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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by nancee719

  1. nancee719

    I got approved

    OMG I have been a bundle of nerves for the last month so many life changes happening at hte same time.. I cannot beleive i finally got the news this morning that i was approved for the lap band. i am 256 lbs and 5.2. I just got the uppere-ndoscop done last wed and was informed that i have H.PYLORI.. i called the surgeon b/c i am scheudled for surgery on 7/16/09 with Dr. Pomp and was unsure if having this dx would interfere with surgery. I was informed that it should not . So nervous about all the changes happening at the same time.. have to plan m sons 2nd bda which wil be 2 days before hte surgery, have th surgery on 7/16, and start grad school in sept- BTW i have two toddlers 2 & 3 years old.. I have to reind myself of this journey and why it was so impt for me to make these changes in my life at this time. BREATH... Nancy it will all fall into place.:thumbdown::thumbup:
  2. nancee719

    I got approved

    Ama2- congrats it is an amazing feeling to know that it is finally going to happen. I must tell you that my surgery is on Thursday, 7/16 and i can;'t stop worrying.. i am so nervous.. best of luck to you .. =)
  3. nancee719

    I got approved

    Thank you so much.. i'm looking forward to the changes
  4. nancee719

    Approved--- YAH!

    congrats.. i also just found out today that i got approved.. i jsut called my insurance directly.. yayyyyyyyyyyy..i am having surgery on the same date in new york with Dr. Pomp.. so nervous, but mostly excited :thumbdown: Nancy
  5. Hi everyone I live in New York have a wonderful husband and two beautiful boys. I started this journey back in April when a good friend of mine told me she was getting the lap band done. For the past 4 months or so i have been contemplating on whether or not this is something i really want to do, researching many website and just seeing what other people have to say. I went to the informations seminar at NYU on Sept 23, 2008[. Just last week i was able to finally find out from my insurance Empire BCBS POS that i will need the need 6 months supervised medical diet . Now i never really had a pcp and therefore dont have my attempts at WL documented. . I saw my PC about three weeks ago and we started the 6 mth diet', which is just low fat, low sodium, at least 30 minutes of excercise 3x week; she wanted me to follow the dean ornis diet. Has anyone ever heard or tried this diet?. I am excited and scared about this process. I'm hope that six months or if visiting my PCp will be enough? i have been expereincing a range of different emotions as i think bac k on the previous weight loss successes and failed attempts, feeling angry b/c i know i tried hard, feeling sad-becauSe most of the weight i have now is due to baby weight(when i got married in 2005- i ws 210 lbs and three months pregnant, withmy first son Ian,who was born 3/19/08- w went upto 250lbs- 7 months later found out i was preggos again- and was 280 by the time i gave birth to my second son Lucas on 7/13/07.) I am now still 250- BMI _40 and have not dropped any weight.. I mean i have always struggled with my weight but this is the biggest that i have been and it is just hard for me to look int he mirror and be happy with what i see- and i guess i'm sad that i don;t like what i see. Looking forward to the jOurney but i knoW that in order for tHis to be successful.. i have to battle my inner food demons, confront my issues with food, and change my relationship with food.... this will not be an easy task.. but i am at a point where i have to make it happen or fear that i will be depressed if i don't.. I am tireD of being depressed about my weight.. it's time for change tHANKS FOR LSITENING Nancy

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