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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by HMBradley1965

  1. HMBradley1965

    Insurance Company and Fills

    How many fills does your insurance pay for ??? I have blue cross and this just crossed my mind since most people get several fills??
  2. I would call bc/bs and find out what will qualify you for the band I have bc/bs of mass ppo and for me it was 35 bmi with co-morbids ( I have high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes) or you have to have a 40 bmi. Not sure if joint pain is included in the co morbids. If I were you I would call and get your answers you need. Helena
  3. Here's a 3rd one for you to consider....MYfitnesspal.com This is the one I use and I love it check it out.... Helena
  4. I wanted dumping syndrome I don't want to be able to cheat. I am a diabetic and If I am going to dump on sugar and bad carbs thats good since those are the things make blood sugar high....If I cheat I want consequenses... Helena
  5. Wow!!! Just recently I had changed my mind from band to gastric bypass. I am scheduled for March 9th so I know I am ok. I could never have afforded to pay for fills. I am glad I changed my mind now... Helena
  6. Do you have bcbs of massachusetts????
  7. HMBradley1965

    Should prostitution be legal?

    I lived in Pahrump, NV and still own property there. This is where the chicken ranch and sherry's ranch is located, these are legal brothels. The girls get tested monthly and they register at the Sherrifs office. The brothels also have fund raisers for local organizaitions so they do help benefit the local community they also have summertime bar-b-cues and different activities for locals it's a great time. The elderly residents go and have a great time. There aren't any prostitutes walking the streets there and the brothels are on the outskirts of town. Prostitution is not legal in Las Vegas that is clark county it is legal in Nye County only. You don't see the girls wandering around town or what you could imagine is going on you would never know they are there so legal prostitution in the town I lived in is fine.....If there were more like this we could have them off of the streets.
  8. HMBradley1965

    Massachusetts Bandsters Chat

    I am going the the weight management center at Lowell General Hospital... Helena
  9. HMBradley1965

    Massachusetts Bandsters Chat

    shamrockgirl60 you made my day I was told bcbs was one of the easier ones to get approved by because they would rather pay for the surgery than spend a ton of money on mediacation in the long run which if you think about it is a smart idea....I just need to make up my mind on which surgery I am going to have...Has your diabetes been resolved????? Helena
  10. HMBradley1965

    Massachusetts Bandsters Chat

    I saw the surgeon last tuesday and she recomended bypass for me I am a bmi 35 but she said it will help me resolve my diabetes and said there wouldn't be a problem getting approved for the procedure.She said that bcbs is one of the best insurances to deal with. I told her I was nervous about losing to much weight and she said if it happened It shouldn't by too much maybe 10 pounds and will be able to gain it back. I see the nut. one more time on wed and will discuss this with her she told me the same thing at our first visit and when I spoke to my nurse at the blue care connect though bcbs she said bypass so I am not sure which surgery I am going to have I really want the bypass though after that last nut meeting on wed they will submit me to insurance.
  11. HMBradley1965

    Massachusetts Bandsters Chat

    Did anyone have blue cross blue shield PPO blue care elect??? If so did you have to do a 6 month diet??? What did you need to qualify for surgery.
  12. HMBradley1965


    I found that does make a difference you need to put the scale on a hard surface like a kitchen or bathroom floor not on any carpets of any kind..
  13. HMBradley1965

    Help! Stuck capsule!!

    What about doing a head stand on the couch with someones help of course because I wouldn't be able to do one by myself. Maybe that will help. I will also take my meds and vitamins in liquid or chewable form when I get banded..Getting something stuck scares me to death...YIKES!!!!
  14. HMBradley1965

    I'm back and feeling better!

    What part of New Hampshire are you from....
  15. HMBradley1965

    Hello from Massachusetts!

    Where in mass is everyone from??? It's nice to see so many on here.
  16. HMBradley1965

    Hello from Massachusetts!

    Hi Maggie nice to see someone from Massachusetts on here. I am from Lowell and I am going through the Center for Weight Management at Lowell General.
  17. HMBradley1965

    Kinda Lost and Confused

    I have been wondering what that is to....Is it puking????
  18. HMBradley1965

    Kinda Lost and Confused

    I am also a diabetic and they have been telling me I should consider the bypass since most type 2 diabetics have their diabetes resolved quickly after surgery. I always wanted the band but I could be swaying the other way. Did anyone tell you the same thing??? And if so why did you go band instead of bypass....I still am leaning towards the band...
  19. HMBradley1965

    Massachusetts Bandsters Chat

    It's great to see Mass chatters....Yea!!!! I am from Lowell I am going through the lowell general Weight Management Center and Dr. Shore will be my surgeon....I have Blue Cross Blue Shield of mass does anyone else have them and how was it to deal with them. I haven't been submitted yet...But am nervous not to get approval I am 34.7 bmi with type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure and the insurance person at the clinic seems to think I will be approved...I sure hope so... Helena
  20. HMBradley1965

    Need help with an appeal

    Teresa I am so sorry about you grandmother... When the time is right to appeal you will know it. Good Luck with everything and keep us up to date... Helena
  21. HMBradley1965

    No longer a lurker

    Welcome...Good luck with your upcoming surgery...I am also a type 2 diabetic and I am being told the bypass will get me off my meds really quickly including my high blood pressure meds...But I still want to do the lap band. I may not be off the meds as quick but I will eventually be off of them. Because of healing time I can't afford to much time out of work. When I meet with the surgeon I will listen to her advise. I meet with her on Jan 27th...Again good luck with your surgery and to everyone in January getting banded...
  22. HMBradley1965

    Need help with an appeal

    I haven't been submitted to insurance but I have written a letter to be submitted I have a feeling I will be denied because I hace a 34.7 BMI but I am type 2 diabetic and high blood pressure from 34.7 to a 35 is about 2.5 pounds. The clinic I go to said they had to use my very first weigh in so that's what we did. In my letter I explained my life as being overweight. During the last year I have lost some weight and quit smoking last feb. I am a cleaner and I walk 8 hours a day and it's taking a toll on my knees and ankles but in no way am I lazy with the type of job I have. I do zumba tapes a couple times a week or walk on the tradmill. I have tried every diet imaginable my whole life and yes I lose but I also gain it back. Yes it is a pitty letter and I should be done all my testing by the beginning of Feb so I started the letter last week and when I need to add to it I do....Good Luck...I hope this works for you and I both.... Helena :biggrin:
  23. HMBradley1965

    Liquid diet question

    I love my Protein drinks...I buy the 100% whey protein at GNC by pro performance. Rite Aid now sells GNC products. I love the banana creme flavored and now I am trying the vanilla which is yummy too....This is what I do. I take 1 cup ice cubes put in the blender then one cup of simply smart fat free milk and 1 scoop banana creme powder blend it. Then I add 1/2 of a small banana blend again...I haven't had an after taste from this powder..The full feeling lasts until lunch..I love my Protein Drinks. I don't use a regular blender I use the generic version of the magic bullet...I bought it at CVS for myself for a christmas gift...Hopefully this help....The people I told about the GNC powder at the weight loss clinic have tried it and agree with me....Hope this helps.... Helena :biggrin:
  24. HMBradley1965

    Happy new year

    HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL!!!!:wink2:
  25. HMBradley1965

    Is this normal?

    Try myfitnesspal.com it's a great food journal. Using a food journal will help alot.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
