare questions

    I also have tricare and was approved by being 100lbs overweight and with added co-morbitities which were hypertension and borderline diabetes check with tricare for details good luck
  12. Hazeleyes

    Suggestions Please,New to site

    Hi Tracie I also decided on the lapband because the GB was definitely to invasive for me. The rerouting of my organs truly scared me. I also know someone who got the GB and she is putting weight back on. With the LB it is a slower WLS process but by far its been a better choice for me. Good Luck hopefully I have been of some help.
  13. Hazeleyes

    Newby from Texas

    Hey Kiposa: Everything you are feeling is normal!!! You will be so excited once its all over. I feel its only natural to be worried to some extent but you will be fine. I was banded in Dec'07 and it was the best thing I could've done for myself. Good Luck
  14. Hazeleyes

    2 days in

    Hey Mick please don't get caught up in view points of society. You have to believe in yourself that this surgery was not performed due to any failure on your part. You are just as worthy as the next person to have medical care regardless what it is. This surgery has allowed you to be reborn to a new life style and a new you. I hope you will love yourself and be proud of the steps you have taken to a healthier way of life.
  15. Hazeleyes

    2 days in

    Hi Mick welcome the world of bandster I hope your recovery will now go alittle smoother things will get better with each passing day. Congratulations wishing you well.
  16. Hazeleyes

    Meet the Bunnies

    Hi everyone my name is Nikki and I am 49 yrs old, I was banded in Dec 07 and I am having the time of my life. I am a mom to two beautiful children 18 and 22 and a nana to a 3yr lil boy. My journey with the lapband has had it's ups and downs but I seem to be at my sweet spot after 5 fills and things are going down....lol I am heading to a size 14 from a size 20. There were times along the way when I thought the weight isn't coming off fast enough but I've learned everyone is different and slower is the better road. Getting banded has been the best thing for me. I have fell in love with the latest craze of Zumba I do it 3 to 4 times a week and really watch what I eat (that took time and real conditioning) but I've got it down now. I encourage anyone who is looking into getting banded or those of us that are already to find that plan that works for you we are all very different. And to also keep in mind " Never let the failures of yesterday interfere with the success of today".
  17. Hazeleyes


    Have you been stressed since your surgery this also causes shingles. I had a bout with them about a two months ago and was told stress is a factor its unfortunate to have them but the meds do help. You are contagious to children with the virus but can't pass shingles themselves.
  18. Hazeleyes

    I PB alot, but I am always hungry????

    Hi Bella: You definitely need to find that comfort zone because Pbing is the one thing we shouldn't be doing alot of. Keep practicing on the lil bites of food. I have experienced that not chewing food small enough and its a terrible feeling. Watch your portions try a smaller plate and say once I finish this that is it. Good luck!
  19. Hazeleyes

    need help!

    Hi NONNI It sounds like you might be too tight. I think the scope is a good idea to see if there is any kind of blockage. What kinds of foods are you eating? Keep the faith this band will continue to work for you. Let me know how it turns out.
  20. Hazeleyes

    any ideas, help advice?

    Hi Annika You have to stay positive with the lap band it will work for you as long as you work with it. Start a new exercise pattern it really helps. I just hit my one year mark and 4 fills and i am finally at my sweet spot. I do Zumba 3 to 4 times a week and really watch my food intake and portion sizes. I am a slow loser and have been thru the depression but I pick myself up and keep going because I am serious about losing this weight and reaching my goal. You can do this:smile2:
  21. Hazeleyes

    Getting Banded on Monday!!

    Congrats Jaynell31 and Jersey lady on your upcoming banding date. Just relax and relize your life is about to change and the band will help you enter into a new phase of life. It was one year on 18 Dec for me and I am so glad to I made this choice for me its been great.
  22. Hazeleyes

    Dayton Ohio Bandster

    Hi Gypsygirl Congratulations on your surgery glad to hear all is going well with you. Let's stay connected I am in Huber Hts.
  23. Hi everyone its been a true blessing to find this site of fellow bandsters. I was banded last Dec and its been great addition to my life. It's been working well for me I just received my 4th fill yesterday I've lost about 30 pds so far and I am steady working towards losing more. There have been those times I've plateaued and it gets to be depressing at times but I keep the faith and work harder in the gym. I hope this site keeps us all in good spirits and a positive frame of mind. Thanks for listening to me and I look forward to talking to you.
  24. Hi Redds, what type of discomfort are you experiencing? Are you on the 2 days liquids, 2 days mushies and then your regular diet this process helps with the irritation after a fill. I received my 4th fill last monday and just started eating light foods on friday. It should go away but listen to your body if it persist call your doctor.
  25. Hazeleyes

    Dayton Ohio Bandster

    quote=Tess415;1063566]Hello fellow Ohioans!! I am from the Toledo area... have you seen anyone from northwest Ohio on here??? It would be nice to form a small group from up here too. Nice to meet you! Hi Tess415 I am not sure of others from your area hopefully there is someone. Good luck with the group nice to meet you as well keep in touch:redface:

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