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Lady Lap Band

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Lady Lap Band

  1. I would love to be your band twin I think that is a great idea! I'm going to pm you my email address.

  2. You know I don't have to do any particular pre op diet. THey just wanted me to loose 10lbs prior to surgery...ive only lost about 3-4...I am seeing my surgeon this Tuesday and I feel he may put me on a liquid diet. I am doing a full liquid diet today, tomorrow and the next day before I see him to hopefully drop a coupld more lbs. Good luck with your pre op! Have you started a blog? I did its Me & My Band - not the musical kind and its so much fun to do you should try doing one!

  3. hey sweetie! that is so exciting I can't believe we are the same day, where are you from, I live in MA. I'm going away next week and then I'm home 4 days prior to surgery so I know that these next 12 days are going to fly!! Are you doing any kind of blog? I started one its Me & My Band - not the musical kind it's really fun you should try doing one. Well hope to talk to you soon!

  4. Hey Sweetie! After all this time we are going to be banded on the same day! too cool! keep in touch!!!

  5. Lady Lap Band

    Will this Delay my Surgery!!!

    Thanks guys! I guess I am not like the average american these days who likes to be tan tan tan! I prefer not to go into the sun, I'm a fanatic about my skin for some reason. After I am done with the prescribed vitamin d I will continue to take a vitamin d over the counter.
  6. I got a letter in the mail from my doctor....it was regarding the blood work I had for my upcoming surgery June 19th. This is what the letter says... "Dear Breanne, I am writing in reference to recent laboratory tests. Your vitamin D was low and requires short term nutritional support with extra vitamin D. Enclosed please find a prescription for vit D (aka ergocalciferol); follow the label directions for use. It is important to have a repeat laboratory test on the vitamin D level 4 weeks after you start the supplement. I have enclosed a laboratory slip as a reminder to have this completed. If you have any questions please feel free to call me." I can't call because it's the weekend. Do you think this is the kind of thing that would postpone the surgery?? I'm not really sure how vitamin D could affect the surgery. Please tell me what you think! :blushing:
  7. haha I don't know! I had not thought of that. I have to stay overnight too. Guess I'll have a lot of catching up to do! Hey how is everything going since your surgery??

  8. Lady Lap Band

    Your June 2009 Surgery Date

    202!!!!!! WOW! JUNE 1st Time4aChange09 Angie65 PinePal T-bonz Phranp pennreporter casino2595 QuincyGirl Cindy C. susanhol Stum-belina IamMe baycoastal katrbro bayshorenewyork toolmaker JUNE 2nd astera elcee whip22 lbndoc miakoda cr8tve1 spongealan sarahstarjd LovedinFL bsandz08 Cajun Girl cincygirl Big G 2911plans JUNE 3rd mscarly jennpv cbonifate ladyT cnordg dgs1963 RobinJ kkmjk5 HBSurfPunk sharon0924 Atriva SweetAndy11 Dazzlemeplease JUNE 4th NH-Pam mimmosa changesron lachelle0580 ttechgal tstapleton616 SandyT keamreeves willowcat ibeileve scikneemynee heflinl JUNE 5th melliecat traviesa97 MissMe27 kris c Rick.Dallas lindas0809 Travelingdaddy ~Michelle~ MelissaM82 JUNE 6th nano A-Wenz JUNE 8th sweetbean70 nicole 1 Padanelle nomebug KOLaficionado leebee Kristine73 mom2specialkids JUNE 9th andy343858 Hel Colleen_rose undegraff JUNE 10th madduck52 2009LB bellyfatgone kjillcarr rdhenry12 honestymm JulieM. Big Jim Cabickley JUNE 11th bro-man tonjah YankeeFanatic Jane_S mnjhowell Betsysue lulu150 rmm1830 jordanann isaviolinist spud.mama Quilttina bnjmn3 nuevavida JUNE 12th phenry esiuolpy CarolineDC jillagould NikkiReyes practical79 Merryn tehchaymommy ponyxpress teachermommy832 PRBlazin99 JUNE 15th Luccan sahsue paisleypea randiedwards butterfly71201 grannyjany msusta cdaemom jmcg327 Susi JUNE 16th Duce carlagovier LeslieLu DebbieC keithrp7255 blackjack120 Angela72 Forabetterlife JUNE 17th RobinAnn Jane1954 peaches36 JazzyMom17 Fluffy RN Mandie esposa13 jtoler MyVinnie spice boats80 itechurkid shome TX Diva MrsNeener JUNE 18th nigh victoriasmom98 rmanns00 lbhope2009 StephOinAZ headin_to_mxico downtownjulibrown JUNE 19th Gonna Loose It Cherri236 NYGirl82 Corliss sarae Mommy of two Tia1966 ahb08 Lizandrk loose2regainme JUNE 20th Too Fat To Fish JUNE 22nd childcareresources BigAli Laydeesuga92 gemini1465 GUNNER14227 jennifermarie Shmoopy jovaughn wannabefit KayVee JUNE 23rd patsyo61 rdhgirl debbied888 JUNE 24th abbypoo Vanity kitty_cat JUNE 25th brenac Grandma26 Charlimc kmays234 JUNE 26th homecare MustLooseIt JUNE 29th remingtonsteel*md TubbyToast77 Lydiafree Cingulus vikki1012 JUNE 30th baylorjai emtsussieq UpperWestSide
  9. Hey Amy! Welcome to the group! You must be excited that June is here! When is your date, mine is the 19th! 2 weeks from today! Enjoy your weekend!

