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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by beachlover

  1. I am looking for any other lap bandsters who had the procedure performed by Dr. Van Wagner in St. Louis, MO.
  2. beachlover

    I'm here to help...

    This is so weird. I got on tonight to see if this had happened to anyone else and it seems like Julie. I got a .6 cc fill last Wednesday for a total of 4.4. Water went down fine but I just didn't feel right. I was burping a lot and experiencing slight heart burn. I called my Dr.'s office yesterday to tell them it didn't feel right, burping, etc. (by the way they are 2 hours from me). They told me it sounded like I was too tight and needed some saline removed and wanted me to come up then. I explained I couldn't get off work that quick so they made my appointment for today. However, last night around 7:15 p.m. I started pb-ing bad and finally at 10:30 p.m. I called the doctor and he said not to worry to either come up today or come to the emergency room. My husband and I decided that I couldn't wait till today so we said emergency room. Dr. said he would call and have them ready. My husband drove 80 mph and we got there at 12:15 a.m. (I am pb, throwing up all the way there, mind you I have only been eating soft foods because I was scared to eat anything else and then yesterday evening, I couldn't even eat). Of course, no one was waiting and i had to wait over an hour and a half before finally my dr came in because the er doctor had never performed a removal of saline nor a fill and didn't want to do it and personally I didn't want him doing it either. My dr finally came in and within 1 minute of him removing saline I could tell a difference, actually while he was removing it. He took out 2 cc. I was never so scared in my life. Apparently, something had gotten stuck and I was too tight. Now today I have a bad head ache, my left shoulder is sore as well as middle of my back. I attributed it to all the throwing up. But anyway, Julie I would definitely call your doctor. I talked to mine again today and they didn't seem like it was any big deal. It was definitely a big deal to me and my husband who was also terrifed. Good Luck!
  3. beachlover

    I'm here to help...

    Happy Belated Birthday Janet!!:thumbup: My birthday is next month and I already know that I will feel better this birthday compared to last year. My goal is to be fit and healthy when I turn 50, in 2010! Long-your pictures are just great! I hear ya on going to a smaller size. I feel that I just really have gone down a size or two now. I haven't bought any new sizes just had all my clothes tailored. It was soooo much cheaper. I plan to buy new clothes in the spring. My husband and I went out for supper last night. I had a glass of Riesling, ate a little of salad, tried to eat my filet mignon and baked potato. But I got sick again like I did previously on soda. Do you think it was the Riesling? I have only had a glass of wine prior to last night and it seemed ok just not that good to me anymore. I used to really like wine. Alcohol and soda are a small price to pay for weight loss.
  4. beachlover

    I'm here to help...

    Congratulations Long on your 100 lbs!!!!:cursing: It is so exciting and encouraging to read all the success stories on this link. I agree with Janet lbt is a great support! Janet you look great in your picture. It has been 83 days since my surgery and i have lost 47 lbs. It seems since my second fill that the weight loss has slowed down a little. I really appreciate all the advice you give, even the tough stuff. We have to hear the truth and you have already walked the walk. I am glad to hear you and your friend had a great time in Vegas, you deserve it. Well I am off school today because of inclement weather and am going to get my info together for taxes.:tt1:
  5. beachlover

    I'm here to help...

    Beach, I was told soda was a big no no. That the carbonation can stretch the band or something like that. I have had a few sips of hubby's on occassion and if it's more than a tiny sip I am very uncomfortable. So not sure if you should even be drinking it, but I know many dr's have different opinions, you might check with your's . That is probably why I had the problem. It was like three drinks and I felt I was going to throw up and headed straight for the bathroom. I can't remember what he said but I am going to go back through my info and check. Either way, I don't believe I will try it again. I was banded on Halloween and just found out at my last fill (this past Tuesday) that I would be coming to his office once a month and sometimes I might not get a fill. Is that how your doctor had you do?
  6. beachlover

    Got my 2nd fill today

    I got my 2nd fill this past Tuesday and it burned this time. My first fill didn't hurt at all. What does the restriction feel like?
  7. beachlover

    I'm here to help...

    I got my second fill this past Tuesday, so now I am at 3.2cc. I have lost a total of 44 lbs. since Halloween, which is one third of my excess weight. It has been harder to eat anything after this fill. I even experienced the PB and throwing up. I think it was the diet soda. I still don't think I am going to be able to drink that. Does anyone else have that problem?
  8. beachlover

    New Start program in St. Louis

    I was told that if I would do the outpatient instead of staying overnight, my insurance company would agree faster. They did. I just slept all the way home (in and out) and then went straight to bed when I got home, slept for most of the weekend actually. When I first started the program this past summer I weighed 272 lbs. I had to do the pre-op liquid diet in order to shrink my liver and I lost 12 lbs. The rest has been after surgery (the first few weeks you do not feel like eating, or at least I didn't), when I went for my post-op visit (a week after) I weighed 251 and this past week (Tuesday 9th) I went for my first fill and I weighed 242. I received 2.5 cc's of saline but I don't really think I have that much restriction. Of course, I am not going to push it either because I do not want to throw up or get something stuck. My goal weight is 144 lbs. I believe it will take me at least until the end of next summer to get close. My doctor said about 2 lbs. per week. I go for my second fill on January 13th.
  9. beachlover

