Good morning everyone, I'm originally from Boston, currently reside in Philadelphia, been here for almost 5yrs now. I'm a single mother of a beautiful 3 year old girl; she is my sunshine and an inspiration to turn my life around.
Currently in school, take care of my mother and work full and part time.
I was told to join the website because the members on this site keep it real and any question's I may have, I can most certainly find the answer's here.
About myself, I'm 30 yrs old and about 5'9...weighing over 300lbs :smile2::rolleyes2::drool::crying:I can go on endlessly on how I feel. I've been battling with the weight gain for almost 10yrs now. My goal is to weigh 175lbs or fit into a size 8!!!
I am sweets and a fast food eater :w00t:...dislike veggies and fruits, even water! :thumbup:
I've tried, weight watchers, Ediets, Medifast, Cookie Diet, over the counter meds, you named it I've tried it!!
I strongly feel by submitting myself to the Lap Band and join a great support group I can shed these pounds for good. I really can't do this alone; I've failed doing so for 10yrs.
I really look forward being part of this site and hope to speak with those that can relate to me. :glare: