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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by judyx3

  1. judyx3

    Shoulder Pain

    You sound just like me. I was banded on 1/14 and had knee surgery a month ago! Walking on the treadmill isn't too bad and I just got a stationary bike which is easier on the knee. I am STILL suffering from horrible shoulder pain. I've tried heating pad, massage, drugs and anything else I can think of. Nothing works. Today is Day #10 and still suffering. No pain in abdomen, no itching, no stiches (doc used glue) and if it weren't for this awful shoulder pain I would be in great shape!
  2. What do you mean you're eating regular food? My docs instructions have me on liquids and protein drinks for THREE WEEKS (banded 1/14/09). I've been experimenting with creamed soups but haven't dared do anything else. I'm not hungry, just bored. I'd love some cottage cheese and soft scrambled eggs. Just what are you eating?
  3. judyx3

    Hunger Post-Op

    I was also banded on 1/14. I'm having trouble just eating what is required. My doc says 800 calorids and 80 to 100 grams of Protein. I'm not hungry! Did you have any gas pains? This is the only thing that hurts. I have a gas bubble in my upper chest which has now moved to my shoulder. It's getting better but is really painful. How do you get your tickerfactory graph on your account? Thanks. Judyx3
  4. judyx3

    Hunger Post-Op

    You will be surprised at how unappealing food is after surgery. I was banded on 1/14 and can barely get the necessary meals down. Your body is used to the liquid diet. Just keep it up and follow doctors orders.
  5. judyx3

    Surgery Jan 20

    I'm at home recovering from my surgery on Jan. 14th. First of all, it's not as bad as you can possibly anticipate. The only real pain is the gas that has lodged in my shoulder. The stiches (glue, actually) in my abdomen don't hurt and my stomach is tight but not sore. The gas however is quite painful. Walking and exercising my arm and shoulder have helped. I am having no problem with food or diet. I will just tell you what I did and you can take it from there. Two weeks prior to surgery I removed all "no-no" foods from one cabinet and filled it with nothing but Protein Drinks (several different kinds) shakes, boxes, boxed Rice Dream, Protein Bars (for later) creamed Soups, Jello, broth, herbal teas, clear Fruit Drinks and Water. I filled all my empty water bottles from my tap which is well water. I have a drawer in the kitchen with my journal, pens, blood test kit, blood pressure machine, insulin and all meds. I cleaned out my refrigerator and freezer so that there is nothing in the house that I can "cheat" with. I live alone so this is easier than having a family around. If that were the case I would just isolate a "space" for my infirmary and supply closet and not venture elsewhere. As for pre-op diet I started on January 1st, 2 weeks prior to surgery and eased myself into the post-op diet. My body got used to Protein drinks and water and around 800 calories so that post-op I'm feeling no hunger at all. If you can't have a cheeseburger post-op why eat one two days prior to surgery? In your head you haven't given up this type of food yet. Wrap your head around the fact that you won't be eating like you have been ever, ever again. I have been sleeping a lot and very soundly. I'm taking liquid hydro-codeine which is powerful. Today I switched to liquid Tylenol. Other than the slowly easing gas pain in my shoulder I am feeling really good. Lots of energy and a positive attitude. I followed the doctor's instructions to a T and my reward was uneventful surgery, quick recovery and a positive attitude. Do what your doctor tells you!!! I hope this helps. Take everything you think you might need to the hospital although they are good about supplying all the comforts. The best thing I took was a sippy cup and it was GREAT! I read that tip here in this forum and it was the best thing I did. Even the doc and nurses were commenting on how efficient it was. You need to keep drinking water all the time and they provided a plastic glass and pitcher, very labor intensive when you're flat on your back. The sippy cup stays in bed with you, doesn't leak and is so easy to use. From reading these letters it seems to me that attitude is the most important component for successful surgery. The physical part is a breeze. Judyx3
  6. judyx3

    New 60+ Thread

    I agree that Unjury is the best I've tasted. Mixes well and comes out smooth and delicious. I think you've lost a respectable amount of weight. Give yourself a break. Keep going and it will gently come off steadily. Judy (4/24/42)
  7. judyx3

    New 60+ Thread

    Hi, Don. I'm 66 (4/24/42) and being banded this Weds. We oldtimers just have had more time to build up more bad habits then the youngsters. I'm changing my entire diet and I started 1/1/09. Took all the food not meant for me to eat and gave it to my son. Filled my cupboard with all the good stuff. Loaded up on protein drinks, soups, drinks, vitamins, jello and puddings. If it isn't in the house I won't eat it. I live 30 minutes from a little mountain town in northern Idaho and there is no way I'm running to the store for a snack! I'm sure you'll adjust your habits to kick start your weight loss again. How about a liquid diet for two days? Hang in there. Judy
  8. judyx3

    Getting prepared!

