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Everything posted by dlint

  1. Don't get stuck on counting calories. Go more by portion size (the size of your fist). Just concentrate on a plate of 2/3 vegys, 1/2 protein and you'll go farther. I failed when I tried to count calories. I also purchased a bodybugg which told me how many steps to I had taken plus how many caloires I burned. I initially started by trying to meet 10,000 steps in a day then gradually went to 20,000. Exercise and portion control is the key. If you have to get yourself some of those collapsable measuring spoons to keep yourself honest and keep a food log. I hated doing that but was much more successful when I did. I managed to lose to my 10% of body weight within the first 3 months of the 6 month waiting period. Just keep your mind on it. I also highly, highly recommend the www.shrinkyourself.com website. Quite insightful.

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