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Lady Lap Band

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Lady Lap Band

  1. Lady Lap Band

    My Blog

  2. Lady Lap Band

    My Blog

  3. Lady Lap Band

    How soon after eating do YOU Drink??

    I am really bad sometimes I dont wait and drink with food, a small amount though...I dont notice it making any difference.....
  4. Actually I have not gone to the meetings yet. I work nights right now which has prevented me from going. Next week I start a new job that will allow me to go! I am going to go next month it is the last Tuesday of the month, I am not sure of the time yet.... www.ladylapband.com

  5. Hey larry! I have not been on here in a long time, how are you doing???

  6. Oh wow that is too cool!! I live near Lowell. Right on the NH line.

  7. awe Heidi aren't you sweet thank you so much!!!

  8. sorry I sent you a message when I was trying to send it to someone else which I am sure you will figure out when you read it! lol sorry about that!!

  9. With the Turkey Day Challenge ending in Nov., I wanted to present a new challenge called "New Year, New You!" that will start in Nov. to overlap. I am currently part of the Turkey Day challenge but when I reach that, it will not put me at my goal so therefore I want to be prepared with another goal. So here it is. I know there are many of you who did not participate in the Turkey Day for various reasons (you were just banded, you found out about it too late ect.) So here is a great opportunity for you to get involved in a challenge! The challenge will begin on Nov. 1st and go through Jan. 1st. I wanted to post this early so that people would have enough time to find out about this and decided on a goal for themselves! Here is a google spreadsheet(much like the Turkey Day) where you can enter all your information. Don't forget to rate this thread high so we can get it up to the top so there will be lots of users in on this challenge just like Turkey Day!!!
  10. Hey Vicki!! I just wanted you to know that I am in the same boat as you! My surg was 6/19 and am only down 35lbs and am feeling especially angry with myself lately because I really wanted to have lost 50lbs by now. I cant wait to get a fill tomorrow!!!!

  11. Lady Lap Band

    New Year, New You Challenge!

    How did everyone do during Thanksgiving????? I went a little overboard on leftovers...
  12. Lady Lap Band

    'Dieting' or 'Way of Life'

    I really do believe that you have to adapt to a new way of life in order to keep this weight off forever. A diet is a short term program and when it's over most people gain the weight back that they lost. With a lifestyle change you are more likely to keep it off. I think that whoever said that about the pizza was right on the money!
  13. I'm not 30 but my other stat are similar.....5'5 starting at 252lsb BMI was 41.....I am down 35lbs since June 2009......should be more but I got stuck and had to get all my fluid out so right now i have no restriction bummer. But I am slowly filling back up!
  14. Larry that is so exciting!!! You must be thrilled! Dont be nervous be excited this is an amazing surgery!!

  15. I'll head back to your blog and let you know!! I am in your shoes....at 4cc and feeling nothing!! I am getting a small fill every 2 weeks at this point!! I am sooo frustrated!! glad you are going to do this with me!!!

  16. Lady Lap Band

    Question about Damage from SOda?

    There are several reasons I think they tell you to avoid soda.... 1st being that the carbonation may stretch the pouch 2nd being that its empty calories Also even if ou just drink diet soda....studies show that people who dont drink any soda weigh less than people who do. For me if I am drinking soda then I am not drinking enough Water. One time since banding I shook up a soda till it was flat and then drank it...but I think its gross so no more of that lol. I was such a diet coke a holic that I just cant drink it bc I would be hooked again lol. My doc said that I only had to avoid it for 1 year but i dont think I'll start drinking it again.
  17. Lady Lap Band

    400lb and clueless...pls read

    I dont really think the surgeon has a say over which surg. you have. I mean he can tell you which one he thinks is better which he clearly says its GB so I would move on to another surgeon who doesnt have a problem doing the LB with you.
  18. hey danise! I had to track you down through LBT because it would not let me comment on your blog!! I am totally down doing the challenge with you!!! I officially started today Monday 11/16 start weight 217 and hope to be 167lbs by March 15th!!! We can so do this if we put our minds to it!!! here is my email ladylapband@verizon.net talk to you soon!

  19. Lady Lap Band

    New Year, New You Challenge!

    I just wanted to say thanks to Robin for fixing the spreadsheet for us!!!
  20. Lady Lap Band

    New Year, New You Challenge!

    How is everyone doing 1 week in now????
  21. Lady Lap Band

    I gave up on my pre op liquid diet

    It was not required of me either....I didn't even try because I knew I couldnt do it. I go nuts without eating I get crazy headaches and have no energy! I totally get it!!!
  22. Lady Lap Band

    New Year, New You Challenge!

    ive pretty much excepted the fact that i wont reach my turkey day lol i was too ambitous.....my goal is 1.5 per week so 12 lbs down by jan 1!!
  23. Lady Lap Band

    I did not sign up for this!

    That was so ridiculous that your surgeon put fluid iny our band. that is not suppose to happen until 4-6 weeks post op and even then 3cc is WAY TOO MUCH for 1 fill. Go very very very slow with fills from here on out......I would start like every 4 weeks (3 if you feel no differece) and just get 1 hald of a cc each time. the slower the better with the band!
  24. Lisa congrats on the date! You are getting banded 3 days before my birthday!!! You must be soooo excited! Keep me updated on how you are doing!

  25. If I were you I would tell my mom that from here on out that I dont want to tell any more people that I have had the surgery. I would just say because I am not comfortable talking about it yet. As far as your hubby asking about weightloss......serisouly I would just tell him that the second you loose weight you will be sure to anounce it and that he doesnt have to keep asking

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