    Good luck on your surgery. I'm scheduled for Jan 14th. Could you share your shopping list? Thanks. JX3
  9. judyx3

    New 60+ Thread

    Finally! I thought I was the only one in the 60 range. I'm 66 and being banded on Jan. 14th. All my stats were excellent. My pre-op diet is going fine except for a major problem which could cause me to postpone my surgery. A month ago I had knee surgery and with the combination of anesthesia and codeine pain killers I have become constipated. Nothing seems to work. I've tried Milk of Magnesia, laxatives, Opti-fast almost exclusively, a raw carrot chewed into oblivion, a cup of WW cabbage soup and GALLONS of water. Water in and water out. Nothing seems to dislodge anything and I feel like I'm filling up my tank until it feels like it will explode! Lots of lower and side back pain. I have also had two colonics with limited success. This has NEVER happened to me before. The Knee doc never warned me about how anesthesia stays in your system for several months and how codeine can shut down EVERYTHING. HELP! In a few days I'll have to decide whether to move ahead or postpone. Thanks. Judy, Judy, Judy (Judyx3)
  10. judyx3

    January 2009 Exercise Challenge

    How do I access the graphics program? I've searched the site and can't find any instructions. I'd like to have the weight loss graph but need help. HELP! judyx3
  11. judyx3

    January '09 banders

    You look like you've got the graphics figured out. I can't find the directions on the site. I'd like to start the graph and enter my stats but, no instructions. Can you help. Thanks. Judyx3
  12. judyx3

    January '09 banders

    Are you on a strictly liquid pre-op diet?
  13. judyx3

    I'm here to help...

    You seem to have made this your lifestyle. Congratulations. I started on my pre-op diet today and am having no problem getting 70 grams of Protein (doc's number). I've been drinking Protein drinks, ate a Protein Bar, 1/2 cup cottage cheese and a freshly juiced drink of carrots, apple, brocolli, celery and parsley. I just made the famous WW Cabbage Soup and it's delicious. I haven't read anywhere of anyone eating this soup. It's perfect for solving hunger problems, good for you, low in calories and I'm thinking it might be okay for the "mushie" stage. As I remember it is only 20 calories per cup. I'm going to eat some now and freeze some for later. I'll be banded on 1/14/09.
  14. judyx3


    Do you have any idea of how to count the "juiced" calories? I've been adding them up like.........2 carrots, 2 celery, 1 apple, etc. However, a lot of the pulp doesn't make it to the drink. I guess over estimating is better than not. I haven't spoken to anyone on band or a doctor to find out if this is acceptable? Seems a freshly juiced glass of fruits and vegetables with a scoop of protein powder would make the perfect meal!
  15. judyx3


    I have been into juicing for years. If you add just 1/2 apple or a carrot or small piece of fruit to a green drink it sweetens it just enough. I love all the vitamins you can get out of a juiced drink. Also, it really fills me up. Has anyone figured out how to count up the calories?
  16. judyx3


    I am having band surgery on 1/14. I started this new year working with my juicer. I think this is the perfect way to get your vitamins, have an enjoyable, low calorie drink and be healthy! I did 3 carrots, 1/2 apple, parsley, brocolli stems and 2 celery. It was delicious. The carrot and apple make it sweet but not too sweet. Think of all the vitamins in just one drink. The volume, about 8 oz., really fills you up. I haven't figured out how to count the calories yet. I'm kind of surprised that more people don't use a juicer as it seems the perfect way to go. You can also throw in your protein powder and there's your meal! Any comments?
  17. judyx3

    January '09 banders

    I'm getting banded in Post Falls, Idaho on Jan. 14th. Starting my pre-op diet on New Years Day. What a way to start the new year and the new me. Anyone in this area?
  18. judyx3

    Book Recommendations

    My son and his financee gave me "Weight Loss Surgery for Dummies" for Christmas. She had even gone through and put sticky notes on certain pages. What a great support group! The book was very easy to follow and gave lots of tips from before surgery, through and years after.
  19. judyx3

    Book Recommendations

    How can you even tolerate soda? Doesn't it blow you up? Judyx3
  20. Hi, I'm Judy. :hurray: My banding experience begins January 14th. I'm stocking up on soup, clear juices, protein powder and yogurt (for later). I've been reading the forum with great interest and have learned a lot. There is one thing I haven't found yet and that is any discussion or recommendations for vitamins. I have always taken a lot of supplements and it seems now, more than ever, I should continue. Does anyone have advice as to products and their experience with vitamins? Thanks. :laugh:
  21. Have you considered that you might be suffering from post partum depression? Judy
  22. Hi, Indio Girl. I JUST signed on and you are my very first message. I feel lucky that I found this site as I am 66 and this is perfect! I'm still trying to figure out all the bells and whistles and how everything works. I'll start by asking two questions. I can't find any list of foods or menus or hints about what to eat. I am having my first consultation in two days and will, hopefully, set an appointment for the lap band surgery. I wanted to "stock up" on preferred and safe food. Next question..........what is PB? Judy

  23. judyx3

    7 day count down!

    What are you stocked with? What are you eating now and what will you eat post op for the first month or so??

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
