I am not sure what your doctor would say or do, but I would hope that any doctor confronted with this issue with one of their patients would not put them through any surgery unless they were emotionally ready. I think it is normal from time to time to have thoughts like this in times of distress, but if you are truely feeling like you might do harm to yourself, you should be honest with your doctor so he can get you the proper care. Me, personally, could not have gone through this lap band surgery about two years ago when I was having problems with my teen daughter, who was addicted to drugs. I was so stressed out and depressed. I chose now to do this surgery because things are now better and I can concentrate on what I need to do to make this surgery work for me. I am sure that this process of losing weight and all the lifestyle changes that come with it are going to cause stress, so it is better to be mentally ready for the surgery IMO. Take Care, and I hope things look up for you....Connie