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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by fsexton54

  1. most dr's are not wanting patients that they idn't do the surgery on. any suggestions?
  2. Jnegrl, I'm on liquids too, but have been fixing egg drop soup for myself. it gives me a bit of substance, without too much fear of over doing.
  3. I was banded on Nov 6th and have been very surprised at how little pain I have. So far, I have only taken liquid tylenol 3 or 4 times. Dr. did not prescribe any pain meds, but that's o.k. as I haven't needed them. Gas pains have been more annoying then the incisions. On liquids for two weeks, then on to mushy. so far I haven't really been hungry, but that may be from having so much gas and bloating. Looking forward to being thinner for Christmas this year. Best of luck to all banders.
  4. OOPS, my bad. maybe the drugs are still in effect. I realized after i sent that this came from JMEGRL. and I am definitely happy for all who are doing this. I'm soooo happy for you! Glad to see your out and about already and feeling good! Wishing you all the best on your new journey! Great News Cappy. I was banded today too. No pain on incision sites, and minimal gas pains. No doubt it will be the best decision I've made in my life too.
  5. congrats to both of you. I'm set for banding on 11/6 and am excited. I've done every diet known to man or woman, and lost weight on most and gained all back and more on each, so I'm really excited about my new life. It's great to hear the sucess stories
  6. Ginnytwo, you are right on the smoking issue. I quit in 1980 and still think about it. I fought for 7 months with my ins company, and finally won. Hopefully, this will be the last of your issues and all will be moving forward
  7. positive thoughts to all on the waiting list. we can do this.
  8. imdoingit, I know exactly how you feel. I'm ready, and apprehensive at the same time. I do have some first hand knowledge in that my daughter was banded in June of 07. she's now at her goal weight of 120, and a very proud and happy lady. She never looked back from that day, and has been totally successful. We will be too. Hang in there and look forward to the positive results.
  9. Hello, and sorry to hear you are having so much trouble with the dr's office. Hopefully, that will improve soon. I had to give up caffeine a few years ago due to heart palpitaitons and to keep from going totally bonkers, I mixed my coffee 1/2 decaf, 1/2 regular for a few days, and then slowly reversed it one teaspoon at a time, until I had it down to all caffeine. I know coke is a bit hard to do that with, but perhaps mixing iwth coke zero and following the same procedure might help. I'm scheduled for surgery on 11/6 and am batteling a sinus infection that has gone into my chest. I've gotten a shot, high powered drugs and am on my preop liquid diet. Talk about a real bear at this house, I'm it. I'm praying that I can still have my surgery without having to move out the date. best of luck on getting everything through this time.
  10. November 6th is my lucky date. I'm new to the site, and extremely excited, apprehensive, ready, not sure, and on and on. I've watched my daughter's success over the last 18 months and am greatly motivated by that. best of luck onyour surgery.
  11. I'm currently in per op and had been wondering what to expect for the first month of weight loss. Thanks to all who've replyed to the original post. It gives me great hopes and I'm looking forward to posting losses soon.:thumbup:

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