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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by thinkingslim70

  1. thinkingslim70

    What reactions have you had since surgery?

    Thanks everyone. I thought that I had been pretty conservative about talking about the surgery bare minimum details, but obviously not enough. I wont be mentioning it to my so called "close" friends anymore. I am very disappointed though as I feel I have always been there for them for a variety of reasons. I think from now on i will be much vaguer about how i've lost weight when asked and for people who already know and comment I will simply say thank you and hope they don't ask questions.
  2. Hi I too have severe sleep apnea. I stop breathing 100 times per hour. My BMI was on the low side too when I was banded 6 weeks ago (35). I have lost 23kgs (this includes the pre op diet I did myself as well as surgery) and I have just started to notice an improvement with my apnea. Good luck.
  3. thinkingslim70

    What reactions have you had since surgery?

    Thank you. I really hope its not jealousy cos I thought our friendship was much stronger than that.
  4. thinkingslim70

    Australian Bandsters Chat Thread

    Hi Everyone My name is Lisa and I live in Melbourne. I was banded 6 weeks ago and so far so good. I started my own weight loss while waiting for surgery and all up I have lost 23 kgs (13 post band). I have 11 kgs left to lose and I am having my first fill on Friday (a little nervous). Everything has been going well apart from attempting to deal with the variety of reactions from people. Most are very positive and encouraging but I have been surprised by some particularly from those closest to me. Its great reading everyone's experiences on here. I'm going to a support group in a couple of weeks and it will be nice to meet others who have had the surgery. Thanks so much to everyone for sharing your story, information and answers to others questions.
  5. thinkingslim70

    ?'s on SEX POSTBAND - NEED 2 KNOW ...

    I was banded 6 weeks ago and I've found missionary position hurts my port site a little - its not really painful more like discomfort. Does this continue or will it improve over time?
  6. thinkingslim70

    It's stuck and making me sick

    Go and see your doctor - I ended up back in hospital because of issues associated with being constipated. They gave me a prescription for Lactulose which is a very sweet liquid. I had tried EVERYTHING to no avail but this works brilliantly. I'm in Australia tho so i'm not sure what your equivalent will be but I'm sure your doctor can prescribe something. Good luck
  7. That's perfectly normal. I followed my dietician's advice of 2 weeks of liquid. I was able to drink about 3/4 of a cup of clear soup sipped slowly during this time. I then went onto pureed foods. I felt less hungry once I was actually eating real food. Stick with what guidelines you've been given and it does get easier - good luck
  8. Hi Everyone I was banded 5 weeks ago. I followed my dietician guidelines strictly (until now). By now I should be eating soft foods and moving onto solid foods over the next week or 2 but I'm still eating mushies. After reading so much on this forum I am terrified of anything getting stuck. I dont go for my first fill until the 23rd and I know I need to have attempted solid food so that I can let my doctor know how I'm going. I also don't have a huge amount left to lose. When I started this journey I weighed 94kgs (207 lbs). While waiting for surgery I put myself on a weight loss program and on my day of surgery I weighed 79kgs (174 lbs). I now weigh 72 kgs (158 lbs) and I have 12 kgs (26lbs) left to lose. I think mentally part of the problem is that I don't want to eat solid foods and fall back into bad habits and slow down my weight loss. So i'm hoping you wonderful people can help me with your story - did you feel the same way? what foods did you try first? Thanks
  9. This is probably way too much info even for this thread, but as a result of severe constipation I ended up back in hospital 4 weeks post op. I ended up with a haemorroid (sorry about spelling) the size of an apricot. The pain was so intense I fainted in emergency. They tried cutting and draining it (without anaesthetic) and had no luck. In the end i was admitted and given pain relief via IV and round the clock ice packs. I tried everything for the constipation (prune juice, benefibre etc) and no help. Finally i am on a prescription one but if i don't take it I don't go. I'm not going to let that happen again.
  10. thinkingslim70

    Terrified about starting solid food

    Thanks everyone. I've tried grilled fish and that went down easily. I really need to move onto more variety now.
  11. thinkingslim70

    staying hydrated?

