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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by carly3

  1. Hi everyone,

    Great job, NinaWoo! You are having terrific results!

    I am nearly two weeks banded and I feel great! I have lost 26 pounds and am starting mushies. Everything is healing up well, although my port site is still a little sensitive. I've started exercising a little on the stationery bike, and overall -- I couldn't be happier. Thank you guys for such terrific support and I wish the best to each and every one of you.



  2. Hi there,

    I had Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Alabama, which made we under go six months of a supervised diet program with my primary physician -- plus I was working with a surgeon who was not in my plan. Then I was laid off from work and switched to my husband's Blue Cross/Blue Shield FEP (federal) program and was immediately accepted.

    Thank you for your well wishes,


  3. Hi there!

    I'm writing from Northern Virginia and was banded by Dr. Salameh yesterday. I am very excited about what I can accomplish with the band. My doctor is a dream. I am very dehydrated from the hospital stay and just doing my little sips of Water and broth. My port site hurts and my tummy is a little distended, but I think I will feel much better tomorrow. I tried for more than a year to get coverage for the surgery, finally switched insurance companies and it happened within a month. I'm a happy woman.

    Bests to all,


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