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Everything posted by swishbc

  1. Good job Riley on the low cals! I've started journaling again, I was really naughty about that for a while. Here's what I had today (just finished dinner): b-oatmeal 150 l-edamame 30 pods 100, string cheese 80=180 d-string cheese 80, 2 pickles 10, 9 crackers 70, laughing cow 35=195 TOTAL: 525 Let's hope I'm still full for the rest of the night!
  2. OMG Tina, the dried ones don't taste ANYTHING like the real ones...I don't like the dried edamame either. You should really try them! As a vegetarian, it would give you a great, EASY, high protein and fiber option. I bet you'd like them.
  3. That's hilarious Riley! Sounds like you and Tina must be ovulating 24/7!!! LOL!
  4. Tina that's so awesome that you'll be only 5 minutes away! Can you walk to work or is it 5 minutes on the freeway? I hope it goes smoothly and you're saved from any more layoffs. <3 Thanks Riley for the recipe, that sounds good! I only ever sprinkle some kosher salt on them. I have 2 bags of the shelled edamame in the freezer and I'll use those as soon as the un-shelled ones are gone. I'm sure those are way easier to prepare. Nicole--I sometimes have them as a high protein snack, but sometimes (like today) I make them most of my meal. I had a string cheese and then 28 pods of edamame. It was an 18 gram protein lunch and kept me full even with 2 hours of swimming this afternoon! Definitely try them out, they're really yummy! I've tried the dry roasted edamame from Costco but didn't care for them too much. Plus, I could see how they could become a mindless eating snack, you know?
  5. Tina, I hope the move is a good thing for you. Will it make your commute any easier?
  6. Wow, I just did a second workout! I came back from dropping Soph at school and worked out and then after being on here reading and getting motivated I decided that I could've worked harder. So I hopped BACK on the treadmill for another 1/2 hour and then did my ball workout for another 25 minutes. I feel MUCH better now! Do any of you post-op girls ever eat edamame? I'm having some for lunch and I'm curious how many pods you eat now that you have decent restriction. Serving sizes are hard to tell with them since you don't eat most of it! lol Anyone?
  7. You could walk from one to the next, especially you! They're all in a big loop and you could go as far as you wanted. I've never done that, but this year around that time I'll probably be almost 100 lbs less than last year so maybe I'll give it a try!
  8. Check out their website! Apple Hill Growers
  9. Apple Hill is just past Placerville. It is the coolest place! The little shops are only open from Labor day til Christmas Eve. There are TONS of little shops there with homemade crafts, fresh fruit, yummy treats, etc. They have pumpkin patches for halloween/Thanksgiving and TONS of tree farms to cut your own tree down at Christmas. We used to live in El Dorado Hills and were only about 15 minutes away and we went almost every week while they were opened. It's really fun, I definitely recommend it!
  10. Guess I'll stay away from the oatmeal...I was just in the mood for something warm and comforting!
  11. Mmmm, watermelon. I need to add that to my shopping list while they're still in season! I'm really looking forward to the fall/winter season. Apple Hill opens on Labor day and I'm hoping it's not too hot around the beginning of September so we can go. It's my favorite place to be in the fall! Have you girls been there? I really need to do something...don't know what though. I worked out, cleaned the house (yesterday) and finished the laundry this morning. I need to think of something! Today is Sophie's early day (Monday's they get out at 1:50) and we're gonna go swimming after I pick her up. Got to enjoy the pool before it closes for the year!
  12. I had oatmeal...why aren't we supposed to have that? It was only 150 cals and had 4 gr protein and 1 gram fat. What's wrong with that? It totally filled me up too.
  13. Anything you want, really. You still have about 3.5 weeks til surgery right? Maybe another 5 lbs before surgery and then an EASY 15-20 after surgery? You could make a really conservative goal of 20 lbs and I bet ya you'll go WAY over it!
  14. OMG Candra! If anyone should do this it's pre-op girls! You'll still be 6 weeks away from Halloween after your surgery, that's the time you lose the fastest! You'll see, it's really cool!
  15. I feel you girls about being in between sizes. I'm in comfy, almost loose 18's but the few pairs of 16's I have are a bit too tight to be comfortable in ALL DAY. I've worn them out for dates with Bri and for girls night, but in about 2 weeks I'll be there. I'm participating in a Hot for Halloween challenge...it's really just a personal challenge, you set your goal from now to Halloween. You girls wanna do it too? It's just about 11 weeks away. I set my goal for losing 21 lbs, I want to be kinda conservative so I don't disappoint myself, and if I surpass my goal it'll just be extra credit! I'm gonna make a little ticker to add to my sig to keep me motivated.
  16. Oh man, I totally need to be fitted for a bra. My boobs are so much smaller than they used to be, it's nuts! Next time I see ya Reggie, I'm totally gonna have you feel me up! LOL. Loving the pics from yesterday girls...keep 'em coming!
  17. That picture is great! You're all looking tinier and tinier every time I see you. I wish I could've come, but Bri has been working 80-90 hour work weeks for the last 3 1/2 weeks INCLUDING weekends. This was the first weekend since July 13 that we've been able to spend together as a family. Soph and I missed him a lot! He had mostly been working from home, but even when he works from home and is HERE, he's not really HERE...you know? Anyway, next time I'll be there for sure. Now that the busy summer is over and Soph is in school and we're not out of town as much I'll be able to come to the Kaiser Saturday support groups more too. Sounds and looks like you had a blast! You're all totally rockin' the weight loss. WOOHOO!
