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Lady Lap Band

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Lady Lap Band

  1. have you talked to your doctors? maybe they would have a suggestion! how many cc's do you have in your band???

  2. I went to the docs on Tuesday. Lets rewind at my 1 week post op visit they told me at my 4 week post op visit I would be getting my 1st adjustment. So Tuesday the doctor took a whole 3 minutes to ask me how I was and then said "so at your next appt you'll get your 1st adjustment" and I was like "WHAT!" Long story short he went and chit chatted with the Nuse Practitioner and then she came in and gave me my fill! Thank goodness bc I totally didn't drive 40 minutes to tell my doctor in 3 minutse that I was feeling good! Anyway for anyone concerned it was SOOO MUCH EASIER THAN GETTING YOUR BLOOD DRAWN! It was so painless. It took a total of maybe 30 seconds for it to go in and out. I was waiting for the pain and literally there was none and I had no numbing cream! They put 2 1/2cc's in my 10cc band, I can't say I feel differently. I guess it can take up to 2 weeks to feel restriction, can someone explain that one to me? Anyway I think I feel less hungry though. And I lost almost 3lbs in 2 days I went from 239.7 to 237.2. I get my 2nd fill on Aug 14th!!!
  3. I would say I am eating between 700-900 def not over 900. I just got my 1st fill and feel no different from before I got it. I only got 2 1/2ccs in a 10cc band.
  4. hey gretchen! just checkin in! havent heard from you in a while! hows it going???

  5. hey I am not sure how I feel yet with this fill.....Im not sure of the reason behind it but they say it take 1-2 weeks to feel any restriction from the fill. I think I feel less hungry though, I just dont really feel restricted. I lost another lb though....actually almost 2lbs bc i went from 239.7 to 237.2 so I am happy! I still burb like a sailor lol it does get a little better though they say if you are burping you are probably eating too fast, so try to slow it down! keep me up to date on how its going! oh and thanks for leaving comments on my blog!!!!!!!


    Lady Lap Band

  6. Lady Lap Band

    JUNE 2009 Lap Band Surgery

    i dont think you are doing anything wrong...i dont think one fill does much at all!
  7. I'm glad things went well for you! I wish that was the case for everyone! I know many people have no problems and hardly any pain but that wasn't me! I'm great now but man o man I was awful the 1st week post op. Maybe my pain tolerance isnt so hot!!
  8. This varies from person to person.... My experience right after surgery was that I felt full after eating 7-8oz. However, I only did that one time. I typically eat about 4oz and don't feel full, but don't feel hungry either. I had my first fill yesterday and still feel the same as I did without a fill. They did say though that it could take up to 2 weeks before you start to feel any restriction from a fill.
  9. My surgeon had told my husband that he had put some saline in my band after I had the surgery, however I had my first fill yesterday and come to find out all it really was, was he put some Fluid in the tubing to make sure it all works good. I think that is what most surgeons do. Most dont put fluid in bc it needs to heal properly But like I said that is only most every surgeon is sooooooooooo different! I wrote a whole blog about my fill exerpeince yesterday....here's a link. www.ladylapband.com they put 2 1/2 cc's on my 10cc band
  10. well when you put it that way 14lbs in a month sounds like a lot. I guess I was just comparing myself to those who had lost 20lbs. I really need to stop comparing. I am glad you have someone to do your fills? How are you feeling today??

  11. hey i had my fill today it was great, didnt hurt at all how are you doing???

  12. oh my gosh that is soo exciting! I'm so happy for you! You must be so relieved especially seeing how everything got delayed! Thanks for reading my blog that means a lot to me, and I am glad you liked it! I was not really hungry my first 3 weeks post op but this last week I am have soooooooooo much more hungry....I am a little upset I have only lost 14lbs since surgery but I'm trying to keep my chin up, I get a first fill on Tuesday...what are you going to be doing for fills once you get home??

  13. i say amen to new addictions lol id rather shopping and exercising be my addiction which I am sure they will be! i think its natural bc now you look good and you want to stay that way!
  14. Lady Lap Band

    hurts to take a deep breath

    i normally breathe shallow as well I woke up braething so shallow from surgery bc it hurt to take deep breathes I kept making the machines I was hooked up to beep and the nurse had to keep telling me take deep breathes breanne take deep breathes lol it gets better!
  15. hey caroline! i lost the link to your blog bc i was getting anew template and everything got lost!


    Lady Lap Band

  16. you will feel a huge difference once you hit a week post op! I felt like I was carrying around a load of bricks on my stomach from the incisions lol buts it gets better I'm telling you 1 week you will feel more like yourself!!!
  17. Lady Lap Band

    Should i have lied??????

    I think you should just say that is so great I am so happy for you!
  18. I have noticed tons of people from this website have blogs and I would love to follow everyones but I dont know how to locate them all so if you have a blog post the link here I would love to view it! Here is a link to mine! www.ladylapband.com
  19. hey wow that is exciting you'll have to let me know how it goes! oh no lahey doesnt have any requirments like that its all on an individual basis according to what your insurance requires. My insurance only required 3 months and then I know anyother girl who is having it done there, she just started the process and has a date next month. What do you have to do at tufts??

  20. i was banded a little over 3 weeks ago at lahey. i had a great experience. but there are so many wonderful places to have it done. I just have been going to lahey my whole life that is why i chose it. do you know when your date is??

  21. hey there! I saw a post about lahey clinic, where did you end up deciding to get banded????

  22. hey! that is awesome that you are still going down, I seem to be stuck at 13lbs down. I need to crank the exercise as well! youll have to tell me all about your fill seeing you are the week before me!

  23. you sound just like me I was banded 6/19 and I can pretty much eat anything as long as I chew it wicked good. My first fill is July 21st. I lost 12lbs after 1 week post op and so far just one more additional lb. As far as I have heard lots of people are having the same problem they arent loosing anymore. We need a fill! as far as gaining I only notice it when I get crazy and weigh everday but if I weigh once a week it pretty much stays the same.
  24. hey how did the champagne bubbles settle in your stomach??

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