    Another variation with surgeons. Mine is strict about 30 mins pre meal and 60 mins post. I'm struggling to get all my water in too. I notice my weight loss slows down when I don't. Must continue to work on this in the coming week
  12. thinkingslim70

    Favorite mushies/purree stage food

    I made up a small quantity of boiled vegies - potato, pumpkin, broccoli and cauliflower. I then mashed them with a small quantity of low fat cream cheese. So yummy!!!!
  13. thinkingslim70

    Wanting Melbourne contacts

    I have just found out about a weight loss support group not far from me (melb west). The group meets once a month to share successes, concerns etc. Everyone takes lunch so others can get ideas and see portion sizes etc. At the end of the session they have a clothing swap. I'm really looking forward to attending the next meeting. Perhaps there are groups similar in other areas too.
  14. I decided to tell people (family, friends and work colleagues) about the surgery for a number of reasons. Firstly I wanted people to understand what I was now able to eat/not eat especially as my surgery was early December and so close to Christmas celebrations. Secondly I wanted to make myself accountable and make sure that this time I didn't fail on my wieght loss attempt. Having surgery is a drastic measure and for me knowing that everyone knew what I'd done would make me stick to my program more effectively. In saying that, I really understand why people choose not to tell others.
  15. thinkingslim70

    Support Group Meetings

    I've just found out about one in my local area and will attend the next meeting. It is run by someone who had lap band 2 years ago, has lost all her weight and maintained and held in her home. She said basically people talk about issues they have, successes and concerns. Everyone is asked to bring along their own lunch so everyone can see what others are eating and portion sizes. At the end of the session they having a clothing swap.
  16. thinkingslim70

    how do you deal with temptation?

    I am not allowed to eat for half an hour after drinking so I keep my water bottle handy and I keep sipping which reminds me that I can't have anything to eat. If I really want something I know I have to wait half an hour and by that time the craving is usually gone. Good luck
  17. thinkingslim70

    Swimming - post op?

    Hi Everyone When is it safe to start swimming? I was banded 3 weeks ago and I'd really like to start swimming but not sure when it is ok to do so. Thanks
  18. thinkingslim70

    Swimming - post op?

    Thanks everyone - I've tried my surgeon but he is away until 23rd Jan. Oh well I'll just have to wait - better to be safe than sorry.
  19. thinkingslim70

    wii fit

    I love the wii fit. The balance games are fun but I don't think they burn any calories. For real fitness the boxing wears me out. I bought my son the boxing gloves so i'm looking forward to trying that out.
  20. thinkingslim70


    My dietician told me some people can tolerate it fine especially if you just let it flatten a little first. I haven't tried it yet because I'm struggling to fit in all of my water. My dietician insists on no drinking 30 mins before and an hour after eating so it makes getting 2 litres of water in a bit difficult. Maybe try a small amount first and see how it goes.
  21. thinkingslim70

    Alcohol post op?

    Thanks Kylie I was just thinking of having a couple of glasses of red wine on new years eve but I will see how I feel.
  22. Hi everyone When moving from liquid to mushies what was the first thing you ate?
  23. thinkingslim70

    What was the first thing you ate?

    I had my first day of mushies today. First I had pureed apple for breakfast and then I had mashed potatoes with cream cheese (low fat) for dinner...so yummy after 4 weeks of fluids.
  24. thinkingslim70

    What did you eat today

    This is a great idea. It will really help me as I progress to real food. I'm still on liquid so for me: B- really runny vanilla yoghurt L- strained Soup Snack - juice D - strained soup I just realised I haven't had enough Water today. Better have a glass now.
  25. thinkingslim70

    liquid sucks!

    I'm day 8 post op and I can't wait for day 14 so I can have something other than liquid. I feel a little faint when I walk around for awhile and I think its cos of how little i'm eating.

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