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scrappin spud

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by scrappin spud

  1. scrappin spud

    The Guilt of Being a Slow Loser

    Boy am I glad that this thread was started, and I am thankful that I am not alone...I got into the dr tomorrow for my 3rd fill...I was banded 10/29 and have only lost 20 pounds...lately I feel hungry all of the time...did have my thyroid checked and found that I am hypo and started meds...hopefully with a new fill and thryoid meds, I will feel like exercising more...I am so tired some days that I could sleep from 4:00 in the afternoon until morning....I thought losing weight was to help with energy and instead I feel more emotionally tired and physically exhausted. Thanks everyone for posting, it gives me hope that I can start each day new.:thumbdown:
  2. I was banded on 10/29, went in for my 2nd fill today and gained 1 pound, have only lost 25 total, 8cc in already and feeling no restriction..dr told me that "restriction" is a cop out and that I have to learn to eat properly, 1/2 cup increments and the fact that I could still drink 16 oz. of water while he was putting in the saline, he told me that my sensory / gag reflex could be off and that because of that I need to me "more careful" because I could eat too much and stretch out my stomach. UGH, I came home and cried...but tomorrow I will get over my pitty party and start over...if I do not see results by Mar 3rd appt, I will be asking lots of questions and finding other options.
  3. scrappin spud

    Sooooo FRUSTRATED!!!

    I so feel your pain...just had a fill today...8cc in a 14cc band..dr told me that I might ever feel the fullness that my sensory is off...I actually gained a pound and have only lost 25 pounds total since 10/29...Congratulations for your accomplishments...hopefully we will both be able to find the sweet spot and enjoy as so many have that we have read about.
  4. scrappin spud

    Oct 29 banding

    Anyone banded on 10/29? How are you doing? Would like to have a pacing partner?:scared2:
  5. scrappin spud

    Oct 29 banding

    Hi there: How are you doing 2-week post op? I am loving the fact that I started on some mushies today...tuna fish tested really good, I am going to go for some quiche tomorrow...so far so good so the dr. says...I get my first fill Dec 8th? And you?
  6. Hi all: I guess we are in the same boat...I was banded 10/29...had my checkup today and 16 # down....doc will not do fill until Dec. 8 at which time he told me to keep walking and not to do any hard exercises...let my abdomen heal...he said that an aggressive wgt loss is 2 # a week and to only eat 700 cal/day....my stomach is grumbling continually...is that normal? I am starting mushies, but again dr. said that it has to fit into a spoon and consist of baby food....UGH I need some texture, I am going to try some tuna and some cottage cheese to see if it will hold of the grumbles...my father said this stage is normal...he has lost 98# with his band....we are all in this together and this board is monumental for my mental:wink2:
  7. I was also banded on 10/29...I have been able to keep away from things but today has been hard and so I also had some home made tomato soup with a slice of cheese....it seemed to have kept my stomach from gurgling so much....I seem to be really hungry the past 24 hours....growl, growl the tummy goes...I have a 14cc and no fill...should I feel any restriction?:w00t:
  8. I am just now starting my second week which is still liquids, just not clear liquids...I have had some cream soup but other then that I am staying close to protien shakes and I might try yogurt tomorrow...I will start pureed foods on 11/12 after I go to the dr....so far I am down 16# but my stomach girgles continually, it even wakes me up at night.:thumbup:
  9. scrappin spud

    A "SHAKE" alternative

    For those of you who would like a variety of recipes, go to the website for VitaMix...plenty of recipe ideas and all you need to do is add your protien flavor of your choice....I have an old VitaMix that I bought on e-bay and it makes great vegtable broth....throw in your veggies and it warms it right up and it is smooth...hope this helps...good luck.:drool:
  10. scrappin spud

    I did not sign up for this!

