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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Mayasgram

  1. Its hard on us Fatties we grieve food like we have lost our best friend because for many folks thats exactly what it is... So we think we are giving up the world when we have to diet.

    After being banded you can eat anything just about ,,,, you just don't want too ..it's just food and a little bite will do you... Your life will stop revolving around food and you will not have that love/hate relationship I love that food but I hate myself because I ate it feeling . Now thats something to be Thankful For .... So this year is just the begining of a new life with food . Remember no fat livers is 30 mins of food worth them saying sorry we couldn't do the surgery .

  2. My heart breaks for you . Do you have a family Dr that has seen you does he have records of your weight did you ever discuss Lapband with him or a diet plan Call him and make an appointment tell him your problem perhaps he can help.. My Dr and I jumped through more BCBS hooops then a circus dog but I got my band. Best of Luck . Please let us know what happens you have lots of folks pulling for you.....

  3. I t hink everyone gets stuck eventually. Chew chew chew, the first signs of a stuck is lots of saliva . It's your friend i t helps to get unstuck because if you lean over from the waist and open wide it should slide out.

    I think everyone myself included was scared of being stuck, it hurts, but it's really no big deal it comes out. Just stop eating not one more bite leave the table go to the bathroom and get rid of it. It does not have any stomach acid in it so it's not like vomiting it's just improperly chewed food. My worst time is when I am really hungry and if I am visiting with friends and don't chew or eat to fast.

  4. Sounds like you did'nt really value the friendship anyway. Wondering if you would have made the 2 Tacos ago comment before in regards to you both having lunch. You mean you had surgery 13 days ago and you are doing 4 miles wow I am impressed even now I still would have a hard time with the Beans.< /p>

    Do Italains have a corner on hot tempers just asking.

  5. Just read someones post about eating a pretzel to make a co worker happy. OMG thats one of the ways I got so fat eating when I wasn't hungry to please some one else. You know the clean plate club girl who never wanted to hurt anyone.

    STOP STOP STOP. do not fall in to that . If someones that concerned with your eating and what and when and how much they are not concerned about you they want company on the fat road they are on or they want you to stay fat so they do not have to compete with you. Never eat to please anyone else ever. Usually I end with just sayin.. but I hope your are just listening...

  6. Well your professional life was like mine and I was often to busy to eat and then watch out when I did.

    It is your choice to tell or not to tell personally I couldn't keep up with all the stories . Our receptionist had the surgery when I was working and it was well known like she weighed a lot so that was no secret. I know when she went through the process there was lots of talk but really as the weight came off everyone was supportive. Her decision to take control of her body was the incentive I needed to start thinking about my body and what I wanted as she ate het little bits and walked 30 mins on her lunch hour I was like wow if she can do it maybe their is hope for me..

    It was hard to go to all the business things and not eat I just did it. I nibbled and pushed food around and put down my fork to listen to my associates surprising what you learn when you listen. Good Luck your life is going t o change in ways you only dreamed of. And maybe you will be te catalyst for some one else to take care of their body.

  7. Followed it to a T . Because this is the begining of a journey that ended the battle I admited I could not win on my own.. And my Dr said FAT LIVER you lose I will close you right back up..... And no way could I face my wonderful supportive husband with yet one more weight loss fiasco............You gotta want it , more then you want the little party in your mouth .

  8. I didn't have this site when I was waiting or losing wish I would have. Maybe it's my teaching background but I try to contribute honest opinions and help. There are days I absolutely have to say HELLO who is your DR. are you for real........

    And then I look up profiles..

    MY only wish is someone new would follow the threads so they would know a lot of what they are asking has been asked and answered quite a few times. THe old saying there are no dumb questions.............. somedays I think there really are. However having said that I either do not answer those or leave it to the sweeter folks.

    I have been successful on this journey and I want that for every one out there with all my heart, but I will give whoever ask the facts as I have lived them and I was the one of the most rebellious , self hating ,people around and gaining control over this area of my life has been the best thing I have ever done for myself and I want it for every person who comes on and want help.

  9. I think everyone who had the surgery wants deep in their heart to wake up skinney , Think about it you admitted you were fat, you went to a Dr., you followed a pre surgery diet, you wrestled with your choice, you shelled out the big bucks, or prayed to the Insurance gods, went under scared and woke up hurting at least in a perfect world you should at least not gain 5 lbs. :o

    Stay off the scale , eat what they tell you, :) eat when you are hungry :P in the amount you are suppose to eat, :mellow: let your body heal and walk . B) And you will find yourself right where you want to be in perfect world.. :wub:

  10. Oh wow ......the feeling at the bottom of your throat may be swelling from all the vomiting. If you have thrown up 4 times I would think it is gone and you are now really irritated . Small sips of warm liquid like hot tea may help . But just don't try any more food today all liquids and softys tomorrow.

    When I had really bad stucks I refluxed through my nose and mouth and could not lay down that is a bad stuck that means an unfill and the Dr. Good Luck I hope you feel better a lesson learned is a lesson learned..

  11. I made 2 decisions when I decided to do lap band .



    Having said that I decided for the first time in my life to eat what I was told {Protein first} and I would eat it in the quanity I was suppose too . {Up to one cup 3 times a day} And I would haul my a$$ around the neighborhood in a fast walk at least 5 days a week. I have lost all the weight, I feel great and I look a darn sight better then I did as that diet chasing and fad crazy woman always looking for the answers .

    I had to rid myself of all my theorys ,calorie counting and worries and listen to what the experts said and it worked for me. And it was so much easier to just eat when I was hungry take my Vitamins and stop when I was suppose to. I am so much happier and free .

  12. Operative words here was I think..... it is not your head that dictates hunger in thin people it is their stomach and you will be surprised at how little it needs to feel full.

    In people with weight issues they think they are hungry, they think they might get hungry so they eat........... They eat because it's time , they eat everyone else is eating, they eat because they are sad, they eat because they are happy and on and on.

    You h ave been given an opportunity to meet and learn your own body on a different level............. learn to listen to it, learn to love it by giving it what it needs .. not what you THINK it needs. In time when success is part of your life you will know what your body is telling you.

  13. Go to the seminar and go to the Dr. and he takes it from there. No insurance company is going to take your word . Your Dr office does the work. BCBS has lots of qualifiers and diet restrictions this is not something you just get to have . You will need qualifiers a pysch eval and a nutritionist plus a Dr recommendation, blood work, maybe heart and pulmonary Dr. clearance. So get reasy to wait...

  14. Dan,

    Just laying on the beach and watching a sunset , looking for sand dollars and realizing you do not look like a beached whale would be mine maybe should set some higher goals for myself huh :P .........................I am so happy for you and I think your attitude is wonderful... you go ....

  15. Ate everything everyone else ate only just about 1/4 of what they had ..enjoyed it and then dance for 3 hours and helped in the kitchen cleaning up after the 90 folks that partied with us.

    To all those folks who grieve food. you can eat it, if you cut in small, chew it well, and stop after a tablespoon You will find it was just food... tasted good... ok... but nothing you can eat will ever taste as good as being in control and being thin...... I promise that feeling of is better then anything you ever put in your mouth....and you don't hate yourself the next day............Love the success that comes with my band better then anything I ever ate..

  16. My Doctor said if that livers FAt I am closing you right up .. Put t he scare in me I followed the diet to the letter and my first words in recovery was " was my liver FAT???????????? " I guess this is for real, it really is important they do not knick your liver when they operate .

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