I lived in Pahrump, NV and still own property there. This is where the chicken ranch and sherry's ranch is located, these are legal brothels. The girls get tested monthly and they register at the Sherrifs office. The brothels also have fund raisers for local organizaitions so they do help benefit the local community they also have summertime bar-b-cues and different activities for locals it's a great time. The elderly residents go and have a great time. There aren't any prostitutes walking the streets there and the brothels are on the outskirts of town. Prostitution is not legal in Las Vegas that is clark county it is legal in Nye County only. You don't see the girls wandering around town or what you could imagine is going on you would never know they are there so legal prostitution in the town I lived in is fine.....If there were more like this we could have them off of the streets.