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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Rchsphmelli

  1. Hello everyone, This is my first time posting to this forum (and second time trying to post here because my cat just jumped on the keyboard and erased my almost-completed message from 20 minutes ago. Lovely.) Anyways, I'm 25 yrs old, got banded 5 years ago and am down 130 lbs. 215 lbs today, still working at it. Here's the problem: I'm going to school for the second time around, I relocated to Florida from Wisconsin to go to college. No family down here, and no insurance as a student. While this is temporary (10 more months to go of this hell!) I'm eating like 3 cups of food a day mostly while driving. Working 2 jobs minimum wage. No time to eat, stressed to the MAX. I know I'm in desperate need of a fill, but I cannot afford these fees to get an adjustment! SO, anyways, I need help. I want to take control of my life and make a structured menu for myself to follow in order to ensure that not only am I eating what I should, but I can go into the grocery store, march in, get what I need, and not make rash decisions on what snacky foods full of crap to buy. I don't know how much I SHOULD be eating (some forums say 3 small meals a day, others say 5 meals of 1/2 cup, etc. etc), and nothing posted online says what my normal diet should be. I'd like to know how much Protein and carbohydrates I should be taking in a day. I'd like to know how many cups of food I SHOULD eat and that's it. I'd LIKE to know if there's any freaking way to get an adjustment in Florida with no money or insurance. I know I should probably call around but I'm just on my last nerve, exhausted and ANGRY because I've gained weight (ok. Only 5 lbs but still, 5 lbs is a lot for me). On top of this, next week is Thanksgiving (cue the scary music) and that means potentially thousands of calories for me to ingest. So, so worried here folks. I think I need a hug, haha.
  2. I understand this is a scary time for you-- trust me, in that your first week you HAVE to follow the rules, take it easy, and keep those portions small. It'll be a lot easier than you think... I lost 12 lbs. my first week alone and it just starting falling from then. I was VERY doubtful that I was going to lose any weight at all, and then they said "Oh, think 100 lbs. lost, Rachel! You're not just going to lose weight, you're going to be a brand new person!" And I doubted. Then I lost. And my confidence skyrocketed, and I felt like I was released from this prison that I didn't even know I was in. It's a lot more dramatic of a change for people that are younger--- we put a lot more into our looks I think. Please keep up with the forum, and go to the support groups-- they will help immensely. Even though a lot more people getting the surgery are older (most of the people in my support groups were 40-50 years old), we're all human, and this is a lot easier conquered en masse than alone. Also, look to the support of your family to help you through it-- mine did a lot to help with my portion control and push me through the tough times.
  3. I'm in the same boat. Had the surgery 4 years ago, lost 110 lbs and look great, but I'm also 23 and the doc says a tummy tuck would be the best option. I didn't realize that your ab muscles get so separated when giving birth/pregnancy and that might null the tightened tummy I get from the surgery. I hear a lot of genetics are at play too--some are more prone than others to have more stretched out skin and/or get the stretch marks badly.
  4. Hello! I'm also 24, and had the surgery almost 4 years ago now. I'm 120 lbs. down, and feel fabulous. They assured me that my skin would heal itself a lot faster because I'm young, and thus far it's been doing pretty well. I've got a bit of loose skin around my belly that I'd like to take care of, and that's how I wandered into this forum. Please please get this surgery if you are young. I got it done at 20 and it was the best decision of my life! I am a new person because of it, and probably added another 10 years onto my life. Feel free to e-mail me: rschmeling@discoveryworld.org hope this helps! rachel
  5. Rchsphmelli

    I am so sick of being single!

    See, I don't know if it's where I'm located or WHAT, but there is nothing going on in Wisconsin. It's like a desert wasteland out here! Even though I am smaller now, I still like bigger guys and my biggest push to get this LapBanding done was to be able to date and feel good about myself. Well, great, now I feel great about myself, and it's been 2 years... and there aren't any guys around who see that. I'm young (23), 6'3 and now I'm a size 16 and confident about my looks. It's funny becuase my friends (who are all smaller) get angry when someone whistles at them on the street, but I got my first "whistle at" a couple of weeks ago and it felt great to be accepted into society as someone attractive. But now, I guess I'm angry becuase guys didn't like me fat and that was my biggest excuse as to why they didn't like me back then, and now I'm thin and it is tough to think my personality would ever turn someone off. It's one thing to change the way you look, but to be rejected for being yourself is a depressing thought
  6. Rchsphmelli

    College Students Report Here!

    Hi everyone! I'm in the arctic region of the US, affectionatly known as Wisconsin. It's a balmy 30 degrees outside... urg. Anyways, I'm 23 years old, no kids, singleton. I just graduated with a degree from Marquette University. My biggest problem is that a lot of my guy friends are 300 + lbs. and can drink like a fish, and here I am having one drink and I'm tipsy from that. No soda, which also stinks. Or bread. *sigh* I'm still happy though! 100 lbs. lost, 2 yrs out and counting!
  7. Rchsphmelli

    I'm afraid to be totally honest on the questionnaire

    I was nervous about the psych eval too, and I know me telling you not to worry won't calm down those fears, but you really don't have to. Thing is, they're not allowed to ask you if you do narcotics, drugs, engage in risky bodily activities unless you're in a confidential setting. They can hold you back from surgery if you engage in illegal drug use or something that will mess with your recovery. They want to make sure they know all your addictions, including food. Hope that helps.
  8. Rchsphmelli

    2 years banded.....

    My biggest issue thus far, after 2 years out, has been guys I think. My doctor was great, my family is super supportive, but man, this whole being single thing kinda stinks. I was hoping that would have been taken care of now that I've lost the weight, but I guess finding a quality guy is tougher than it seems. I'm 6'3 and I think that's a bit intimidating for guys :/
  9. Rchsphmelli

    For the singles here... Just do this..

    Yay for my first post here! I'm 23, living in Wisconsin (Milwaukee area) and have lost a total of 100 lbs. thus far. I'm almost 2 years out of my banding and have been steadily losing still. I'd be happy to find someone who understands what its like to eat like a bird at every meal (haha)

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