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LAP-BAND Patients
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About Band_Groupie

  • Rank
    Touring With The Band
  • Birthday 04/27/1959

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    Wife and Mom of 3
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  • Interests
    Art, Crafts, Gardening, Home Improvement Projects
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  1. Thanks for the comment. First fill yesterday....soft foods today.....dont really feel much restriction yet. He put in 4cc in my large band. Not sure how much my band holds. Dr. said Id be in there every 2 to 3 weeks for fills instead of every month which Im really glad about hopefully get to my sweet spot sooner. Good news is lost another 9 lbs since my last appt. For a total of 21 lbs down since wt before preop diet. 21 lbs down since first of August. Im pleased. Love your blogs!!

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