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LAP-BAND Patients
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About Bex

  • Rank
  • Birthday 10/25/1972

About Me

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    WA, australia
  1. Happy 40th Birthday Bex!

  2. 3 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 3rd Anniversary Bex!

  3. juwa

    ps: i mentioned messenger... its msn messenger i have... in case you only have yahoo or something. Let me know and i could install it if need be. Jo:)

  4. juwa

    Hi Bex.. am glad i saw your post on lapband site.. I'm in research mode and i want to know more about the sleeve surgery. Will check out that site you mentioned with the forum. I like the idea because its a one off procedure.. ie no fills but i only know of one person who's had it done. He is ECSTATIC about it and almost forbids me to have the band lol. I'm just afraid cos its more invasive and its NOT reversible, as well as the fact that there are so many more people you can talk to about the band it seems. I would love to have a chat with you if it was possible. My email is thereyougojo@hotmail.com . If you have messenger, add me and i'll look out for you, or maybe email me your phone number and maybe i could give you a call? Thanks for your post and the leads i got from it. Take care, Jo:)

  5. Bex

    Being Sleeved on monday!

    Hi! - Thats good to hear. I read your blog, very informative and inspirational - thanks!
  6. :cursing: Hey - FYI for any sleevers who get lost (like me!) there s great and active VSG forum on ObesityHelp.com
  7. Hi all My name is Bex and i am from Australia - i have been reading and lurking for a while and finally thought id dive in and introduce myself. I want to say you have all been so helpful and i have learned so much from this site. :cursing: It seems here in AUstralia most people chose lap-band - my doctor was clear it was up to me and whilst the sleeves have not been done as long, the results seem to actually be better than lap band (eg weight loss etc) I wondered why you guys chose to be sleeved over being banded. For me it seemed clear, i didnt like the idea of a foreign bosy in my stomach, or getting food stuck or going back adn forth to the docs to get filled and unfilled. The only advantage of the band being removebale didnt seem much of an advantage to me as I KNOW i will never be able to restrict my food myself (If i could i would have done it long long ago) so why would i ever want it reversed? I am nervous, excited and would love to hear from you! Bex x:smile2:
  8. Cheers Jacqui Yeah i am starting to relise there are not many sleevers here in Aus - didnt realise
  9. Hi Sarah Cos this site has vertical sleeve forum i figured there may be some sleeved people on it - i have posted there too. Thanks for the other website though - i will check it out. The vertial sleeve is not the same as the bypass, it is the first part of the bypass surgery (reduce you stomach fomr a pouch to a tube), more closely related to being banded than the full bypass. Thanks! Have a good arvo
  10. Hi, My name is Bex and i am from perth. I have been lurking for a while and i want to say i have learnt SO MUCH from all the posts it has been invaluable.....:biggrin: I know this is lap-band talk, but i have chosen to have the Gastric Sleeve instead, op on 8th Dec. I have has a look at the GS forum, btu there dont seem to be many posts and no aussies.... so i was wondering are you out there? Also does anyone know what the % is of people who go for lap band or gastric? My mind is set, just curious...... Cheers everyone Bex x

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