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Everything posted by curious_cat

  1. curious_cat

    Need help from you guys!!!

    Hi mum of 2 boys, This is my first visit to this site. And, consequently my first post. I was reading some of the postings and came across yours. Had to answer simply because I happen to be aware of a very similar situation. And, being a wife and mom I can certainly empathize. The answer is yes. Men do tell personal things to their "girlfriends." My niece is involved with a man who is going through a not so easy divorce. And he tells her some very personal things about his wife. I find myself feeling really bad for the wife who is totally unaware of his lack of judgement in doing so. But really, doesn't it show a lack of judgement to have the affair to begin with? I honestly don't know why he shares such very personal information with her other than to say she has become not just his lover but his new best friend. You must feel you've been invaded on a very personal level. I suppose the only thing you can do at this point is to ask him please not to share anymore information with her. However, I would not count on that. There is an old saying the tongue can be the hardest thing to bridle. The best thing you can do at this point is make sure you are keeping your private things, private from him until, if ever, you feel you can trust him again. On a good note, my husband had an indiscretion himself around our 10th year of marriage. It was painful but we got past it. We've now been married 22 plus years and are very, very close and love each other very much. So if getting past it is what you are hoping for, take heart it can be done! Best wishes, curious_cat

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