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Lady Lap Band

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Lady Lap Band

  1. The only people (other than on this website) that know I have the band are my mom, dad, and husband. When I had to take time off work I told people that I was getting my hiatel hernia reparied. I don't eat out or at home with friends often so it has not been an issue as far as other people noticing. I think in the end you will be happier if you dont etll anyone. I dont ever plan to
  2. oh you poor thing I am so sorry about what happened to the bunny! I can't imagine how you feel! oh a good note I wanted to say congrats, I see that you are below your initial goal that you set for yourself! You rock.....oh and please please please workout godess lol give me some tips for motivating myself to workout more I dont know what the heck is wrong with me!!!

  3. Lady Lap Band

    Forgive Me Lap Band Goddess

    well you know it would be silly to think that the band magically makes us not want to eat something bad! I look at it this way....if you dont allow yourself to do it every now and then you might have an attack and just binge so dont worry about 1 little ounce! It'll be okay so long as you are aware that you are doing it!
  4. Hi Amy! I read that you have a surgery date!!! Congrats! It is so exciting isn't it???? It's odd going through the process with no end in sight but when you get the date you actually have something to look forward to! Lady Lap Band

  5. Lady Lap Band

    New Year, New You Challenge!

    18lbs to reach my turkey goal....hmm dont know if that will happen! =(
  6. I got mine in June, I am 22!
  7. I think one week after surg I started drinking coffee again. I have also been drinking it right along, but I have recently started giving it up and I actually feel so much better!
  8. I hear you! i am the same way with the exercise right now! I like burn myself out with so much that I dont do it for like 2 weeks them! I've been averaging 2-2.5lbs a week and like you I am pretty happy with that.

  9. Yeah I wish I was a little further along...its my own fault I have not been exercising enough....how are you doing with that???

  10. Don't give up! Doctors are usually really helpful in getting all the info to the insurance companies so that they see that it is really medically needed!!!
  11. Lady Lap Band

    when did you find out?

    I started this process in Dec. 2008 and in March 2009 I found out my surgery date....June 19th, 2009! Congrats to you!!!
  12. I didnt vote......my insurance did not require me to loose weight......the hospitals pre op program required me to loose 10-15lbs but that had nothing to do with insurance coverage. Also, I didn't end up loosing the 10-15 that the hospital wanted me too and I still was able to have the surg.
  13. Hey Carlos!!!!! First off....I sound just like your bf before I was banded. So insecure, very testy, and held all my emotions in and ate to feel better. All I can say is that as soon as i started to drop weight, I began to emerge from the shell I put myself in. My confidence sky rocketed and I've been much nicer in general. I think you should just continue to do all the great things you are doing for him, get the education about what is going to be a HUGE part of his life from now on....go to doctor appts with him and learn and listen to the doctors too. They tell you so much its nice to have a second pair of ears because there is no way one person can remember it all. If you ever have any questions let me know and I'd be glad to help you if I can!
  14. Lady Lap Band

    Hello, all! :o)

    Hey Heather! How exciting! I think you will find the seminar really informative! I went to my seminar Dec. 8th 2008 and got banded June 19th 2009. I am really really happy with my decision. The only thing I regret is not doing it sooner! Feel free to contact me anytime if you have any questions I will do my best to help you out!
  15. ooh my gosh is that little white fluffy baby yours??? so so cute!! is it a maltese????? I have 4 maltese

  16. Lady Lap Band

    How are cravings after being banded???

    aww your surgery is on my birthday! lol no I still had a lot of cravings after surg. As I am getting more Fluid in my band the cravings are less and less. Just remember that as time goes on it will get better!
  17. Lady Lap Band

    What if i dont/cant do preop liquid diet?

    My doctor only required that I loose 10-15lbs prior to surgery through healthy eating and exercise. That was the only kind of pre op "diet" that I had to do. However, I must admit that I didn't loose anything and they still did the surgery. Try your best to do what the doc says but I think they will still do the surg. so I would not worry about it too much. Call and talk to them about it to ease your mind a bit. =)
  18. Lady Lap Band

    Post surgey pain

    You could be having a reaction to what they closed your incisions with. I had a friend who had a problem with this. Her name is Kristen.....here is her blog you should check it out and ask her about her experience...she may be able to help you.... I'm with the band
  19. Lady Lap Band

    New Year, New You Challenge!

    ABSOLUTLEY!!!!!!! :thumbup:
  20. Lady Lap Band

    New Year, New You Challenge!

    This darn thing lol I thought I had fixed it but guess not. I fixed it again and signed myself out and then clicked the link and it worked! It let me view it and edit it without signing in so I think you should all be good now! http://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0Atp9O-i4yI21dFJDV29vZjlRQnpRdTJ5THBXUFF0Qnc&hl=en
  21. My dietician says it is very hard to stretch out your pouch. I am with you, very concerned about stretching it all the time. I would say I usually eat about 3/4 cup of food sometimes 1 cup and I don't feel like anything has stretched my pouch.
  22. haha you are sooo funny! I said the same thing when I went from morbidly obese to just plain old obese lol
  23. The first week alone I lost 13lbs just on liquids.....can't be exactly sure but I think I was around 20lbs down after one month.
  24. Lady Lap Band

    New Year, New You Challenge!

    Awesome! I noticed that it would not allow you to view the spread sheet, give it a try now i think i fixed it!!
  25. Lady Lap Band

    TURKEY DAY Challenge 2009

    so excited! I am down 10lbs since i started this challenge! Of course I feel like I could have worked a little harder but I am just thankful for the loss!! woohoo!!

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