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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by amy26111

  1. I had my Lap band surgery redone on the 9th of Nov. and back on track again.

  2. Well Igo in on the 22nd to get a fill and I should be real good then I hope. Time will tell.

  3. amy26111

    Band slipped

    Well good luck with that. I found out i had a slipped band also and had all my fluid taken out and am waiting for the insur. co. to approve my surgery again i have gained like 6 pounds back so YES im getting my band replaced. I need it to help me.
  4. amy26111

    I was Size __ now I'm a Size __

    I was a size 24.:biggrin: I am a size 14 for now.:smile2: I hope to get to goal weight and size which is a size 8.:smile:
  5. amy26111

    Pants 6-10-10

    Hey Chuck this is Amy from work! You look good man. Keep up the good work. I have not seen you since your lapband.
  6. I was banded on 11-13-08 and got filled to fast i think. Thats the only problem i had. I had to unfilled and then started getting filled again. I have lost 75 pounds its been slow but thats ok.
  7. I'm 5' 4 and i would like to get down to 130 pounds.:cursing:
  8. amy26111

    Hello from Missouri!

    Hi, I'm from the Kansas City mo. area. I had my lapband in 08. I have lost 70 pounds and i have 40 more to go.:smile:
  9. I'm from Kansas City Mo. and i had my lapband in 2008. I have lost 70 pounds and had a couple of down falls with unfills, but would do it again in a min.:thumbup:
  10. amy26111

    Size What to Size What?

    I started out a size 24 and I'm a 14 as of right now:thumbup: and still going! I have another 45 pounds to go.
  11. amy26111

    so how much have u lost so far...?

    I have had my band almost a year 11-13-08 was my surgery date. i have lost 70 pounds and am loving my band!:smile2:
  12. amy26111

    Tummy Tuck Nov 20 2009

    Well i had my TT years ago before my lapband. (back when i had lost alot of weight before) well you will have pain for about 2 to 3 weeks but i had a pain pump i came home with. I also had 2 drain tubes for about 2 weeks. after you heel its all worth it!:thumbdown:
  13. I was banded on nov. 13th of 08 and i have lost 70 pounds so far and about 45 more to go! can't wait!
  14. 1. I'm thankful for being able to go up steps and not be out of air. 2. feeling better inside and out. 3. fitting into smaller clothes. 4. having my DH say baby you look Hot! (not that he didn't think i was hot before.) but now when he says it i can take the compliment better.
  15. amy26111

    How do you feel after your fills?

    Well i get lost of restriction for the first couple of days and then it gets better. But i will say that some days i can eat more than i feel i should and then others i can hardly eat anything. I lost 65 pounds in 10 months so i feel im not doing to bad.:tongue2:
  16. amy26111

    Yes!!! Sixty down!!!!

    I'm 10 months out and have lost 65 pounds so far. I have 50 more to lose. its been slow and steady but i know it will come off!:tongue2:
  17. amy26111

    What can't you eat??

    Well I had my surgery back in Nov. of 08 I can't eat any bread, Pasta, Rice, or Tirtillas. Some foods that i can eat one day the next day i may not be able to do. Its just so funny!
  18. when i was 250 i was a size 24. when i was 230 i was a size 20. when i was 200 i was a size 18. i'm 190 and am a size 16.
  19. I started at 250 pounds and am currently at 190. My surgery was 11-13-08
  20. I'm just under 200. i just hit the 192 mark!!!!!:wink2:
  21. amy26111

    I'll be glad when I can........

    When I can go into any place and shop and not have to try it on cuz i know im that size. cute bra's and pantie sets. walk up more than one flight of steps without being out of breath. have my husband pick me up without breaking his back.:smile2:
  22. I see it on peoples faces some say that i look good others just look and not say anything. I didnt have the surgery for them. and they can look all they want cuz im feeling great!:thumbdown:
  23. amy26111

    What is the magic fill for your 10mL band?

    I have 5cc's in my 10cc band and i go in for a fill on monday and some days i really need it! So im not there yet but hope i am soon.

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