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LAP-BAND Patients
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About bearbandit

  • Rank
    Taking one day at a time
  • Birthday 02/03/1978

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About Me

  • Biography
    Banded Oct 9,2008
  • Interests
    Camping, watching movies,playing golf
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  • City
    Colorado Springs
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  1. Happy 35th Birthday bearbandit!

  2. Happy 34th Birthday bearbandit!

  3. 3 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 3rd Anniversary bearbandit!

  4. First off, if your throwing up your too tight. I am pretty tight and sometimes certain foods I have issues with. As for the gas issue its what your eating that causes it. One major source of gas would be soda and sugar free candy. Also having a high protein diet will cause cause (at least it does me) Try the gas-x strips they work for me. I think gas is normal to have with the band. Maybe because when we eat more air goes in because of the band, thats my best guess. I am sorry for your troubles with the weight loss. I dont know your exercise routine so I can tell you to exercise more. All I can tell you is what I have done to allow me to lose all my weight. I eat every 3 hours, 4oz of food (volume) no matter what!(small healthy snacks) 70%protein 30%complex carbs. I work out a minumum 5 days a week! 60 mins of cardio and some weight training to build lean muscle. I drink a minimum of 100 oz of water per day to flush my system and keep my hydrated. When the weight started coming off I continually increased my work out by time and intensity. The sky is the limit once you start seeing the weight come off. Start by going to your doc and getting a slight unfill. As a rule I have never go more than 2 days without working out (unless your sick or something)..that way you stay within your routine. Good luck and your will power will come back ten fold when you start to see results. PS I ran a half marathon on Sept 7, 2009 in 2hrs 17mins. If you knew me just a year before that I had trouble walking up stairs. Things can change quickly if you have the desire to make the lifestyle changes needed to do so...good luck!
  5. bearbandit

    Question about a Plateau and Protein Shake

    Sounds like your getting the exercise...Try to increase the intensity and change it up a bit. Try cross training, doing sets and moving to the next exercise without taking a break. Also I am a firm believer that only eating 3 meals a day is not good for stumulating the metabolism. I eat every 3 hours. no big meals just small healthy items to keep you metabolism running strong. Plateau's can last a while and then all of a sudden the weight loss starts up again. Bottom line is your body is used to your routine...change things up...Shoot for 1200-1500 cals per day assuming you are not burning a huge amount during exercise, and if that is so you may need to consume more....try using The Daily Plate on LIVESTRONG.COM - Calorie Counter, Weight Loss, Food Calorie Counter, Nutrition Facts | LIVESTRONG.COM (its free!)..great tool to keep track of calorie counts....Eat often!...At least that is what I would do...ps congrats on your weight loss thus far..great job and keep up the good work.:thumbup:
  6. bearbandit

    Fell of Band wagon...any suggestions

    First off congrats on you weight loss. I am assuming your exercising on a continuous basis. It sounds like to me your not getting enough calories. The closer you get to your goal weight the more your body burns.. thus you need more fuel or your body just stores everthing to fat...Believe it your not you need to eat more and eat ever 2-3 hours. to lose those last pesky lbs. try this website The Daily Plate on LIVESTRONG.COM - Calorie Counter, Weight Loss, Food Calorie Counter, Nutrition Facts | LIVESTRONG.COM and track what you eat and how much you exercise. (its a free!) it helped me a lot...Focus on keeping your metabolism turned up! I am actually at my goal weight because I gained some muscle. If I lose any more I will look too thin. next step for me is the tummy tuck. good luck :biggrin:
  7. bearbandit