  18. Holy crap Riley!!! You FREAKIN' ROCK! I'm so so proud of you and can't wait to join you in the century club! Hopefully I'll be there by Christmas! Go buy yourself something gorgeous to celebrate. You deserve it! :biggrin:
  19. Hi girls! I've been out of town for the last week...but I'm back! I won't be able to make it to Reggie's this weekend but I hope to see you all soon! I'm not sure I want to get a fill on the 20th or not...I feel like I might be at the perfect spot. I'll still go to the appt and talk to Dr. Baggs so he can tell me what he thinks I should do. I'm pooped...heading to bed. Talk to you all tomorrow! Today was Sophie's first day of all day kindergarten. She did awesome and loved it! I didn't do so well though...was pretty much a wreck crying off and on all day. Hopefully I'll do better tomorrow. I missed that little bug!
  20. Tina, I had no idea the heaving part came from the chest/throat and not the stomach...so weird! How many times do you actually heave/pb before everything usually comes up? I think I did it about 3 times in a row. SO yucky. I can't imagine doing that every day or two, that must really be a bummer!
  21. OH MY LORD YOU GUYS. I pb'd for the first tonight!!! It was horrible. We were at Steve's Place tonight for girls night and i had a salad. I ate about 5 or 6 croutons and then started to get that horrible feeling in my chest. I could tell it wasn't going away so I went to the bathroom and my best friend and sis came with me. I was spitting in the sink for about 10 minutes trying to get it to pass but it WOULDN'T. Finally my throat kinda heaved (it was weird because usually when you puke it comes from your stomach but this is in your throat! It surprised me!) and had 3 little pukes into the bathroom sink. It was definitely the croutons! SO SO SO gross...up until now I've only slimed twice. This SUCKED. It hurt so bad but as soon as it came up I felt fine. I was wishing I hadn't fought it for so long and had just gotten it over with earlier. Oh well, no more croutons for me! I'm gonna do full liquids tomorrow just to ease myself back into food. What a bummer, huh?
  22. Yeah Nicole, I was thinking of trying out a trainer. The monthly cost is so cheap it totally justifies the cost of a trainer. The one here doesn't have any pool, hot tub, showers or locker rooms...that's why they said they're able to be so cheap. I like that they have a Curves-like circuit. I LOVED Curves...can't wait for them to open! I'm gonna start posting my food here again! I got lazy and wasn't eating the best stuff and didn't want to post it, but I'm back on the wagon in every way today! I haven't seen many of you posting it either...wanna all start back up this evening with our daily food journal?
  23. Okay girls! The goldfish are now under lock and key (actually I had hubby hide them, lol...kinda like I had him to with the scale!) I'm gonna focus on protein, protein, protein today and see just how few carbs I can eat. We're going swimming at the pool today and I'm gonna swim some laps while we're there to mix up the exercise. There's a new gym opening up here called Fitness 19 and I signed up during their pre-opening special for only $12 a month!!! They open September 15th and I'm excited to have another option available for exercise besides the stuff I have at home. My mom, 2 sisters and best friend also signed up so we can all meet there while all the kids are in school. I think I'm gonna like this all day kindergarten thing! I can't believe Sophie's school starts in a week and a half...that's NUTS!
  24. Good evening girls! I've had such a busy weekend, my hubby was working from home all weekend (14 hour days!) to try to finish a project so I kept Sophie busy and entertained...I'm ready for a break! We went swimming, shopping, to the park, swimming some more, to play with cousins...I think she had a fun weekend and I did too. I think the tightness of my fill has worn off too. I feel like I can definitely eat more than I could a week ago, it's still a lot less than before this fill but I can just tell that I'll probably need another one on the 20th. For a while I thought "oh! this is the sweet spot!" but now I think my body has adjusted to it. I've been committing a lot of "carbicide" lately! I just can't seem to step away from the goldfish and I don't even love them that much! Why are carbs so damn addicting? It really annoys me. I decided that this week is going to be MY week. I haven't seen a big 3+ lbs loss week in a LOOOOONG time and my goal is to do that this week. I'm giving myself from Monday to Monday to do it and I'm determined to cut out the carb filled crap. PLEASE KEEP ME ON MY TOES and keep me accountable...check in on me, okay? I hope you all had a great weekend!
  25. Man, my band is tight! I'm liking it but it really does make my food choices less exciting. Yesterday was tough because we were at Six Flags from open to close. I brought almonds, a string cheese, a fiber one bar and a little tupperware container with peanut butter in it with a spoon. Not too creative, huh? I was going for protein that wouldn't spoil by being in my purse all day in the hot sun. Today I almost got stuck with my lunch and ended up just throwing it away and deciding I wasn't hungry. I think I'll wait a few hours and if I'm hungry I'll try again. Do any of you find that after you've been or ALMOST been stuck that it kinda takes your appetite away? I find that I'm kinda over it and don't want to try eating for a while... It's a very strange feeling to not enjoy eating as much. It used to be my #1 hobby! lol

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