  10. Lady Lap Band

    JUNE 2009 Lap Band Surgery

    hahaha my pic scared you lol that is too funny! sorry! after I posted it I was like "dope its 5k whoops" lol
  11. What? I am going to see my surgeon on Tuesday that will be 10 days prior to my surgery which will be my last chance to ask him any questions. I am not good at thinking of questions....the only one I can come up with is "Where are you going to put my port?" So can you all help me out with questions you wish you thought to ask now before you were banded? Thanks!
  12. Lady Lap Band

    JUNE 2009 Lap Band Surgery

    Cherri sent me a link to this really cool site...its a program called Couch to 3K.....I was going to start is once I am healed from my surgery. Maybe we should make a thread of it and whoever wants to join in can? Might be fun!
  13. Lady Lap Band

    Who's getting banded on Friday June 5?

    Hi Miss! We have a group for June Bandsters here is a link if you would like to join there are over 100 members now. Also I have a list giong of everyones surery dates...here are the users that have a June 5th date JUNE 5th melliecat traviesa97 MissMe27 lindas0809 ~Michelle~ MelissaM82
  14. Lady Lap Band

    join the june journey group

    great idea here is the link if anyone needs it http://www.lapbandtalk.com/groups/june-journeys-2009.html
  15. Hey Cherri! I was suppose to loose 10lbs before surgery but I have had a really hard time doing that so I have decided to put myself on a liquid diet.....4 shakes a day....lots of water and some sugar free jello if I really can't handle it anymore lol. What is the 5k program....I would love to do that! here is my email bprimeau@verizon.net his me up if you need some encouragement throughout the next ew days!

  16. Lady Lap Band

    Your June 2009 Surgery Date

    Remember, always check the most current post for the most up to date list. JUNE 1st Time4aChange09 Angie65 PinePal T-bonz Phranp pennreporter QuincyGirl Cindy C. susanhol Stum-belina toolmaker JUNE 2nd astera elcee whip22 lbndoc cr8tve1 spongealan sarahstarjd LovedinFL bsandz08 Cajun Girl cincygirl Big G 2911plans JUNE 3rd mscarly jennpv cbonifate ladyT cnordg RobinJ kkmjk5 SweetAndy11 Dazzlemeplease JUNE 4th NH-Pam mimmosa changesron lachelle0580 ttechgal tstapleton616 SandyT keamreeves willowcat ibeileve scikneemynee heflinl JUNE 5th melliecat traviesa97 MissMe27 Rick.Dallas lindas0809 ~Michelle~ MelissaM82 JUNE 6th nano A-Wenz JUNE 8th sweetbean70 nicole 1 Padanelle nomebug KOLaficionado Kristine73 mom2specialkids JUNE 9th andy343858 Hel Colleen_rose undegraff JUNE 10th madduck52 2009LB bellyfatgone kjillcarr rdhenry12 honestymm JulieM. Big Jim Cabickley JUNE 11th bro-man tonjah YankeeFanatic Jane_S mnjhowell Betsysue rmm1830 jordanann isaviolinist spud.mama Quilttina bnjmn3 nuevavida JUNE 12th phenry esiuolpy CarolineDC jillagould practical79 Merryn tehchaymommy ponyxpress teachermommy832 PRBlazin99 JUNE 15th Luccan sahsue paisleypea randiedwards grannyjany jmcg327 Susi JUNE 16th Duce carlagovier LeslieLu DebbieC keithrp7255 Angela72 Forabetterlife JUNE 17th RobinAnn Jane1954 peaches36 JazzyMom17 Fluffy RN esposa13 jtoler boats80 MrsNeener JUNE 18th nigh victoriasmom98 rmanns00 lbhope2009 Steph0inAZ headin_to_mxico downtownjulibrown JUNE 19th Gonna Loose It Cherri236 NYGirl82 Corliss Mommy of two Tia1966 loose2regainme JUNE 20th Too Fat To Fish JUNE 22nd childcareresources BigAli Laydeesuga92 gemini1465 GUNNER14227 jennifermarie Shmoopy wannabefit KayVee JUNE 23rd patsyo61 rdhgirl debbied888 JUNE 24th abbypoo Vanity kitty_cat JUNE 25th brenac Grandma26 Charlimc kmays234 JUNE 26th homecare JUNE 29th remingtonsteel*md TubbyToast77 Lydiafree Cingulus vikki1012 JUNE 30th baylorjai UpperWestSide
  17. Hey Marryn! Welcome to the group! When is your surgery date? Mine is June 19th, I'm so excited/nervous, how are you feeling??

