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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by wendyg

  1. Hi All!! I was banded 2-2 and just in the last few days I am feeling MUCH better. The shoulder pain comes and goes, my doc also said it is connected to the diaphram and is not gas. It's amazing how high up it hurts, I would have never guessed it was from the 'trauma' to the abdomen!! I was on 10 days pre-op liquid protein and made it 8 out of the 10 days he wanted me liquid post op. I started blended soup a few days early but as soon as I did that, the hunger set in! I guess I have now moved to soft foods but I am really careful - nothing like crackers or anything hard. I still blend but sometimes it's not possible. Hang in there, two weeks post op makes a world of difference but now I have little or no restriction because the swelling is going down inside.
  2. wendyg

    February 2nd Bandsters?

    Shelly, I don't see a post from you today so I am assuming you got banded!! Let us know how it went, best wishes for a speedy recovery!!!
  3. Hi Bald Guy, interesting story - a true adventure!! Just thought I'd let you know there is a men's forum on LBT, here's the link: The Men's Room - Lap Band Surgery and Lap Band Discussion Forum Good luck with your journey!!
  4. It's been 11 days since I was banded and I am just starting to feel like I'm getting back to normal - well, not completely of course but much better. The pain is all but gone, a little sensitive around the incisions but doing well. Wuan2000, just so you know - when I went for the one week post op meeting with the RN at my doc's office, I cried!! She said it is so totally normal to be emotional, the build up to the surgery . . . all the researching, preparation, hoops etc. plus the general anasthesia - I felt so silly!! Hang in there, it gets better - it's definately an individual experience and different for everyone. Take Care!!
  5. Hello, my surgeon prescribed pre-op "scopalomine" (probably not spelled right) patch for me to put behind my ear the night before surgery. I had absolutely no problem with nausea, I was so happy . . . I did have a dry heave event 6 days post op and I don't know what triggered it, but it was not right after surgery. Good luck, phenergan suppositories are great too.
  6. wendyg

    The Day Before Surgery--a Poem

    Wow, that really sums it up!! Very nice, good luck tomorrow!!
  7. Hi Debbie, Good luck tomorrow on your surgery day!! I'll be thinking of you!!



  8. wendyg

    You are our pioneers!

    Hi Shelly, what a bummer!! Perhaps your surgeon can deal with the issue . . . I bet your are frustrated. I was doing fine until yesterday evening, I got the dry heaves - it was pretty awful. My surgeon said it can happen, I didn't do anything to cause it that I can see but my stomach is super tender now. As far as signs go, this morning I felt so bad that I wished I had seen a sign to stop me pre op - but now I'm feeling better . . . it isn't easy though, at least not what I thought going in. I go back to work tomorrow, hope I wake up ready to go!! I'm sorry you are running into these blocks, maybe the timing will be better when things fall into place - it's hard to just let things happen the way they do, for me at least!! Keep your chin up, it'll happen and in the long run a few weeks won't make any difference since with the band it's a slow journey. I'll keep pulling for you!!
  9. wendyg

    February 2nd Bandsters?

    Hi everyone, it's great that you are back to work Laurr!! I'm going back tomorrow - although I had a 'dry heaving' event yesterday that has left my stomach sore. I had a one week post op upper gi this am and all is well so I'm hoping I'll be ready to work tomorrow. Onward, the process is moving along - next to mushies on Wednesday for 10 days - that should be interesting after 20 days on liquid!! Best wishes to everyone!!
  10. wendyg

    February 2nd Bandsters?

    Hi Karen, Today has been a better day overall - still sore but not like it has been. The port pain is still there but I'm optimistic that by the time I go back to work on Tuesday it will have diminished a lot. I'm doing better post op on the liquid than I did pre-op - both 10 days but pre-op I did eat some cottage cheese when I just couldn't stand it. Post-op I am OK with the Protein . . . I am looking forward to being able to eat mushies though! How are you doing?
  11. wendyg

    You are our pioneers!

    Hi Debbie, I plan on going back to work next Tuesday, the 10th. I sit while at work but I drive almost an hour getting there - that's what I think will be hard if I'm still sore. Hopefully by Tuesday it'll be much better - from what I have read on LBT, the pain should be lots better by then. BTW, all the lists and stuff on the boards about what to take to the hospital helped but I think the one thing that really made a big difference was putting a pillow in the car so on the way home from the hospital it can go on your tummy to protect the incisions from the seatbelt!! Wow. long sentence!! We'll see how things go the next few days!!
  12. wendyg

    February 2nd Bandsters?

    I'm in more pain than I thought also, it is Friday and I am still taking pain meds and using ice on my front torso. The pain is localizing though, there is pain in the port area (some bruising also) and then I think it's actually my stomach that is sore . . . just taking is easy, I plan to go back to work next Tuesday so hopefully it'll get better each day. My Oxygen level was low in the hospital too but I could breathe deeply and it went up. Hope you feel better soon!! Wendy
  13. wendyg

    You are our pioneers!

    Hi all, just checking in - I'm pretty sore, still taking pain meds and not able to get up out of bed or a chair without a big effort. I'm laying low, as we all should after being banded . . . I think I expected the pain to subside quicker than this - but everyone is different. Like I said before, it's not super terrible but definately keeps me down!! Take care and thanks for the good thoughts!! Wendy
  14. wendyg

    You are our pioneers!

