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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by mimi6005

  1. Not on face book so don’t know if this forum will Work for me l. Need lots of advise from current patients. Have lots of questions. Obviously know my lifestyle modificalications from lab band over nine years need some advice switching to sleeve
  2. * should not say Allen sleeve.
  3. Please update mine to 179. However weight loss stopped becasue I am expecting... Due April 2010!!!
  4. Hello All Doing well. I have had 5 fills (5.5 - 6.o cc) Last fill on 1/19/09 and finally having much restriction (considerding an unfill). I did not have much restriction untill now. I have been training with a trainer 2x a week and cardio 2-3 times a week. I have seen good changes since I started working out (2 mths post op) Well I have not been on in a long time, but finding great support here. Current weight 205. :smile2:
  5. Hello from Coral Springs, Florida. I am 6 days pre op and really excited. Mr. Doctor is Dr. Wizman and I feel very satisfied with him and his staff.
  6. mimi6005

    Let's Introduce Ourselves

    Hello, Im Michelle from Florida. I have been married for 3 years to a wonderful man and we have known eachother for 16 years. We do not have any children yet. We we going to try until I decided to get banded. I have struggled with my weight since I was in middle school. I did loose 50lbs before we got married , but have gained it all back now. I lost 3 family members in the last 2 years and mom and both have cancer, so to say the least this was a wake up call for me to get my health in order. Though I did not have many co-morbidities, I knew it was only a matter of time for them to creep up. I am excited to have this tool to helo me. I am aloso excited to find this website/forum.
  7. Please add me to the Nov List... Thanks Surgery date 11/6/08 Highest Weight 240 Preop diet starting weight 240 Surgery weight (Your weight the day of surgery) 235 Current weight 237 Goal weight 140

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