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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by pattig

  1. pattig

    Acid Reflux Nightmares

    I'm having the same problem althouht I haven't been able to get anything up because I haven't eaten anything. I don't think I'm too tight and this is very frustrating.
  2. Tomorrow will be 5 weeks since surgery. I lost 32 pounds from a week before surgery. It's been really slow for the past two weeks. I have been cheating a little bit so I guess it's my own fault. I'll go in 2 weeks for my first fill, which I'm a little nervous about. Do you have a date yet?
  3. I think you should make the decision to have the surgery and go for it!!! Once your husband sees that you are not backing down on your decision, he will support you. Unless for some reason he doesn't want you to lose weight, which I don't think is the case. I think he feels that because he was able to lose without surgery, you should be able to do it too. Our bodies are different than guys. I assume, like me, you tried everything else first and this is your last resort. When I first told my husband I decided to have the surgery, he didn't say anything. Once I scheduled my date, he was there for me. Go for it and Good Luck!:thumbup:
  4. I'm in the US and my doctor said low carb/high protein. I was banded a month ago and I lost 1 pound in the last 3 weeks!!! What is going on. I am allowed to have veggies and one piece of fruit, but I'm sapposed to have mainly protein. I'm not really happy with that. I do miss my carbs and if the weight was "falling off", I wouldn't mind, but it isn't. I'm getting pretty frustrated! I feel like I'm eating less than half of what I used to eat before surgery, why am I not loosing?? Any suggestions???
  5. pattig


    Please, check with your doctor. The first two or three days is Water and clear broth only. My doctor was very strict on that because your still healing. Burping is normal.
  6. pattig

    Who can still eat whatever they want?

    I was banded on 10/23 and I can eat almost anything in moderation (don't tell my doctor, I sapposed to be on a low carb). I certainly don't eat as much as I used to. It's only less than 3 weeks so I haven't had a fill yet.... We'll see.
  7. pattig

    Did I overreact?

    I don't think you overreacted. I don't know how raunchy this stuff is, but it sounds pretty bad to me. I think you should speak with him about it. Raunch just gets raunchier!! Playboy is ok, but raunch COULD be a little much. Yes, I'm in my 40's and have become pretty conservative, but you need to speak to him.
  8. I have lost about 15 pounds and I'm only 2 weeks after surgery. I have been getting a little upset that I haven't lost anything this week, but I guess I should be happy I lost anything at all. Although, I have been cheating a little bit... some low fat cottage cheese, a couple of tootsie rolls!!! I know I gotta stop. I just can't stand not eating at all. I go to the doctors on Monday and I think they're putting me on one mushy meal a day. I just want a nice salad. When can I eat lettuce???
  9. And all I can think of is food. I'm sometimes very hungry and other times I just want to eat. I go to the doctor on MOnday and I think I'll be on one meal a day. Anyone else have to wait this long to eat???

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