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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ms.kelley-rn

  1. ms.kelley-rn

    Got my approval today!!!

    I think deciding when you go back to work also depends on the type of work that you do. I will be banded on the 27th and I'm taking off 3 weeks. My job is pretty strenuous with alot of lifting, bending, standing and walking so I want to make sure I give myself time to heal completely before getting back. If your job requires more sitting (like in an office setting) you may not need a long time off.
  2. ms.kelley-rn

    Will be banded Jan 27th

    I will banded on the 27th as well!! I've told quite a few people and they have been really supportive. The people that I haven't told are the ones I think won't be as supportive. I really don't care what anyone else thinks because I'm doing this for me and not them. I'm the one whose suffering from knee/foot pain and getting short of breath from walking a flight of stairs. If they don't like it, then they don't have to hang around.
  3. ms.kelley-rn

    Post-Op Reporting in!

    Good luck to you and God bless!! Let us know how it goes.
  4. If you can find it, try Biochem's Ultimate Protein in vanilla. I mix it with 1% milk and it taste's good. The serving size says 2 scoops but I use 1 scoop to cut down on the sugar. One scoop is 100calories, 0g fat, 5g carbs, 3g sugar, 20g protein. When you add that to 8oz of 1% milk which has 8g protein, you've go 28g protein. Biochem's 100% Whey Protein comes in the same flavors and has the same amount of calories, fat, carbs and sugar in 2scoopsinstead of 1.
  5. ms.kelley-rn

    Dr. Manuel Castro, Dallas Texas

    I'm having my surgery with Dr. Castro on Jan.27th and I've had no problems. After I went to the weight loss seminar and did the registration online, it took a couple of a days for them to contact me and less than 2 weeks later I had my initial consultation with him, which was in August. I didn't have the same experience as Rhasibabie having to wait 2 hours in the waiting room. I've been pleased with the services so far and everyone has been very nice. Dr. Castro is great and is very patient. He takes the time to answer any question I have. I don't know why it's taking so long for them to contact you. Maybe it's because they have an extreme amount of patients they're trying to get around to being that it's the first of the year and everyone is trying to get in now. Ask for Daphne or Chris. They are patient advocates who work in the office. They have taken great care of me in making sure I have everything I needed to submit to the insurance company. Since you're self pay you won't have to go through all of that. Hope everything turns out well with whichever doctor you choose.
  6. ms.kelley-rn

    I'm Banded! My experiance!

    Bella, As a nurse myself let me just apologize for that horrible experience. Where I work, rudeness and waiting long periods of time for pain meds is just unacceptable and not tolerated. Thanks for sharing your story, though. I'm scheduled for surgery on January 27th and I hope I don't have to go through an awful hospital experience like that. (I'm not having surgery at the hospital where I work.) The info on the gas pain is helpful. I'm not sure what to expect as far as pain is concerned. I've never had surgery before so I'm a little anxious.
  7. Hi all! I'm so excited! This morning the doctor's office called to inform me that I've been approved for surgery!! I joined this site a couple of months ago but never posted anything. I usually just read different posts and take in all the great info (and have some good laughs). Today I decided I would finally post a comment. I can hardly wait until my surgery date which is scheduled for Jan. 27th. Of course, like everyone else on this site, I have tried many "diets" and been unsuccessful. This surgery represents a brand new life for me. This is an opportunity to turn things around for the better. I look forward to chatting with many of you and good luck to everyone going through the process.

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