    I was banded on the 29th...so far so good, however, my dr recommended drinking 64 to 100 oz of fluids a day and walking 10 minutes each hour for the first 2 days I was home to move the gas bubbles...my shoulders were hurting because of the gas and my back was also hurting because of no BM...today is Monday and all is well, I am still tired but the gas is gone and I try and walk at least 5 minutes each hour which includes twice up and down my stairs at home to keep me strong....I think my abdomen healed quicker with my hysto but I am sure that we will both heal soon....hang in there...plenty of Oct bandsters to give support.
  11. My port is on right just above my waist line...my dr is left handed and he said he can anchor the port better on the right side...his nurse told me it is his "mark" because the former dr. always put the port on the left side....my father's port is directly above is belly button....my port site is still sore but I think it is due to a coughing spree that I had on Saturday....all else is going well....all the best to the rest of you as well.:scared2:
  12. I am glad that you saw the post...I am not very good and knowing how to navigate on this site to stay in touch with someone :sad: ....would love to stay in touch and progress together if possible...I am down only 2 pounds since surgery, but I have backed off on my liquids..I was chatting and many people said to stay around 60-75 oz a day and I was drinking 100 oz, no wonder my back hurt...I am not taking any pain meds and feeling somewhat normal today...I did take next week off work to fully recover :thumbup:

    if you have suggestions on how I stay in contact with you that would be great...thanks for writing.

  13. scrappin spud

    October 2009 Surgery Date?

    Hello Everyone...if your name is not here why dont you copy and paste then add your name and date! Happyloser 10/1 bethany329 10/1 Timmers 10/1 Lindac80 10/1 Marfar7 10/1 Ca7696 10/2 Opus03 10/2 RedboneLA 10/3 ihavehope3 10/3 Viking_girl 10/5 O-2BTHIN 19/07/2009 leetie 10/7 Jtreece 10/8 MommyOf1 10/8 Suz-Q 10/9 Noodles 10/9 SharPei 10/13 Guy 10/13 Cshytle 10/13 MoniqueD 10/14 Jenfromtheburg 10/14 ncarreras 10/14 Kme 10/15 Nooshie 10/15 Oliverdog 10/16 danyett 10/16 We3601 10/19 Onikenbai 10/19 1019Joanne 10/19 Mzcancer 10/20 Soexcited 10/21 erenstar983 10/21 pina3940 10/21 jenrobbar951 TBA HDmama 10/22 Crazychica133 10/26 Idahlem72 10/27 Daria77 10/27 Barley 10/28 4girlfamily 10/29 questions09 10/14 Chatty826 10/29 Granny of 10 10/19/09 aghealthy 10/22/09 Scrappin Spud 10/29/09 :scared2:
  14. scrappin spud

    5 Days Post-Op!

    I too was banded 10/29...feeling alot of back pain and walking alot to eleviate the gas pain....hiccups for a few minutes the first day after surgery...doing better today but need to take lots of Milk of Magnesa...due to the anathesia I would assume...30 pounds is also my goals as my older children will all be home for the holidays, first time in 2 years and they do not know that I had the surgery, surprise.
  15. I too was banded on Oct 29th...so far so good...tough first night at the dr gave me codiene which does not agree with me, so I am now just taking Tylenol every 4 hrs. I look forward to the journey and am greatful for all of the posts and inspiration...it took me a year to get insurance approval and now I am finally here and counting the days to spring break to go on a long awaited hike with my family.:Yawn: Good luck to you and I look forward to reading your blog.
  16. I am new at this also....I have been waiting and fighting with the insurance for a solid year...now that the surgery date is set for Nov. 5th I am wondering about the unknkown and scared...sometimes I wonder if the roadblock was put in the way for the past 12 months, or my imangination....surely the Lord would not want me to be unhealthy? However, I am starting on the Pre-Op diet and that is not too bad, but I am sure 5 weeks into it, food will have a whole new meaning...hang in there...I too have been reading, reading and researching, so I come to the board for inspiration.:thumbup:

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
