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LAP-BAND Patients
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About sam88

  • Rank
  • Birthday 07/07/1988
  1. Happy 25th Birthday sam88!

  2. Happy 24th Birthday sam88!

  3. 3 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 3rd Anniversary sam88!

  4. Hi guys, i'm very excited getting banded tommorow, have been on a milk and yoghurt diet for a week and although it was hard, I know it will be worth it and did not feel it was a constant battle as with other 'diets'. Will keep you informered of my progress. Sam
  5. sam88

    Manchester UK

    Hi everyone my name is samantha and i am having my band on the 16/01/2009. I am also having it done with why go abroad (the hospital group) If you could let me know of your experiences with them i would be really greatfull, also which surgeon did you have? I think mine is going to be dr richardson. Thank you
  6. Hi there. my name is samantha i live in the uk in london and have just received my banding date it will be the 16th January 2009. I have been lurking around this forum for a while now and have found the posts very helpful and you all seem so knowledgeable. I'm hoping to keep a journal on here once i start my pre-op milk diet. Any information would be greatfully received. thank you.

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