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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by marsla

  1. Call Scott White in Temple or Dr Richard Simmonds office they can walk you through it . My daughter is also in Killeen and her husband in the Army. She had no problems getting the surgery. Her primary dr had to refer her and they took it from there.
  2. hi gwen how are you

  3. marsla

    I missed my 1st fill

    Southern Charm why did they wait so long to give you your first fill? I was also banded on Oct 7 and I have had a fill for a month now.
  4. marsla

    PAIN after surgery

    It really amazes me how different we all are . I have not taken anything but Tylenol since my surgery on Oct 7. I never even filled the prescription.
  5. marsla

    Oct 7th was my day

    Wow you can eat solid food?
  6. How did it go for you? I'm still pretty sore but getting better everyday.

  7. marsla


    :scared2:Well the day has come tomorrow is the big day. Any last words of wisdom from you lapbanders? I have to be there at 6AM and insurance requires that I spend the night.
  8. My date is Oct 7. I have been on the liquid diet for ten days now. It hasn't been too bad.
  9. Hey thats my date to. Can we keep in touch to see how things develop for each of us?

  10. I have a Oct 7 date and have started the 2 week preop diet.
  11. Debbie how is your 2 week preop going? I have been on mine for 4 days now and it seems to be going good. Can't wait for my surgery on the 7th. How about you?

  12. marsla

    Scared to death

    I scheduled mine the same day I had a consult with the doc

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