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LAP-BAND Patients
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About slimknyzer

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  • Birthday 08/31/1952
  1. Happy 60th Birthday slimknyzer!

  2. 3 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 3rd Anniversary slimknyzer!

  3. Hello to all. My wife and I attended the LB seminar the other night. She decided to have the procedure done also...so, we both are scheduled for our first appointment next week. We are a little apprehensive but will follow through for our own good. Having read some of the posts on pre-op, it looks like the pre-op diet won't be fun, but will prepare us for the surgery. Anyway, we look forward to getting our new "Life Change" underway and reading and posting in this great forum. Thanks in advance for everyone's help and great input. Slim

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