    Being 17 years old makes your decision even harder. Just to let you know things can change without surgery. From my personal experience I was heavy my whole life. At the age of 24 my weight was out of control (375lbs!) and I decided to change my life or die. So I did. I changed my eating habits and started exercising. I ended up losing 165 lbs in 16 months. So yes you can change without surgery...But for me personally I have an addictive personality and eating when I am depressed was an issue. So as time went on I fell back into my old bad habits and before I knew it I was almost back to where I was before. My wife has the band and I saw her success. I new I could lose it again on my own but I thought that if I did it again I would just fall back to what got me there in the first place. So I simply got the band to 'keep me in check' so to speak. *the band was just a tool nothing more* I had to do the exact same things as I did before to get the weight off. The band just helps you reduce the volume of food you intake, nothing more. You can't binge eat with a band, (or at least not eat nearly as much) so it is always a constant reminder to myself. So your choice is a rather complex one. If I were you I would try it without the band. And I mean dont just slow your eating down, change what you eat how you eat...etc...Change your addiction of bad eating habits to eating healthy and exercise. (this at least worked for me). Give your will power a chance. Educate yourself on weight loss and how to increase your metabolism. Just fyi once you get down to a low body fat you have to eat all the time to keep it that way. (go figure). Good luck at whatever you decide.
  8. Total honesty is the best policy. If he is really into you then weight loss surgery should not be an issue. The sooner the better. Lucky for me my wife has the band too. So we are band buddies.
  9. I started using it right away. So I guess start now. As for cheap ones, Suave and Jergens are not bad. or you might even find a generic walgreens. For me it did help and drinking lots of water. I mean like 100 oz a day is what I shoot for. Especially at the beginning as it helps prevent kidney stones from the weight loss.
  10. I was at about the same pace. I lost 40 lbs in the first month and about 20-25 each month after then the weight loss slowed down. I am actually at my goal weight now and my one year is coming up in October. So I reached my goal in less than a year. To be honest all I have left is some loose skin, which is not too bad. So maybe some plastic surgery down the road. I am an unusual case as I am one of the rare folks who traded a food habit with an exercise habit. I am actually training for a half marathon coming up in a couple of weeks. This is a tip for a fast loser. Use skin firming lotion, (doesn't matter which brand, I have tried them all), go with the cheapest. It seems to help tighten the skin. good luck with your journey and I am sure if you stick with it and make wise decisions you will not have any issues.
  11. bearbandit

    What do Pb's feel like?

    Being stuck sucks! It really hurts and feels like a sharp pain in the center of my chest. Usually if I start slimming I can just wait and maybe burp a little and that seems to resolve the issue. I have however had a few times where I got stuck really bad. So the only option is to PB. Which is not exactly vomiting. More like just pushing it out, since it is not really coming from your stomach. its crazy because sometimes foods i can normally eat without issue and then what do you know I am stuck. My band has a mind of its own.
  12. bearbandit

    Want to start running...need encouragement

    congrats on starting your running addiction...My only suggestion is make sure to run with proper form...Always focus on your from because as soon as you start getting tired the form goes out the window and before you know it you have an injury. I am currently training for a half marathon....its however a cross country run and its at 6500 ft in elevation. Definately a great challenge. Good luck and keep at it. :thumbup:
  13. bearbandit

    so what good is the band if....

    I lost 165 lbs without having a lapband and gained most of it back....Simply put I went back to my old habits and gained the weight back...I got the band to keep me in check and keep me from gaining all my weight back. Very, very, very few people can lose a 100+ lbs and keep it off. Eating issues are deep seated in our habits and brains...I personally eat when stressed...thus having a band when I start eating while stressed stops me from eating too much. :smile2:
  14. bearbandit

    port hurt after eating????

    make sense to me if you stretch your stomach out from over eating this will cause the muscles near the port site to move or stretch thus causing the stitches or whatever they use to pull on that muscle it is attached to...make sense to me. I am not an expert but *I stayed at a holiday in express last night*...lol
  15. Isopure Creamy Vanilla- recipe 8oz-low fat vanilla soymilk, frozen mango (1 cup)/(or fruit of choice), 1 banana, ground flax seed, 2 scoops of Isopure, 1 cup ice.....very nice! roughly 60 grams of protein! (I however only drink this after a good work out for muscle recovery). I personally feel drinking this for a meal replacement is not healthy and stick with real food for my meals.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
