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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Kelbell

  1. Kelbell

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    From the album: Before & After

  2. Kelbell

    I'm failing my band!

    Okay, okay. Everyone please take a deep breathe!!! If my story can give you just one ounce of hope, then it will be worth it! I have read each and every one of your posts and I can't tell you how I remember feeling the way all of you are feeling right now. I was banded THREE YEARS AGO!!!!! It was such a slow process, I would cry all the time wondering why I put myself through it. My last adjustment was July 2008, it was "The perfect fill" you heard about, earlier. The weight melted off it was unreal!!! All my life I did things that I thought might bring me just a little bit of happiness. For me, the problem was that my head wasn't right, I had entirely to much stress in my life, constant problems with depression and anxiety. Please realize that all of this affected my success with the band. Once I took control of those issues, I was able to commit 100% of myself into my goal of getting rid of the weight once and for all! It's certainly not easy, and I will admit to you that there are times when I can't even hold down liquids. It changes daily, but just like I am hearing from all of you, remind yourselves all the time that you didn't go through the surgery for nothing! You will get there, I promise you as I am living proof! Just remember with all of the other diets all of us tried prior to doing the band, the slower you lose the weight, the longer you will keep it off. Good luck to all of you, please don't give up. Continue to lean on each other as we are the best support group!
  3. Kelbell

    No caption

    Thank you! Thats why I wanted to post them, because if I can do it, so can all of you!!!
  4. Kelbell

    No caption

    Thank you so much!!!
  5. Kelbell

    No caption

    Thank you so much! Believe it or not, in my before pictures I was 275, stepped on the scale yesterday at the gym and I'm @ 166!!!
  6. Kelbell

    No caption

    From the album: Before & After

  7. Kelbell

    Without my jacket

    Thank you so much! Yes, it was very exciting to see! I did a commercial for my doctor which is also on his website, but I didn't know about the billboard until a few friends saw it and told me.
  8. Kelbell

    Insurance Coverage?

    I too have United Health Care, I was told, no way no how that they would cover reconstructive surgery. When I asked the representative what if I was experiencing medical problems, again I was reminded no way, no how.
  9. Kelbell

    No caption

    From the album: Before & After

  10. Kelbell

    Before & After

    My pictures of before and mostly after :)
  11. Kelbell

    No caption

    From the album: Before & After

  12. Kelbell


    From the album: Before & After

  13. Hi Cathy! I am seeing my doctor on Monday and have planned to speak with him about my options. I haven't had any consults with surgeons, but it is my understanding that the majority of them want us to be at goal weight for at least a year prior to performing surgery. I am only 2 pounds from the goal I set for myself and I believe that I have a good 10-15 lbs of excess skin on my tummy alone, this would put me closer to what the doctors charts say that I 'should' weigh. I feel fantastic, however, the skin bothers me a lot. I will let you know what the doctor says when I see him on Monday. Best of luck to you!!! If it were me......I would lose until YOU feel you are finished, then schedule your surgery.
  14. I just assumed they all did, wow! It is very surreal watching that contrast go down into your band. My last adjustment my band was wide open and he filled it a little and decided that wasn't enough so put in a little more. I can't imagine the guesswork involved without doing it under xray!!!
  15. I can't even believe they allow that honestly! I've never heard of that before. My doctor originally told me that eventually he does fills in his office, but I've had several and they've all been done under xray to ensure he is correct about the location of my port and to see the contrast is going through the band properly. Last adjustment I had my doctor noticed that my band had shifted just a bit, I would rather him be able to detect these things than risk doing my own fills/unfills.
  16. Kelbell

    Any Regrets?!?

    I will be honest here, I attended a seminar my doctor held prior to making my decision and I must say the lapband was presented on a silver platter. I was experience a lot of depression and anxiety and thought it was the answer to my problems! I just knew that if I could lose the weight that had burdened me all my life, I would find happiness. Needless to say I got discouraged very quickly. Eventually, my doctor found the right combination of medications to help with my depression/anxiety and I stopped cancelling my follow up appointments and did as I was supposed to, and did it ever pay off! The majority of my weight loss has happened since July of this year. Early on, I told many people that if I could go back I never would have done it, however today I recommend it to everyone!!! Absolutely no regrets, it just took me a while to get to that point. Best of luck to you!!!
  17. Hi there! I too was banded in 2007, I had a very slow start in my journey due to personal issues and wasn't doing my followups the way I should have. Needless to say, this year I started doing the followups and the weight started dropping like crazy. I find myself vomitting anytime I eat anything, especially in the past 2 weeks. I saw my doctor today and told him that I was having issues being able to eat, but that I feel fine. He of course mentioned taking a little out of the band and I of course fought him on it. My friend Sarah and I had our surgery the same day and she went through something similar but she couldn't even hold down liquids. He took 1cc out of her band and she rather quickly put back on 40lbs!!! Neither of us experienced any pain with the vomitting, but I think my first question for you would be if you still have your gall bladder? I know he asked me that today and said that might be the issue. I know for myself, the majority of my problem is stress. But I would be concerned as well if I had pain. I wouldn't let that continue for to much longer. Please keep me posted as to what your doctor says and I'm sorry that I don't have better information for you. The next time your call your doctors office let them know that you would like to speak to the doctor directly. I've found that the nurses in my doctor's office aren't the best source of information.
  18. Kelbell

    Where shall I begin?

    Just make sure you take it easy. I remember my doctor saying to start with lunchables or 1/2 a lean cuisine meal. Just take your time and realize that the band won't take away for me what was years of really bad eating habits. Its not as restrictive as you think at first. It will take time of you talking to your doctor until you find the right level restriction. Just don't get discouraged, and you did the right thing by joining this site. I didn't do that and had I perhaps it wouldn't have taken me so long to get to this point. Best of luck!!
  19. Kelbell

    Rice, bread and tortillas o my

    Bread is a definite not for me, I have days where I can tolerate rice or pasta, we eat spaghetti alot since its a favorite of my 3 year old For myself, it varies day to day, sometimes I can eat just about anything I want and others everything I eat makes me sick. Just hang in there, it does get easier. The key is keeping yourself relaxed when trying to eat and taking your time and chewing well.
  20. Hello fellow Lapbanders! I am new to the site but have had my lapband since April 2007.
  21. I had a very slow start with my weight loss, I had a lot of personal issues and found myself canceling one follow up appointment after another. I finally had to tell myself that I didn't go through this for nothing, and once I set my mind to it the weight just started dropping. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't hear how great I look, and that truly keeps me going! Best of luck to you all through this journey. I am a new member here and I wish I had joined a long time ago, maybe it wouldn't have taken me so long to get started!

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