    ?ctober ?dyssey 2008

    I just had my first fill this past Tuesday, 2.5 ccs. My doctor did the fill with no problem. Having your blood taken hurts worse. I had to be on clear liquids for two days, full liquids for two days, then mushies, fish for a couple of days. I don't think I feel any different than before I was banded, but I am afraid to push it. I don't want to slime, throw up, etc. My second fill is scheduled for January 13th. It seems the majority of the pumpkins are losing weight as my doctor said, 1-2 lbs a week. I don't have a local support group so it is nice to hear from each of you. Do any of you get to eat salad or red meat yet?
  10. beachlover

    New Start program in St. Louis

    Everything went just fine. The actual procedure was less than an hour and I went home by 11:30 a.m. I had to be there at 7:00 a.m. The hardest part was the drive home. I was 2 hours away. I just received my first fill this past Tuesday. I have lost a total of 30 lbs. Of course, you want the weight to come off quicker but that is not good for you. I am also walking at least 3 to 4 times a week for 40 minutes on my treadmill. Now, I can start doing some type of weights, or swimming also.
  11. beachlover

    ?ctober ?dyssey 2008

    I go for my first fill next Tuesday. I do not know how many cc's I will receive. I don't believe I received any during the surgery. I have lost 27 lbs. and yes, I wish it would come off faster also but then I realize that it didn't come on overnight so it will not come off overnight. I am walking on my treadmill at least 30 to 40 minutes 5 days a week. My doctor didn't tell me how many calories, fats, proteins, etc. to watch. Just to follow his instructional sheets, which were clear liquids, regular liquids, mushies, and now weeks 4-8 anything but bread, rice, fibrous vegetables, red meat and pork. Also, no carbonated or alcoholic beverages. Make sure I drink 64 oz of fluid, 32 which needs to be water. It does get discouraging at times but then I come on here and read the encouraging notes and I get pumped again.
  12. beachlover

    ?ctober ?dyssey 2008

    I was banded on Halloween so I guess that makes me a smashing pumpkin also. I have lost 22 lbs. I go for my first fill on December 9th. I am exercising 5 days a week for 30 to 35 minutes by treadmill 2.5 mph. I am glad I found the October 2008 bandsters!
  13. beachlover

    Help!! I need encouragement

    During my pre-op testing, I failed by stress test. I had to have the nuclear kind since I had a broken foot. Since I failed, and they do not repeat them here, I was scheduled for a cardiac catherization. I also had to check my family history and found out that my grandmother (on my mom's side) had had a massive heart attack at the age of 58. I am only 48 but that was enough to scare me. I had the cath and everything was clear all the way to the heart. Yippee!! The cardiologist told me right after she was done that all was ok and I would be approved for the surgery. I felt the stress test failing was a blessing in disguise. I had the surgery two weeks after the cath October 31st and have lost 22 lbs. I am also walking on my treadmill 30 - 35 minutes a day at 2.5 mph. I feel better already. So keep you chin up, the testing really is important.
  14. beachlover

    I'm here to help...

    I researched the surgery alone for over a year. The surgeon I used came recommended by two other patients, who were successful one by bypass and one by lapband. As bad as you want the surgery I would sure do more research on the doctor you were comfortable with by hopefully talking to some of his patients. If he is truly interested in your success surely he will give you a couple of names, of course with their blessing. Do they have a support group at Top Surgeons? A little more time now could save you a lot of time and misery later. Indigo, you are right about the not keeping up the weight loss and I appreciate your words of encouragement. I get so excited about the weight loss and I think that 100 lbs should be gone by now. haha!!
  15. beachlover

    I'm here to help...

    Well, it has been 20 days since my surgery and I have lost a total of 22 lbs. However, I do think my clothes are getting a little looser. I get to start for the next four weeks any food besides red meat, pork, bread, fibrous vegetables. Still no carbonated beverages, alcohol, sipping thru a straw. I fixed baked chicken tonight, stir fry vegetables (soft) and mashed potatoes for supper. I am keeping my calories under 1000, usually under 800. I have been walking on my treadmill for 35 minutes at 2.5 mph. I will weigh again on Saturday and hoping for more weight lost. I do not get my first fill until December 9th. What is the sweet spot that everyone mentions?
  16. beachlover

    I'm here to help...

    I was just banded on Halloween. I did research about a year and a half prior. I was looking for a group that talked about their experiences, meals, success, disappointment, etc. I have been reading the threads and feel that I finally have found some people to talk to. I am so thankful for each of your advice listed.
  17. beachlover

    New Start program in St. Louis

    I was banded by Dr. Wagner on Halloween as an outpatient. Surgery was done at the Ballas Surgery Center.
  18. beachlover

    I am now 4 weeks out with band!!

    I am three weeks out with the band and have only lost 20 lbs. Of course, I cannot do any exercise yet because I have a broken foot. Have you had your first fill?
  19. beachlover

    wrong decision?

    I was banded on Halloween and felt like you the first couple of days. By the 5th day I started feeling a lot better. I didn't do the protein shakes but I had to do broth or jello. I am only on my full liquid diet now, but I get to start soft foods on Thursday. Good Luck!
  20. beachlover

    First Fills

    I had my lap band surgery on Halloween and am not scheduled for my first fill until December 9th.
  21. beachlover

    I hit 250lbs today!!!!

    Congratulations! Any weight lost is a bonus.
  22. Looking for a buddy/mentor for lap band surgery.

  23. I had my lap band performed as an outpatient at Ballas Outpatient Surgery Center on Halloween. It has only been a week and so far I am healing more each day. I am not able to start my walking right yet because I broke my foot. But I am hoping to start right away.

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