    Hello friends, I'm doing pretty good - just keep dozing off which is probably a good thing, then I won't try to do laundry etc.!! The pain is uncomfortable but not terrible . . . I've been putting my big blue cold pack (in a flannel pillowcase) over my tummy and that seems to help a lot. I can't believe it's over and just beginning at the same time, lol - you guys know what I mean!! Also, they told me in the hospital that I will need to cough every hour, with a pillow pushed against my tummy in order to loosen and bring up the 'phlem' (ugh) out of the lungs. I guess it collects there during surgery because of the anathesia or maybe breathing tube, anyway there is certainly stuff to be coughed up. I'm telling you guys this just in case someone doesn't tell you to cough, which they probably will, it's important. The other thing was I called the office because I had a 100.6 temp yesterday and they told me a small fever is common after surgery and to make sure I get the 64 oz of Water in first, then Protein so that's what I'm doing - still getting enough protein from the higher gram drinks but making sure I get the water . . . it is a lot to drink!!! The temp is around 99.8 today. See ya!!
  15. wendyg

    FEB 3rd!!!! WOOT WOOT!!!

    Good Luck today Feb 3rd's!! I got banded yesterday and the encouragement was really nice . . . so, take care - and it's not so bad actually, the post op stuff that is. Can't wait to hear how it goes!! Wendy
  16. wendyg

    You are our pioneers!

    Laur and Debbie - it all went well yesterday for me, I was not nervous at all which is weird . . . I guess I was just ready!! Surgery was at around 9, scheduled for 8:45 and it didn't take long at all. I was in the recovery room for a very long time, Over 3 hours - I woke up really slowly and then the pain wasn't manageable at first. Then I went back to amblatory (sp?) services where I started and my hubby came in at that time. I was out of the hospital at around 4:30 I think, I was still pretty sleepy at that point!! I hope all is well with the others too!! Wendy
  17. wendyg

    February 2nd Bandsters?

    I'm sorry you didn't get your band yesterday, what a bummer!! Hopefully the potassium issue is solved quickly and you can be back on the surgery schedule. Take care, let us know how it goes, of course!! I'll be pulling for you Shelly!! Wendy
  18. wendyg

    Banded Yesterday!

    I got my band yesterday also, and your story is a lot like mine!! I'm so glad I got to go home, I watched a few movies in bed, snoozing and trying to drink water etc. I was up at 5 this morning from all the snoozing yesterday!! I'm glad it is over, and I'm surprised how calm I was during the whole thing . . . yea, we did it!!! Can't wait to hear from the other Feb 2's . . . take care!!!
  19. wendyg

    February 2nd Bandsters?

    OK, I'm banded - it went really well and I got to go home yesterday evening. Having some pain that doesn't go away but it's not terrible or anything. Two of my incisions are bleeding some, the bandage over those two is soaked with blood. A guy from the hospital called this morning to see how I was doing and I asked him about the bleeding. He said it can be from too much activity and to put ice over the incisions which will help stop the bleeding. Overall, I'm fine - hoping the fourth day post op is the charm as far as the soreness is concerned. How about the rest of you guys? How did it go? This is the first time I've felt like getting on the computer . . . so it's understandable that no other Feb 2's has posted yet, best wishes for a speedy recovery for all of us!!!
  20. wendyg

    You are our pioneers!

    Hi Debbie, thank you!! It's really nice to know we are in this together to some degree - it really is an individual journey I have discovered during my 10 day liquid pre-op diet. Things are really different for sure, and soon to be more and more different!! Again, thanks for the support and good wishes!!
  21. wendyg


    I had my pre-op on Friday and will be banded on Monday. I asked my surgeon about erosion and he said the older bands had some hard plastic on them which is not the case now so the risk of erosion is much less. I felt better after that - but the thought of having it cut away at some point kind of makes me squirm - not enough to cancel though!! I think what was said about staying in tune with your body and keeping up on appointments to discuss any changes will make the difference too. Good luck, I'll be going first!!
  22. Hey thanks!! I'm going to Costco today and will let you know, I bought EAS from Walmart yesterday - the premixed ones . . . a little pricey but wow, so good! 42g in 17 oz.
  23. wendyg

    On the hunt for Protein Drinks

    Hi you guys, I like the BariatricChoice drinks, fruity and hot chocolate are great - but they are only 15 grams. The Unjury is 29 grams and I like the chocolate and vanilla mixed in something else. They are creamy though so not 'light' but good quality protein which in my reading seems to be important. My docs office sells it but I also ordered on line. Trader Joes (if you have one near you, I'm in CA) is supposed to have a good one too as well as GNC if you have that where you are. Will report back after I try other ones too.
  24. wendyg

    February 2nd Bandsters?

    I think mixing fiber powder into the protein drinks is a great idea!! That would be a bummer to have 'that' stopped up post-op :thumbup: I'm going shopping today and maybe tomorrow to get ready, I think I'll just wear one of my husband's shirts to the hospital so it'll be button down - instead of buying something. What about pants? I guess big sweats - all mine are too small . . . not for long (hopefully)!! The BariatricChoice stuff tastes great - all the fruity drinks and hot chocolate, but they are 15 grams of protein and a lot of the others are much higher per 8 oz drink. Good luck everyone, here we go!!
  25. Hi all, my surgery is scheduled for Monday at 8:45 so I have to be there at 6:45. 10 day pre-op liquids has gone OK, but I have eaten cottage cheese a few times - so I guess that is 'cheating'. I was super nervous at the begining of this week but I feel lots better now, plus I've dropped 8 lbs!! The Unjury is not too bad though, I'm going to buy some other kinds today from Costco and Trader Joe's . . . any experiences you all have had on the liquid diet with protein?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
