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Everything posted by lvnpeaches

  1. I'm struggling with head hunger. It is usually late at night or at work where the goodies are in my direct line of vision. I can't move my work area and it is the only place they can put the goodies. Usually I don't have a problem but in times of stress it gets tough. Besides leaving the area for awhile, what do you do to mentally get though a tough time? Do you have a mantra? Do you have a mental picture of how you want to look after the weight is gone? I'm interested in learning how people deal with this and hopefully pull from your strength.
  2. My surgery is Monday and I have the sniffles. I called the surgeons office but they are off this afternoon. I called the surgical nurse who called me on Monday but all I get is her voicemail. I called my GP but got voicemail. I'm pretty sure what I have will be gone by Monday but I don't know what to do. I'm on day 8 of the liquid diet and it is so hard to think that the surgery may be canceled. I'm not sure what I want from y'all. Maybe reassurance that everything will be okay if I have the surgery on schedule or not. Thanks for "listening" anyway, it felt good just to get it out.
  3. lvnpeaches

    Surgery Monday - Sniffles

    Thanks everyone, I guess I'm more nervous than I thought. No one has called me yet so if they don't and I feel good I will be there.

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