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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by kijo

  1. I was banded on the 25th too. I am having chest pains and burping alot. ( I guess it is like major indigestion) Anyone know if this is GAS from surgery? I am walking lots (around the house) and taking the GasX strips or chewable. Angel so sorry you have been in so much pain, I hope the pain will be gone soon. Lets keep in touch since we were banded on the same say. Hugs
  2. Hi Gentylwind!

    How are you doing? I hope very well. I noticed you are from Texas, and was wondering what Dr. you used, did you use True Results? I am in Hurst, and have my surgery scheduled for this Tuesday. Take care.

  3. kijo


    Hi! I am new too. I am having my surgery Nov. 25th in the Dallas, Texas area. I have been trying not to think about the surgery, as it is getting closer that is hard to do. I wish you the best!
  4. Hi! This is my first time to post. I am new to this site. I have my surgery scheduled for Tuesday Nov. 25th, in the DFW area. Just wondering if anyone else is as crazy as me, and is having surgery the week of Thanksgiving? :cool:

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