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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by girliegirl

  1. how do you find out how many revisions a doctor has done? just ask them? how do you know what they are saying is true?
  2. girliegirl

    Two Year Surgiversary

    wow.....i will say im shocked at all of you who are losing so much and so quickly. it makes me feel hopeful that maybe, just may I too can be that lucky when I get sleeved..... i hope so
  3. girliegirl

    Two Year Surgiversary

    wow. you look amazing and it so very inspiring to those who are deciding if we should take the step to be sleeved. I too was banded once upon a time but I had it removed because of a slip. can you share why you had your band removed?
  4. hi I have been struggling for some time now and trying to overcome my fears of the sleeve surgery. I know its normal for everyone to have fears and I was curious what your biggest fears were heading into surgery and how some of you overcame the fear?
  5. Im from NY also. May I ask which doctor you will use?
  6. girliegirl

    what are your fears?

    and it seems that you have succeeded in both those areas. I see you did wake up and you are doing great losing weight!!
  7. girliegirl

    Anxiety and getting sleeved

    Shell and Girlie~ As a little bit of a relief to yourself ask your doctor or dietician or nutritionist what their leak percentage has been or was last year. I'm thinking it will help you settle a bit . I got a bit anxious about that and when I asked I was relieved, although I did still have a little anxiety about it but not as much as I would have if I didn't know what my hospitals percentage of leaks was. In two years doing thousands and thousands of surgeries there was one leak total. With a second one that was marked as possible leak. That's very low for two years. I'm thinking you will both be VERY suprised with the minimal pain as I expected ALOT, I mean ALOT, and was shocked to realize there wasn't nearly the pain of imagined, more of a discomfort. Following surgery never hesitate to call your Bariatric Doctors office for any concerns or questions, I def did lol. I was at high risk for infection and complications because I also have Lupus and surprisingly things really worked out great. I am now five months out and lost over 100 pounds SINCE DAY OF SURGERY! Your guys are going to do fantastic! And to be honest as all hell, those that have high stress and anxiety really succeed at this because we tend to follow the rules of the sleeve to the T because we worry about complications. So, we actually benifit from our anxiety :-). You both are going to do fantastic! Thanks im going to email the bariatric coordinator right now and ask her that question and hopefully she will know the answer. But the weird thing was when I asked the dr how many of these operations her did, he was like oh many, like he had not idea..hundreds? or what? im wondering if they can make up their own stats?
  8. hi.... im curious as to what you might say was the biggest challenge/adjustment for you to overcome since you had the sleeve done? was it a complication from the surgery? was it just wrapping your head around the new lifestyle? was it trying to be active? no drinking with meals? or something else?
  9. hi, im curious if Im the only one who has gone back and forth with my decision for the sleeve surgery? I do want the surgery but then I let my head talk me out of it and tell myself that I should keep trying it on my own and do better. Then a few weeks later Im giving up on doing it on my own. I just feel so hopeless that i would be able to lose any great amount of weight on my own and Im afraid Im wasting my time/months trying to diet like I always tried all these years. I need to just keep moving forward and not let me fears talk me out of it. please tell me im not alone!!
  10. girliegirl

    Anxiety and getting sleeved

    shelley- you sound so much like myself. I am not taking meds for anxiety but maybe i should, lol. I cant stop obsessing about this surgery . i have been researching this for 2 years now and Im just making myself so tired and so worried. i think part of my issue stems from the fact that I had a lapband 5 years ago and I had problems with it and I needed it to be removed. I think im mostly worried about the sleeve leaking because I have had the previous surgeries and that put me at a higher risk for leaks!!!
  11. girliegirl

    March 10th!

    im sure is normal to second guess yourself. Im second guessing myself right now and i havent even had it done yet...lol what do you do to move past that voice inside your head thats trying to scare you out of it? any advice?
  12. girliegirl

    No support from my family.....

    im the same way you are. I am keeping a score card too and its exhausting.
  13. girliegirl

    No support from my family.....