  18. Hi 29! Congrats on getting banded! I will be banded on June 19th. I would love to keep in touch with you and follow your progress. I would have to guess that you are having gas pains, I have heard most people do! I hope it gets better soon, you are in my prayers! Talk to you soon!
  19. Lady Lap Band

    Day Before

    yay I am not alone anymore! lol thanks Angie!!
  20. Hey that is so exciting! I am getting banded June 19th! What is your date! I'm also in my 20's! I'd love to keep in touch!
  21. Lady Lap Band

    Your June 2009 Surgery Date

    120!!! JUNE 1st Time4aChange09 Angie65 PinePal T-bonz Phranp pennreporter QuincyGirl Cindy C. susanhol Stum-belina toolmaker JUNE 2nd astera elcee whip22 lbndoc cr8tve1 spongealan sarahstarjd LovedinFL bsandz08 Cajun Girl cincygirl Big G JUNE 3rd mscarly jennpv cbonifate ladyT cnordg RobinJ kkmjk5 SweetAndy11 Dazzlemeplease JUNE 4th NH-Pam mimmosa changesron lachelle0580 ttechgal tstapleton616 SandyT keamreeves willowcat scikneemynee heflinl JUNE 5th melliecat traviesa97 MissMe27 lindas0809 ~Michelle~ MelissaM82 JUNE 6th nano JUNE 8th sweetbean70 nicole 1 Padanelle nomebug KOLaficionado Kristine73 mom2specialkids JUNE 9th andy343858 Hel Colleen_rose undegraff JUNE 10th madduck52 2009LB bellyfatgone kjillcarr rdhenry12 honestymm JUNE 11th bro-man tonjah YankeeFanatic Jane_S mnjhowell Betsysue rmm1830 jordanann isaviolinist spud.mama JUNE 12th phenry esiuolpy CarolineDC jillagould practical79 teachermommy832 PRBlazin99 JUNE 15th Luccan sahsue paisleypea randiedwards grannyjany JUNE 16th Duce carlagovier LeslieLu DebbieC keithrp7255 Angela72 JUNE 17th RobinAnn Jane1954 peaches36 JazzyMom17 Fluffy RN esposa13 jtoler boats80 MrsNeener JUNE 18th nigh victoriasmom98 rmanns00 lbhope2009 Steph0inAZ headin_to_mxico downtownjulibrown JUNE 19th Gonna Loose It Cherri236 NYGirl82 Corliss Mommy of two loose2regainme JUNE 22nd childcareresources BigAli Laydeesuga92 gemini1465 GUNNER14227 jennifermarie Shmoopy KayVee JUNE 23rd patsyo61 debbied888 JUNE 24th abbypoo JUNE 25th brenac Grandma26 kmays234 JUNE 26th homecare JUNE 29th remingtonsteel*md TubbyToast77 Lydiafree Cingulus JUNE 30th baylorjai UpperWestSide
  22. Lady Lap Band


    allie I didnt know if it was possible but I'm pretty sure you are getting hotter =)
  23. Hey wanna! Welcome to the group! Where are you on your journey, do you have a surgery date yet??

  24. Lady Lap Band

    frustrated at doctors!

    I hear ya, that would be frustrating!!
  25. Hey again Cherri! I can't believe it, 3 weeks from tomorrow! I am going to loose my mind I think lol. I am nervous bc I have not lost the 10lbs they wanted me to pre-op......I was trying liquids and couldn't make it all day, I have ended up eating dinner.....I am going to have to go to the gym and work it off cuz it's just not happening! What isyour low card diet consist of do you know??

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