    what types of problems did this surgery cause you to have? just curious!
  14. just curious i you felt like you were starving eating just 200-300 cal. is the beginning? headaches? that seems so little.
  15. okay, this might seem so stupid but im going to get your opinions on this. I am so ashamed of my weight, its something i NEVER share with anyone. anyway, there are 2 doctors that im considering using. it turns out that my across the street neighbor (who im friendly with) works in the recovery room of the one hospital that the doctor im interested in works with. Then I have a pretty close friend who works in the cardiac section of the other hospital that Im considering with a different doctor and she was telling if IF i have it done to let her know and she can make sure I have a certain things ect etc plus I know she would stop up on my floor to see me afterwards. okay, the problem is......will they know my weight? im sure since they work at the hospitals they can stop by the nurses station and look at it right? im sure maybe they dont care and maybe they wouldnt even do that, but Im paranoid. Has anyone else ever been in situation where their privacy is at risk? these are good doctors and Id hate to pass them up because of my own shame!!!!! what do i do??
  16. yes this info does help ease my mind. thank you. im thinking my neighbor who works in recovery would probally have access to my information if she is taking care of me that day, but not the other friend who is in the other hospital..so ill go with that doctor....lol. thats the doctor i was wanting to use anyway.
  17. wow...really i didnt know that and i wondered about that. and they dont hang a chart or put a sign on your bed in the hospital with your weight plastered on it right????
  18. your parents sound so much like mine. My mom is so supportive of my choice to have surgery, as she struggles with her weight too. so she can relate. she now has diabetes but has been trying hard to manage it with iet and is doing good. My father on the other had is partly the reason I have been holding off on this surgery. he is the one who thinks "I can do it on my own", he thinks I just need to get my heard in the game, he says surgery doesnt change your mind set, that comes from with in. These things he says are all true and thats what keeps me going back and forth with my choice. Im putting it off because of his belief in me. Im trying for him, but im just not getting anywhere. i have lost 5 lbs like 5 weeks, yo-yo back an forth with these same few pounds. Im done!!!!!
  19. girliegirl


    okay so there is a section on this site where you can look up doctors. So I look up the doctor I am interested in using and I see under his name it only says like 39 patients. Now, Im certain he has more than that. can you tell me how accurate this information might be? who is responsible to update it? Im curious?
  20. girliegirl


    okay, thank you. i was figuring that might be the explanation.
  21. girliegirl

    yo-yo back and forth

    I know exactly how you feel when you said you were just exhausted. i have mentally exhausted myself over this and at times I just break down and cry! I am done! I will go forward with this... ill just need drugs to get me there without a nervous breakdown!! lol
  22. Thank Mary for your kind words. I am doing some heavy soul searching and praying! I know I cant do it by myself and I just keep telling myself that there is nothing wrong with me "getting help", its okay for me to give up the control. I need to just move forward a step at a time and hopefully Ill get there!!!!!
  23. girliegirl

    what are your fears?

    Mine was worying about not waking up or complication of the surgery. I have to say as much as I love this website I think if I had known about it may have been a bad thing for me. I know this is not how all others feel but for me I can be a huge worry wort. This was a hard battle for me. I read a lot about positive thinking and I weighed the pros versus the cons. I realized in the long run the pros won over the cons. At that time I decided that I knew enough and to put down the reading or I was going to drive myself crazy. I kept telling myself positive things and after awhile I stopped having the fear. Now here I am 8 months later and 108 ponds down. Keep those positive thoughts! You will do fine! I can totally relate to what you said about the fact that you read everything there was to know and you just had to lay it down and forget about the research aspect of the entire thing. I think thats what I need to do. I have been doing research on the for 2 years now. i am a huge worry wart too and as much as I find the information soothing and comforting, it can too drive me nuts! I love to hear what other went through and it helps to keep me strong and i validates my feelings. thats why i love this board!
  24. NO WAY...i havent ever told him or anyone other than my mother. lol. I did tell my husband that at my doctors consult the scale said I was 51% fat. And his reply to me was that he loved all 100% of me!
  25. girliegirl

    Rosie odonnell

    yeah i agree. i think 40 lbs is great to lose but to be honest Id be a bit upset if i had sleeve surgery and only lost 40 lbs since July. I wonder why she isnt losing more? i guess we all lose differently. it certainly isnt easy.

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